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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. You do realize that most people pick ranger because the pet and nothing to do with how well it performs? So saying 'play something else so anet notices' means nothing because the vast majority of players will still choose ranger so they can stand in PvE at 1500 with a LB while they roleplay being Legolas?
  2. Literally nothing that other classes don't already have, and ranger can have right now if they hit the two stances at once. Which is why I don't understand fixating on this...you already get all of this but at a 50% duration, even if you combined the two stances into one and made it 100% duration no one would care because there are far superior options. Also Ad Hominem is a personal attack, saying you play the most broken support class in the game is an observation that your perspective may be tinted from being at the top end of things, which is not a personal attack. I'd literally say anyone who mains engi should not be going in other class forums and suggesting anything unless it is equally valuable to what an engi itself can provide.
  3. They are not. It's obvious anytime these suggestions are brought up because core ranger is exactly that--a spec literally reliant on the pet for half its productivity output. One look at the beastmastery line tells you this, not to mention the myriad of other traits that had the pet eating CC's or soaking up condis, etc. So if you want something reliant on the pet, buff core back to what it was before the PvP forums got ahold of it. Let's face it though, the type people that post here can't even play around downstate--buffing personal CC and making the pet more powerful would last I'd say three days before it's nerfed into something unusable.
  4. Just like superspeed is uncorruptable? Or the fact that Purity of Purpose is uncorruptable and CONVERTS how many condis on a group again? I know you are latching on to the bear / dolyak combo suggestion here, but your first post in this topic was this: You were already commenting how stance share is 'very powerful' based on what seems is only reading the wiki (ranger being unwanted in a zerg is just a 'stigma', really?). Then somehow seem to forget this over the topic when people start comparing medkit scrapper to soulbeast with stance share (i.e. I dunno why people are commenting must be ad hominem).
  5. It'd have to function similar to soulbeast to where you can stow the pet. That or bake in small periods of pet invulnerability somehow. Would also need to give rangers access to wells for group play and preferably a teleport for gap closing (i.e. teleport to pet)... What I would not want is healing support because that should be given back to Druid. Also wouldn't want pure damage because that's what Soulbeast is for. Also don't want trash because that's what Core ranger is for.
  6. You can do 25 condi clears on 5 people with fumigate every 12 seconds. Pop over to medkit and heal for absurd amounts. Want to disengage? Pop sneak gyro for stealth and superspeed. Somehow full stance share would be 'broken' though...yeah....maybe you want to get back to us when you aren't playing the absolute most broken support class in the game.
  7. Wait, what? If you are a thief you have to literally go out of your way not to take any stealth, so I'd say 'similar investments' is objectively false. Stealth stomping shouldn't even be a thing, because it defeats the purpose of downstate altogether. If you go down and someone stealths, there is no way to reveal them so you might as well remove the downstate portion. With stability or other 'safe' stomping you can see the person so anyone coming by can interrupt / strip / etc. to prevent the stomp. Also, the fact that instant teleports don't interrupt any channel is proof of how laughably balanced they are. This goes for any class with a teleport in WvW, it's just too much mobility for no investment. Safe mobility too as you can't interrupt instant teleports, so again no counterplay. So in short, stealth port stomping is about the stupidest mechanic they have going right now, and this is in a gamemode where they thought adding more superspeed was a good idea.
  8. The forums ARE a fairy tale. PvP section believes pets are the most OP thing to ever exist on a yearly basis since game launch. WvW section believes LB is the most OP thing to ever exist on a yearly basis since game launch. Sometimes they swap over to 'ancient seeds hurt me' but that seems more rare than the LB complaining. Ranger section has random off the wall topics like downstate is 'bugged' because pet swap is useable and 1K gold challenges over meme builds (celestial druid lolol). The reality is, ranger isn't wanted in PvP comps and in WvW it loses what it's good at (roaming) to a myriad of things (staff mirage, daredevil, etc.) and isn't useable at all in group content over 5-10. But yeah, we should all get melee weapons and L2P according to certain people...😂
  9. How in the world did you get 7k posts...oh wait...stuff like this... But yeah, ranger is super buggy. The beastmode thing annoys me as well, in WvW always have to make sure to be unmerged prior to going into bay or other body of water or face a 10s CD for no reason.
  10. Anything can be used. Jacranda isn't one of the most effective pets; immob builds are best suited for druid and you are better off with hard CC pets than jacranda which takes forever to use its skills, and on power SB you are pretty much going to be running smokescale or bird. I'm sure there are meme builds that use jacranda though, there are always meme builds somewhere. In general, I think people were using it before due to call lightning having a high potential for spike damage? Haven't encountered this much anymore myself, with quickness and superspeed its easy to run circles around the thing.
  11. Have a video of this? It better be done in about 3/4 a second akin to something like worldly impact. The fact you type things like this tells me you spend more time on the forums posting in 'ranger is OP' topics than actually playing the game (let alone the actual class).
  12. It's true 5 seconds was a bit hyperbole; we're talking about 2-3 second channels here; quickness usually ran to--*gasp* speed up the channel time. That is, burst is pretty clearly defined...it happens in an almost instant (i.e. not seconds) time frame. Thief burst from stealth to do 5-6k damage, mesmer clone shatters are bursts that do high damage, necros have explosions that do high damage... Rapid fire and axe 5 are in no way bursts, because they can be nerfed by increasing channel time without touching overall damage. Or with slow, if anet would ever expand that past primarily mesmer.
  13. 2/3'ds of Jacaranda's offensive skills are useable at 1200 range...this is melee? I'm starting to wonder if there is a language barrier here or if I'm being trolled?
  14. Thought EU were the persnickety ones about language but ok...here we go: The definition of burst is: "an instance of breaking or splitting as a result of internal pressure or puncturing; an explosion." A 5-second channel is not a burst because you can walk out or dodge part of it and avoid most of the damage. A burst happens all at once, you avoid all of it, or none of it. Which is why channels IRL are called 'hails' usually--i.e. a 'hail of gunfire' to describe a massive amount of bullets coming towards someone or something. Or you know, hail storm--lotta ice pellets coming at you very fast.
  15. You want people to use path of scars as a legitimate CC skill? I'd actually love to see anyone set up a path of scars pull into a whirling defense with any success. What we call that is reaching--I can 'take my pick' and tell you that none of what you named is effective for setting up whirling defense. Like Jacaranda...you want to immob someone, run over to them, stand still, and whirl on em? I guess since you apparently play against a lot of bots on your server this might work well? Channeled skills are also not bursts even if they do high damage. Worldly impact is a burst because it can do 6k to you and you can't react to it if the ranger times it right. None of that has anything in common with trying to setup some memes with OH axe.
  16. What ways exactly are there to setup this 'burst' on X/A outside of prelude lash? Also, you do realize what 'burst' means right? And that Whirling Defense is a channeled skill? As an object lesson, Maul is a burst--can you spot the difference between Maul and Whirling Defense? Is Rapid Fire with quickness also a 'burst' to you? 🤔
  17. And the potential to perma stealth or perma blind exists too. It's all terrible game design, welcome to GW2!
  18. Again, if you die to roots you will die 2x as fast to a power soulbeast build. So if they did nerf ancient seeds there would still be people on here complaining about something (probably pets, PvP forums loves pets).
  19. How do those work this week? There's your answer. Reason I brought up 300s CD 'fix' was those traits are still technically useable but no one will take them due to the stiff penalty. So revive traits and downstate abilities could be made technically useable...in PvE. If that requires build swapping then so does everything else, it's why legendary armor / trinkets / weapons exist. You wouldn't use a raid setup in WvW and wouldn't really use a glass gank build in open world PvE, etc. etc.
  20. Downstate still works in PvE, so clearly toggling it is possible. So they already have a split--why would it be so hard just to permanently disable it for WvW?
  21. I wouldn't be so sure about that--I mean, it's anet--half the skills they break they leave broken with no compensation (300 CD passives lolol). So it wouldn't surprise me a 'solution' is that those skills still work in PvE so its fine that they are broken in the PvP modes.
  22. I mean yes, I'd wager at least 75% of guild groups are carried by support. The point is, with downstate you can't ever take that support out because rez speed is too fast. So you have support AND extra support via downstate and rezzing. Without downstate you have to actually play your class. If you don't you get punished for it--for instance you'll still have super high ranks trying to meme on the warclaw (seen a lot of golds and mithrils do this) and get insta spiked. If there was downstate their group would run over and rez them out of it, but without downstate they become useless, as they should for taunting. Yes, you may get bursted and or ganked--but certain classes are literally built for this. If you stay near your group anyway and have any idea how to play your class that chance goes down even against glass 'one shot' builds. I dunno how else to put this---but no downstate may make people QQ but it is the purest way to tell skill from no skill. I believe this is important for a mode that is all to reliant on claim buffs and way too many safety nets (downstate, supports, warclaws, superspeed, etc.).
  23. I've noticed this as well. With downstate, you can encounter a group with a ton of support, and if one of the supports somehow goes down they just all rush to it and rez--this type of group is pretty much unbeatable without greater numbers. With no downstate you can target the supports and slowly whittle the group down, making them beatable. It's pretty easy to notice too as any group you encounter that immediately runs most likely relies heavily on downstate and rallying. You won't see this very often during normal weeks, but during weeks like this it is actually hard to get a group fight that isn't near a WP or a structure. Essentially, Rezzing/Rallying is a crutch that most people just don't want to give up.
  24. This ain't reddit. If you haven't logged in for a year, why are you on the forums? Not many really care to read personal blog posts like this. Also, ALL FTP KRPGs are P2W. Sorry if you can't see that.
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