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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Can confirm, as a ranger a thief might be the least scary class out of literally all of them atm. An extremely well played DE is another story, but there's like 3 of those around. Even then too, Sid was having a time trying to kill a SLB in the April mAT--so even at a high-level ranger still mostly counters thief.
  2. Vindi been strong waaay before patch, just was overshadowed by other things...
  3. What Private Server you playing on? 😂
  4. Yeah, I'm in agreement with that. I don't want to take the smallscale out, I want to balance small and large to both have meaning. Keeps for large groups, towers for mid-size, then way more activity for roamers than just camps, dolyaks, sentries, and ruins. They could add a ton of other things that would make things fun--who knows something like the caves you can only take up to a 5 man in for each side and then fight over something in there that gives points. Even down to 1v1's, have an area where you can duel but it actually is meaningful for the server.
  5. That's the point--I don't want less than 20 taking a keep. It's a keep, in a realm vs realm mode, and they are currently flippable by 1 thief glitching in and fighting the lord for 5-10 min. That's ridiculous. Needs to be a hierarchy, big groups for big objects--small groups for small ones. Everything is currently the same, any size group can flip anything--thus nothing means anything.
  6. Lord should turn into a raid boss--well maybe not quite raid boss but be very hard to kill and then go with the idea of only the team in the ring can fight it. Forget scaling it, just make keeps so only 20+ can take them--towers can be 5-10 man groups and then camps just still solos. Maybe have multiple capture zones outside lord room that activate and holding those debuffs the lord or something; players can fight over that.
  7. Garbage tier skill needs 1s cast time and maximum 90s CD to compete with Glyph of Stars. Or it needs to teleport rezzed allies to its location to justify the CD. If it worked like a mass 'search and rescue' then I could see more use and justification for the cast times and CD.
  8. What do you duel M/M Untamed on?
  9. It's no worse than hammer Vindi is atm. Easier to run out of stunbreaks and dodges as M/M ranger than it is for Vindi to run out of evades. Maces aren't even the problematic part, it's the NM/WS combo making easy bunker, but anet knew that before pushing the changes just by reading the trait descriptions. Suspect they hit that first (probably WK) because they like blanket nerfs to cripple the core class instead of balancing out certain specs. Anyway, still easy to beat M/M with condi spam as WK/TU isn't enough of a heal and you will die to poison + other condis fairly quickly in any sustained fight. Half the playerbase seems unsure where their keys are so of course the mettabattler sees it as oppressive.
  10. Man, 5 posts in and no one said 'gun' yet. Heavily alluded to though. Forum topics getting sneaky.
  11. On flip side, can get some really good games too--got paired with Youle against some very obviously high p1/p2 players and went to a draw--first draw I've ever experienced. We won like 455-450 lol.
  12. I do agree some dishonor system would be helpful, just don't think they can implement an activity one like this without that also getting abused. All a player has to do is set auto-run to on or use macro to just keep running out the front door into a wall (like in WvW) until the match ends. If they'd increase say node capture points and decrease kill points to say 1-2 it could work out well, however at +5 it's just too tempting to misuse the dishonor system. I'd rather try to help carry a 4v5 (like if a d/c happens) than have to accept defeat on a 6v4 as someone is now purposefully feeding to avoid dishonor.
  13. ppl gonna scream at this since you can farm top stats. Devil's Advocate, afk player is better than purposefully feeding and trolling player. As its +5 every time they just hit 1 a few times to get the dishonor down and then die.
  14. Oh, PvE. Was going to say Boar is used in PvP, was used a lot more before they nerfed Maul.
  15. Refined Toxins - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) FYI was deprecated in March.
  16. What about latinos and white people? I get HotM chat in general is slightly more degen than LA chat in June, but you are aware that anyone can be discriminated against?
  17. How does running give more opportunity for fights? In the south spawns maybe, as you could get spawn camped. But north? I don't think I've ever run into a fight trying to get to a keep from north spawn, there's not enough roamers left for that.
  18. Depends on what they want to do, but if engagement is the idea, then I'd say just make swords only trigger on siege damage and be notification only--no more contesting the WP for keeps. One person tapping promotes anti-engagement, because 99.9% of the time the tapper just runs off.
  19. I'd hope not. As for me, player skirmishes have little to do with 'attacking' or 'defending' as you can 1v3 in the middle of the road if you want. That's more a gear / class balance issue and determining if the 3 were just bad/new/whatever or the 1 is using a build that is super busted. Where attacking/defending comes in is the siege warfare aspect of things. It theoretically should be harder to get into structures, and more rewarding when you do. That's the balance, you can't just let defenders siege up like in the old days and never be able to flip anything as long as they refresh it, and you can't just have attackers like now be able to throw down 5 cats per 3-man PUG and steamroll keeps in ~2 min. All this is probably a function of the mode is really meant for zerg vs. zerg, something that only routinely and reliably happens on EBG. So, you have at least three different fires: ZvZ, havoc / roaming (guild and individual), and siege vs. siege warfare (at any sizing). I think we all agree making it impossible for the little guy to do anything meaningful and reducing circles to 'increase engagement' is probably the worst way to go about this.
  20. Not sure I understand--there are times when both walls can be down and the gate and I've defended 1v2-3 on a tower lord only to either leave after the second, maybe third time or get run over as they bring a guild and start whispering and/or sending me choco bananas and salt packets in the mail. There's no incentive to hold it at all. If you want that much direct conflict just play sPvP so you can fight for 15 min straight and get decent(ish) rewards in ranked. Rather that then defend some empty tower in WvW and get zero reward outside possibly a few random heavy loot bags. I mean hell, even the WXP stops after the first time you kill them if they run directly back as it doesn't have enough time to build between them dying.
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