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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Not sure about max size zerging as I don't do it, but you definitely can be useful in larger group scenarios. You just have to run axe (I use both main and offhand); then you can play a build with prelude lash and dolyak stance and be pretty useful in 900 and less range. Heck, you could probably run double melee at that point with NM if you really want to get in there and do damage (NM with all offensive trinkets--2400 base power, 100% crit with spotter and 2100 or so toughness). The build I'm running at the moment has enough kiting ability with Soulbeast skills to basically get out of anything but the middle of 20+ people who know what CC is. I can't tell you how many groups I leapt into, prelude lash into axe #5 or maul and kited out without any issue.
  2. #4 - 2 charges with 30s CD; Works like a sticky bomb, can attach to enemies, your pet, or siege and can be remote detonated (or explode after 5s). Explosion causes launch to up to 5 people in a 240 radius and 3 stacks of burning for 6s #5 - 20s CD: Is now a trap that works like DH trap where you can't escape; Either take 2 stacks of burning for 6s (4 pulses) or if you leave area it removes 3 boons (no KD on escape)
  3. Wanted to make this topic to break from some of the negativity on the feedback forum; I really do think running events with these betas encourages more people to stick with some of the issues they may experience. Speaking of issues, the nameplate 'bug' (where it says a server name instead of a team name on capture)--I'm wondering if this is more or less a preview of how things will actually work? What I mean is, will an alliance 'team' basically be the server we have now but mostly influenced by guilds allying instead of an algorithm? So perhaps right now under the hood things are still organized as a 'server' but randomly pairing guilds together to test that piece? If so, I wonder if there will be a cap on alliance transfers like there are server transfers? Essentially players may be able to switch guilds freely, but entire guilds probably cannot leave an alliance within a certain timeframe? Also, I'm hoping at some point there is a way to see what guilds are allied on a team? Even if this is just 'read only', at least we'd be able to tell who we're facing from the WvW screen rather than just the team name which is pretty impersonal.
  4. I just worry about balance due to popularity. Basically if your guild isn't good at interacting with other guilds you might be stuck in a random alliance that is not favorable (the 'unlikables'). Which would mean your chat may be super toxic by no fault of your own. Guess that can be solved by doing better socialization work, but it really does seem dog eat dog compared to the overall 'worlds' we have now.
  5. Oh...you're the 'OP karate ranger' build guy, no wonder you think rangers can't beat this...
  6. I really wonder what's going to happen when / if OP gets to the part where you need to do a bunch of jumping puzzles...
  7. Same concept as Trailblazer--Marauder allows you to have offensive options as well as providing Vitality, making it practically best in slot outside of pure glass (Berserker / Assassin). I'd wager Vitality is actually way more important than Toughness due to the state of the game revolving around boons for survivability, and it's my main problem with both Trailblazer and Marauder. That is take Vitality add barrier, create practically unkillable bunkers...
  8. Anything with heavy cleanse or a ton of barrier is a counter to condi (bleed) druid. And I'm talking the druids that use staff and are actually hard to kill (not these rando LB trapper druids). If I see a bunker build as an immob / bleed-based druid I'm just going to avoid it, as it is either going to end in a 10-minute stalemate (seriously, look at any 'roaming montage' and its mostly drawn-out kiting 'fights') or I'm going to die because will get +1, +2, +3'd... For power, as long as they aren't good and are running your standard sic' em' LB build, just close the gap. If you can't close the gap, let them run as typically they are harmless after that. If they are decent, then I find there really aren't a whole lot of classes that give them trouble outside of heavy CC ones (like warrior variants that can CC long past your dolyak stance).
  9. What is the point of Enveloping Haze when the enemy can just move? The skill seems aimed at large fights where bubbles are actually used, but the difference is pets get ignored for boons and so they die immediately. In small fights people cloud / move around like crazy, so there is zero use for this stationary bubble that no one is going near. It's been mentioned before, but for these types of things to work you have to get rid of the pet and make it work like a totem or spirit. That way you can place it somewhere and fight around it; make it destroyable but give it a breakbar or something so that people have to work for it. It's just too much as is, because you are micromanaging two different states and also micromanaging EVERY pet skill along with the new ones that are pretty important for the specialization to function. So move the pet skill micromanagement ability to every spec (as it should have been in the first place) and make untamed use stationary spirit pets...so it can you know, frontline.
  10. You can't delete Trailblazer without deleting Marauder...
  11. I'm still unsure what this topic accomplishes. I'd post a video roflstomping these types of builds (on a ranger no less) but I can't find that many of them to be honest. Most other rangers I come across are either structure campers or boon beast variety---the good ones often play builds that aren't even soulbeast related (druid and even core), so finding 'counter content' is pretty difficult actually. But hey, you got a 3 page thread out of essentially 'I'm new to WvW look at this OP build' so, congrats I guess?
  12. I run something similar to this with Marauder and don't run Scholar runes, but as others have said it's nothing new. If you die to this you'd die to either of the other 'OP' ranger builds in Immob Druid or NM Core. It is true that condis will hurt this type of build bad because 3 every 10s isn't enough when you are outnumbered. Even if you DO remove 3 every 10s and have Bear stance, I've found you are likely to die to the leftover ticks (bleed, poison, or vuln can make you die to a single AA pretty quick if you are low on HP). Also, why is it ALWAYS ranger builds being called out as 'new and OP'? I'd say it is because they are the lowest risk highest return but that isn't even remotely true as you can do way more with a scourge (in general) or good thief (roaming / ganking).
  13. Just a point on Entangle..it most definitley can be blocked; see: Entangle - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) "Despite the tooltip, the initial attack of skill can be blocked, and if it is blocked, the vines won't be spawned on the blocking foe." Blind most certainly does not cause the entire skill to miss on anyone in range--as mentioned before been blinded many times by camp guards (warclaw dismount into the middle and hit entangle, most times will get blinded first), and it still entangles as it is supposed to. Anyway, yes boons are problematic but that's only in response to prior nerfs on conditions (confusion, torment, etc.) which then made resistance a bit too strong. As we all know each balance patch breaks something so they go and break something else to compensate.
  14. I've literally never been one shot by a power burst and have never seen it unless it's something known broken like engi stealth grenade bomb. Even then, most people run ridiculous defenses so one shotting is reserved for meme'ing people off warclaws. About entangle, if it is blocked it only won't trigger on the blocker---the rest will still fire for anyone else in range. Same thing with blind..if you think that's incorrect go try it in a camp where guards have a lot of blind attacks; you can cast entangle while blind and it will hit on second tick. Also lol @ ranger having better defensive skills than warrior. Ranger may have better mobility (if entirely specc'd to run), but not better defenses. Anyway, not sure what any of this has to do with the point that old resistance is pretty equal to the power defenses that still exist in the game. Sure, it could be shared but so can 'hate bubbles'...not to mention many classes puking out protection, etc. boons. There's also enough barrier going around to make conditions pretty useless as well.
  15. They may work on initial application, but if you can get a condi burst off then block/reflect/blind won't do much as the conditions continue to tick away. Entangle is a good example of this, it can be blocked...but only the first tick, then it will hit and apply the bleeds. But yes, Signet of Stone / Endure Pain are examples of things that actually need removed to balance out what they did with Resistance.
  16. So to boil this down: 1. Go somewhere else to avoid trolls 2. BG has no 'blobs' just a bunch of small guilds that essentially form a blob 3. Run meta build and you too can take out organized fight guilds I dunno, I mean ALT+F4 is also a surefire way not to ever be downed again...
  17. Putting aside that resolution isn't really super available to most classes anyway... I personally HATE stacking buffs. If resolution were to stack--I dunno, I play ranger so say 10 stacks or something like unblockable--it'd be undone super quickly by builds that puke conditions. For instance, also speaking from ranger standpoint, I can put 10 stacks of bleed on in a second or so if playing the right build. That is, stacking buffs always seem to go to waste or have a super small effective window...not sure that's great for a survival based thing like condition mitigation. Anyway, from my perspective, full condi immunity was fine--we have full power immunity all the time, whether that is through block, reflect, blind, etc. or straight up invulnerability.
  18. Yeah, I do agree with this. I guess I've not felt the 'insta kicking' yet as have been invited to a few squads out of the blue, but can attest to feeling pretty useless in any large fight because it is true ranger lacks tools for this. Also true that untamed fixes nothing despite being billed as fixing things...which is kind of a depressing outlook for the state of the game actually.
  19. You really have to start specifying group sizes in your original posts if you are going to make these claims; as while yes ranger (as a whole) is useless in k-training in a zerg around EBG it is very effective in 15 or under combat (i.e. havoc). Basically if someone comes along and reads this: They would think SB gets kicked from all squads, not just large ones.
  20. I like how an untamed thread about baseline'ing pet stats is immediately derailed into a 'perma prot' discussion. No one cares about protection because you lose the ability to merge with the pet, and so when it is targeted and downed you lose half your class abilities. So you are left running around with your 'unkillable' build...just do the world a favor and switch to Druid. At least then you still have immob instead of zero. Anyway, here's the thing, unless they make untamed pet unkillable then the spec is lost. There isn't enough damageless CC and wannabe boonstrip in the world to make up for all that you lose switching from Soulbeast. And if they nerf soulbeast to compensate, then a lot of people will just stop playing.
  21. Ranger has like one block on GS and you never see ranger threads complaining about other rangers using LB on them 🤔. This alone says that blocks/reflects/invulns have gotten so bad for other classes that when they are bypassed they don't know what to do. I mean, most classes have pretty much equal or greater mobility to ranger and you again don't see rangers asking to be self-nerfed because LB exists. My solution would be revert unblockable from stacks to duration. Things like piercing LB then would become enough to make a lot of groups second guess when to hit those blocks.
  22. They need to actually flip WvW on its head and reward defending only and not flipping. If holding gives rewards, then you only attack to hold and must also hold things like camps, instead of just rotate flipping everything. You still get fights, because attackers still want rewards, but now they must organize to get it instead of just flipping paper things. See, the way it is now fight avoidance is paramount. If a zerg shows up on one side, then your group goes to other or goes counter-attacking paper things. If you had to hold things then it forces fighting. Basically people are only going to do what rewards them, and right now defending actually actively punishes you, whether it be repair participation removed, glitched yaks not giving participation from escort, etc. etc. Anyway, I would get rid of claim buff as well, and buff siege enough to encourage it being built and used.
  23. Technically you can buy gold through gem conversion, so it may very well be real world money. Time is also money, and trolling wastes time.
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