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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. I admire trying group hazing tactics when your solo efforts are failing spectacularly. To make that easier, you could have just referred the video on the front page where I put a positive spin on your incredibly lonely life type of topic--but thanks for the views on one of my older vids. As a side point there, that video also had a positive tone to it, as the 'real' part of the title was meant as it was good and competitive. You can keep focusing on user setting choices if you'd like though, sure you're a real hit with the accessibility crowd too. Anyway, I have a feeling you created this thread for discussion about as much as a teenager creates a Twitter thread for discussion. There's a reason I keep bringing up LTG and there's a reason you keep ignoring it. You appear to need people to agree with you, and when I didn't in my opening post and instead asked what you did to stop teammates from helping you in a game where you are winning--you attempt to character attack. Like, the double cap you keep yammering on about could just be that your team expected you to decap and move like a roamer, and not stand there and full cap then throw quite a huge tantrum and 'purposefully die' when they misunderstood what you were actually doing. That's what I pointed out in my original post before you drug this to almost three pages of attempting to 'body kids' online lol. Anyway, little food for thought--you have a Woodstock avi as your YT channel, post nothing but meme vids or vids putting other people down, throw Ad Hom / character attacks out like it's normal (I seriously hope you don't do that IRL), and you attempt to lecture on tact. Really though, when the mods wake up, I implore them to lock this topic as it has been nothing but negativity from the outset. I realize negativity is kind of the modus operandai of the sPvP in general, and I also get your whole troll shtick, but this is going more into harassment territory as you get more wound up. I mean I'm sure if they don't, you'll quote me again (and again) to continue this discussion in some effort at digital superiority, but honestly find it kind of sad that someone with almost rank 500 in PvP (which has to be over a thousand hours or many thousand hours in sPvP) still takes to forums to act like this.
  2. Yeah, in WvW you can roam around and capture camps--will get a lot of smaller battles there. Only caution is also will get a lot of outnumbered there, but could teach fundamentals about how different builds stand up to that kind of thing. But you could always just do ranked spvp, it's what it is for. Because if you perform badly you'll rank lower, so not really hurting anyone long term if you aren't actively afk'ing or doing other crazy things.
  3. My two cents would be probably necro or mech or something--maybe DH. Look for low intensity builds then either play them in WvW before sPvP or just jump into sPvP and prepare for some pushback by the 50 people left playing as you learn. It's more important you learn what rotations are, map mechanics, and the actual maps themselves. As you can be mechanically gifted but if you mess up on your role or rotation you are going to get target called / accused of throwing pretty quickly, even in unranked. Know the maps though, and you can be lackluster but carry most games just by outrotating the enemy team.
  4. Yes, yes--exaggerated example. That was clear to everyone here from the outset, you didn't like what two of your teammates did, so you died in protest despite being "leagues above" in skill level, to illustrate a point. You could have taken those guys 2v1 then carried on blindfolded to win but you had a bigger metaphorical goal in mind. I think. Also, what is with you and screen shake though--just because you have a sensitivity doesn't mean everyone does lol. There's literally no difference to me with it on or off, I don't notice it. Actually, that's a good metaphor for this entire topic, because (no offense) you seem to be overly sensitive very quickly and start resorting to Ad Hominem's and just other toxic behavior. To be clear, that's the only reason I brough up LTG earlier as it's the only real 'famous' gaming example I could think of such behavior. As it's not just me, you've quoted pretty much anyone and everyone that's responded to this topic and told them in various ways how they are 'wrong'. I'm not sure you want an open discussion here as much as an echo chamber. Anyway, we can let this drop, or you can keep quoting me--I don't mind either way because I just forum surf while waiting for Q's to pop or whatever.
  5. No, no--I see LTG in you because of posts like this: You post this stuff unironically without posting any actual video evidence, just a 1-minute edited clip as you point out. A 1-minute clip of where you didn't even 1v2 let alone 1v4. Just reminds me of LTG as its tantrum throwing and it's not the gameplay here even keeping this thread going, it's the underlying (and in some cases outright) toxicity.
  6. OP is starting to give strong Low Tier God vibes--kind of curious to see the full match now, or at least an extended clip to get better idea of what went on here.
  7. Rank also really only matters at 150+ games as that's the minimum to rank on the leaderboard at end of season. You can place super high but doesn't mean you'll stay there. Basically g3/p1 is it for ranking cap unless you know people to duo with.
  8. Throwing...you mean like playing shortbow engi? You can Ad Hominem all you want, doesn't explain away the fact you posted a video of you dying and blaming your team at rank 478... 💀
  9. Thanks for the inspiration @bethekey.8314!
  10. Thanks for proving the point of why your team quits on you; sorry man but posting whine vids like this does nothing for your image 😂 Also... Gee, wonder why they'd be typing about throwing when you're getting t-bagged on point 2v1 then I'm assuming go afk (based on the topic title). Regardless, "Pros" don't trauma dump on the forums my dude
  11. Basically these. I've also lost at least one piece of lege gear before by the stat changing thing before I realize what was going on. Wiki is your best friend in these situations--learning to understand it will take you a long way when you go to make additional legendaries as WvW armor isn't the only legendary you can waste mats on if you aren't careful.
  12. Nah, we'd need to see the full chat log to know what's going on here. Conclusion just based on the snarky tone of the vid--there's a cut between when you get '2v0' cap help and the war running away, guessing you typed something like 'LEAVE'? As them standing up there didn't look like stupidity it looked like they were either angry with you or hesitant at what you want, as a lot of people don't like getting yelled at in chat. I'd be confused too, as playing roamer builds and expecting support doesn't make sense. If you are a roamer, don't stand on points and die (decap them only, leave, and go +1)--if you are a duelist, you better stay on the point and not die. Support is for teamfight builds, and from this vid you don't seem like the type to want to do that.
  13. An unfinished thought. Every time they want to go the Half Life direction they stop with some literal half of an idea in a bottle area. Southsun Cove was the first time, and now an entire bottle expansion of basically aliens but we don't even get a crowbar skin for sword.
  14. I'd play what's new as its the direction they are pushing ranger anyway. If/when they do nerf it, you'll get to play the 'something decent' part...
  15. It's actually dumb because someone over there decided that WS needs to go from condi line to power line and just makes the same mistakes of everything competes with everything. They do it utterly randomly too, like staff can't have a CD reduction trait anymore and hammer never had one, but GS has always had the most useful one, and mace gets tacked on to Ambidexterity because it's 1H. But the rest of the bonuses for ambidexterity are condi to work with dagger and torch--so it's...not great. It may be far past time for them to look into additional traitlines instead of reworking existing ones and randomly killing builds based on dev FoM.
  16. Yes, actually agree here. Hell or highwater they're pushing melee ranger. It's not just Untamed, any Ranger spec can turn into an unkillable bunker right now. I actually hate it as I'm sick of the overbuff/nerf pattern they do on Ranger. It's obvious kitten too--so yes, for once I mostly actually agree with Eddie. Like they literally made Carnivore knowing how much CC ranger can output and went 'welp we'll see how this goes' when we KNOW how it's going to go. Really, I can't overstate how annoyed I am right now with state of Ranger. Because at some point they will nerf these new traits and Ranger will be left out of every mAT again and all high-level play. It's either Ranger is super broken or super useless that only sees play by those of us that just hard main them and play nothing else.
  17. I think like 200-500 lol; team kept getting wrecked and I was full melee roamer build, so able to do jack all. I'm most amazed at the minion spam though, my skills were actually lagging pretty fierce, which is why that maul I threw out looked super sketch 😂. From after the video ends it was mostly watch team get shredded repeatedly to condi spam and try to outrun the necro train between home and mid lol.
  18. This is what you get for buffing Gormandize 💀
  19. Oh man are they going hard on ranger cleanse options atm 😂. CMC hunting those bunker builds like Elmer Fudd--com'ere nature magic you silly wabbiit! *bang*
  20. ITT we act like stacking conditions is hard. Also ITT, hybrid builds don't exist and there's no way to perma-CC someone while condis tick so they can't use cleanses. Good to know...
  21. That's the case for Guard and Ranger as well though. For guard you pretty much have to play Core support or DH (I've seen some FB but put that same as core really); WB isn't a meta pick. Ranger only meta pick atm is bunker condi Druid. They're nerfing it, so I'm not sure Ranger will have a meta pick after 19th--if it does, going to still be bunker Druid as that's literally the only thing left after all the damage nerfs in the power department. But like Thief has DD/DE, Engi has Scrapper/Holo, Ele has Tempest/Cata (with any Weaver you see able to wreck as well), Rev has Herald/Vindi, War has Berserker/Spb, Necro has Reaper/Scourge/Core... Only maybe Mesmer has one in in Chrono.
  22. I think we are going in circles here from you not being able to handle my original critique--so I will leave it at, it's 17 minutes of cele torch druid. You might like it, but to call that a 'good build' is a stretch. If 'good' means it works on EU, then sure. But otherwise, it's about as bunker as you can get (with two forms of stealth) and still make a roaming vid out of it. You may say 'don't like it, don't watch it', but you posted it up on forums. Maybe being a little less defensive would help, as you've fought with literally everyone that posted a critique here and spun their opinions to fit your definition of 'good'. An example: Saying this when #4 is a projectile that can be reflected, blocked, blinded, dodged, etc. etc. To hit anyone with it means that they obviously are less skilled at the game then you because it is genuinely a terribly outdated weapon for current meta. Which is ironic as you are dogging random spellbreakers in my vids for using 'years old builds' and posting up torch like it's a revolution. Anyway, I just happened to be the bluntest of the bunch with my critiques, but that's probably why you had to go dig for a WvW vid to strawman as it's kinda hard to spin asking if the players you fight are bots.
  23. There is no daze on pet swap my dude: Lesser Call of the Wild - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Staff Daze swap hasn't been a thing in over a year: Primal Echoes - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) You're thinking of Blood Moon that dazes you on CA entry, and if you can't handle a 1s daze every 20s...lol
  24. The other difference is you cherry picked it to deflect from my original argument, and my vid is what a merciful 6 minutes instead of almost 20. Your last vids are also 7 years ago so no other references to go by here. This already happened on the forums once before, Trev had some unkillable Druid build a few years ago and even after 1v1 duels in WvW arena no one could come to any conclusion. There is no 'right' here, but from my perspective OP just utterly deflected from a bunker cele build to a condi untamed build and decided to compare which players we kill are more bot like. If OP want fair comparison, then run a Dire condi untamed and do some roaming. Don't know what else to say here because of all my vids they pick the one I'm primarily NOT playing Druid 😂.
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