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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. You can apply boosters for that though, and follow a zerg around any map to up your rank gain. What I meant by timegate is there is no way to speed up skirmish ticket gain as boosters do not affect pips.
  2. Underperforming I can agree with, it's just the OP's 'useless' quantifier got to me. Dagger and MH Sword both need some sort of attention to compete with GS IMO.
  3. Literally just reduce the aftercasts a bit and up the AA dmg a little and the weapon is fine. The biggest offender is hornet sting because the evade comes way late. That skill needs a cast time reduction and longer evade window and it'd be fine. Basically sword is a lot like staff in that it is primarily a evasion tool. I know people don't like that, but for the ones that know how to use it...they become very, very hard to catch.
  4. Stealth? We also have a second weapon set available so it's pretty easy to outrange anyone aside from other rangers... So can either run something like dagger / WH and LB, or if you don't want LB then run axe / WH + dagger / dagger (or torch if you want to try hybrid condi). You could also slot in GS to have a block and even more gap closing abilities. Doing any of these also makes you super tanky because just take NM and you have every boon (+perma quickness due to dagger). Only downside to dagger is the condi split is pretty useless, as even in cele build you are going to want the power scaling off it. But, it's nowhere near unusable.
  5. Not really an assumption, I do it all the time. There is more to WvW than spamming rapid fire from 1200 lol
  6. I don't see any dedicated WvW community that is 2500 strong. No disrespect to ViP, but they are 99% PvE guild and are mostly known as 'bag farm' in WvW. Also, even if you limit size, how do you fight coverage? With world linking its pretty random if you are going to get coverage or not, with alliance just link up with some SEA guilds and dominate. So you get say four actual dedicated WvW guilds that are 50-100 in size at all times of day and suddenly 400 people becomes as powerful as the 2500 we're discussing.
  7. The only grind gate for Warbringer is tickets, everything else you can credit card. Same thing with all gen 1 legendary weapons...which is why I never see these as prestige. Closest you are getting to 'prestige' is probably armor, which really only applies to raid armor as WvW has no unique look so I hide all my legendary armor. I guess Aurora, Vision, etc. as well because those do actually take playing the game; PvP red orb prob most 'prestige' as it takes skill / ranked wins to get. But Warbringer? As bad as the Fractal backpack, whenever I see them I don't really pay any mind because super easy to get.
  8. What even is this topic 😂. Just some protips...dagger stacks quickness and makes for a nightmare cele roamer, druid brings immob / kiting out the rear, and soulbeast in general is very dangerous if they know how to use more than #2 on the LB. Untamed design is unfortunate but who knows where it lands when the nuke all the PoF specs in about a month or so here.
  9. Technically they did make things outside of WvW available in WvW, it's how I got most of the materials for Aurora and now Vision. In PvE you'd actually have to try to get the region achievements...in WvW you just YOLO afk a track and get the same thing.
  10. I'm all for just adding the skin to the gemstore as I personally dislike it and will immediately hide it with an actual gemstore skin anyway. Never understood the fuss of 'showing off' legendary armor as almost all of it is fugly compared to what you can get in the actual gemstore or other game skins. Considering you can buy actual gen 1 legendaries using a credit card and no one would know, don't see the difference here, especially if it's just the skin.
  11. I actually doubt anet has much of a QA department. The lack of being able to segregate beta environment out from the live one is enough to know that the fact anything is working at all right now is a bit of a miracle. We really shouldn't be testing the grouping part of this system for an entire week like this--because they've had EoTM for years. It groups in the exact same way...in fact that's actually what kills me. Because they HAVE EoTM and it is segregated naturally from the borderlands...so how about using THAT to test? Because if EotM is working, scaling it up to the borderland level shouldn't have been hard at all. I can see the initial resource bugs, but the team and color mismatching is pretty inexcusable at this point. If EoTM is not working or not working like alliances will, then again use that as a test ground and give some incentives for guilds to go fight there for a week.
  12. I don't see why there is a limit...the only time it'd be a problem is if you couldn't pull together other opposing alliances to equal in size. So if ViP is 2500 strong (and I believe it after playing Dragonbrand lol) then just pull opposing alliances to equal 2500 then. So yes, world linking becomes alliance linking....
  13. Misnomer...this isn't remotely near what alliances will look like. This beta is for bugfixes only, so no idea why any serious discussion outside of that is occurring. I mean at this point we're at 'well it doesn't crash but nothing else really works quite right' stage. That's super early and super annoying they took a week on it, because some of us are stuck in outnumbered hell still, and now with no reward for that.
  14. Yeah, have a feeling it won't get better for roamers once alliances actually work. Right now all we have is an enhanced version of EoTM with random teams and no way to organize anything, so of course it feels familiar to any apologists. This is a false flag though as this beta means nothing other than to Anet using us as QA for bugs, and shouldn't be taken as what alliances themselves will look like at all. The underlying issue is WvW needs fixed as a whole for small scale / non-affiliated players. It's been said countless times but defending, capturing camps, and escorting yaks all need to mean more. Big objectives can be for guilds to fight over, but no 'fight guild' should be capping camps other than one on the way to a large objective for supply. I don't see alliances helping the outnumbered issue either. Whether solo player matched to a random alliance or small guild matched to a random alliance it doesn't matter. There will still be coverage issues for all but the top say 3 alliances who specifically form to combat those.
  15. Can we get the non-eyepatch / blindfold version for female chars? I like the coat and everything but the eyepatch thing is a no-go for my character as it doesn't fit anything else I have going on.
  16. I guess it depends on the nature of it. The Desert BL beta was out a few years ago and that one was fine because everything worked but the map design was too huge. This would be more fine to me if they were testing the actual alliance part and it somewhat worked. What we have is ridiculous, with teams switching each time you change BLs, guild being spread apart, objectives on the map appearing incorrect colors, etc. etc. Compound that with them adding the outnumbered change before they could ensure outnumbered would be a thing of the past... Really what grinds my gears is they can't beta test this without us, they've said that much themselves. They also aren't rewarding in any way for us still playing through all this, so to me it almost seems as if they don't care about anything but the results. If that's fine for some, great, but I'd figure I'd voice my opinion that a little bonus event or something for putting up with all the insanity would be nice.
  17. You should probably request 1000g in damages for Stockholm Syndrome if you can't see how this WvW 'beta' is different than a no down state event. My request is just run the participation event two weeks in a row; as right now your 'testers' are the ones that won't stop playing WvW even if they changed it to RBL only and created the second coming of EoTM. It's not even being pedantic either. The end goal of this forced beta test is a system that should have been here years ago and is only now getting focus to sell an expansion. At least reward the loyal...
  18. Run a core necro or something if you can't handle burst dmg....
  19. Essentially we are unpaid QA for an entire week, and they aren't even running a bonus event. Is it possible to get one going, or something to keep us being testers? Or should we just stop playing until next Friday?
  20. I think it's the same thing under a different perspective. Still had to grind out 1000s of trees, ores, etc. and do JPs and literally grind bounties and DRMs. Sometimes had to wait a long time for races or try to time the Drizzlewood metas or whatever. It was a non-trivial amount of micromanagement. I think the real problem for anyone doing it now is that the maps are going to mostly be dead again. So it's going to take some doing to find groups for certain things, whereas other legendaries you can do at your own pace and just either grind gold or outright buy it and be done.
  21. Yes please. Was utterly confused as to what was going on then realized EU resets earlier than NA. I say if it isn't actively crashing WvW then let NA experience it too as more feedback is always good.
  22. Is this topic about...keyboard turning? Oh no no no...
  23. This is a good point too, because after reading through all of these replies and thinking on it--Untamed kind of seems like it would just fit better under one of the current specs. Druid for instance has insane amounts of CC (lunar impact, glyphs, etc. etc.) that can benefit from these traits, and also is about as 'frontline' as we get with the healing synergies, so could utilize hammer. You could also make builds for Soulbeast that have decent CC with merged pet skills, and if you really wanted the 'untamed experience' then just add hammer use for core as well.
  24. This is kind of my overall feeling as well, but I mainly play WvW. Doing the return stuff in PvE I'd in no way take this over power SLB though. While the changes are nice, we still have the issue of the pet itself dying way too fast, and not doing half the DPS it used to because we need to micro the skills. That's actually complexity for no benefit. Also, I'm not sure if the dev's realize how much personal damage we're losing due to the synergy actually being far worse with Untamed than Soulbeast. What I mean is, on Soulbeast you can copy boons back and forth, and you can merge...both are huge damage bonuses when you extend fury as much as possible. This in itself may be my main gripe, because they either have to nerf Soulbeast for Untamed to compete or do something drastic with Untamed traitline to match Soulbeast. Untamed literally cannot hope to ever compete with a boonbeast build, and this is not good. In short, I think the pet itself needs to go back to how it normally behaves, with us having ability to override what it is doing if we want. If we chose to override what it is doing then maybe we get the new 'unleashed' skill effects in addition to what it already does. You'd actually always get the unleashed effect on F2 use as well...so something like smokescale smokefield would remove boons by default now, which would be helpful in a number of scenarios. Otherwise, while the hammer skills are interesting, the rest of it just doesn't work well compared to what already exists.
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