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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. I assure you top players do not suffer from 'horse blinders' as you describe here. As they don't focus on just one target--Boyce was aware of the positioning of the ranger above, the DH behind, and the necro on the ground. That's plainly obvious as he clicks the ranger above to make sure he wasn't going to get rapid fired (and ignores them once they do a barrage) and then turns his camera directly away from the DH that is just standing on the bell area, most likely as he thought the DH was out of range or just didn't care about taking the hit. Guessing he felt they were out of range as he BM'd on the bell side instead of the node side which most likey would have put him out of range of that TS. Boyce is well aware of DH damage as not only is he a top player, but he's also always in Naru streams and Naru has played DH a lot in recent months. I've fought Naru + duo's a few times last season when they were on DH (and various other specs) and made it out just fine with positioning. Only time it felt 'unfair' was again, the traps + a duo DE or something just melting you. This clip though...to me is just 'top player syndrome' where they figure they can make it out of any random encounter and sometimes get surprised. Not even sure from the clip if its ranked or he's just memeing around in unranked with a random warrior build?
  2. Still dodging the question 🤡 Let's try this again...what company is anet a subsidiary of? What are they known for? This is important, as I still for the life of me can't understand what you actually think 'freemium' is, or maybe you don't understand what the parent company of anet does or is known for? To apply that directly to GW2 (since I guess I need to spell it out), what do you think micro-expansions like SOTO are? They sure aren't the same full expansion content we got with HoT or PoF. What if they bring these 6th rune effects back as pay only relic effects (have to have SOTO or greater expansion)? Somehow, I guess you'd still be defending it if the next expansion includes rune of golem effect but since it isn't directly sold in gemstore it's ok that it was once free and now isn't 😂. Also, lol at: When your very first comment was literally belittling someone over them being upset the fun was removed from relics (and part of it put behind a paywall like the SOTO+ only relics):
  3. That clip just Boyce being greedy for a down / BM'ing whoever after he just 10k'd them himself lolol Traps are one thing, but getting hit with trueshot, esp. like that is super lack of awareness imo
  4. Kinda skipped thru all the discussion but...do we or can we get a firm date when this will launch? I've been slacking on provisioner tokens and need to know if have another week or not so I can just do them through WvW instead of emptying my bank on daily ones...
  5. About the same amount as your average open world meta gone bad / public fractal and less than your average strike/raid. Shouldn't have to worry about bad matchmaking as if you've never played PvP you won't know enough yet to be useful in PvP...so my advice is just enjoy it for what it is.
  6. Both guards and war have too many blocks/invulns. Can supplement that with CC for warrior and traps for guardian to make either one very annoying to play against. Both also have braindead tether mechanics.
  7. Why is this laid out like an exit survey? 😂
  8. You make no sense my dude...not sure if something is getting lost in translation here, you are naive about development / corporate world, or just like to be contradictory for fun? I mean, you understand who owns ArenaNet....right?
  9. Not in the corporate world. My bro/sis in Christ, GW2 is freemium.
  10. Yeah, raw gold in the vault was always a terrible idea. The economist on staff must have left, as no one over there seems to have taken Econ 101 where they explain what happens if you give everyone a million dollars (or euros, or the currencies that aren't already at a million for one day's wage). Mystic coins are just the most tedious of the expensive materials to get. Even stuff like A.S.S has a weekly vendor, and t6 mats can be laurel'd, converted, etc. etc. Coins, outside the wizard vault are mostly from random chance chests, part of low reward grind like WvW, and/or ATs which is a very low population method. I'm not sure how it would hurt to add additional sources here...
  11. Yeah, around 2015 that was IIRC when tournaments and such were a thing for WvW. Also, whoever says PvP/WvW players don't care about comestics--that's ludicrous. Your WvW player definitely does as it uses PvE gear so they are going to go after legendaries. SPvP does too, outside of the creatures that camp FFA arena 24/7--there's a reason visuals like gizmos and such sell on less than above board places.
  12. Only if decay isn't reversible would this work. As too many sit in decay until the last moment then play a few games and end up back on the leaderboard. Would also need to obviously remove duo q to mostly solve the alt carry/boosting problem. Then to fully solve alt issue, need to remove any alts from the leaderboard, new account or no. Only one account can be registered to the leaderboards. Otherwise, nothing grows and discussion on the matter is rather pointless.
  13. You really think anet is a charity...well, I can't change your mind. The confidence is nice too--perhaps they will open a food bank too, who knows. Anyway, as sort of a last on this for me...some things to consider for you are, B2P models make a lot of money, and most profitable MMOs are now F2P which...oh yeah, part of GW2 is too.
  14. All the more to OPs point considering this post is entirely extremes...
  15. ArcDPS Arc measures more than just DPS--it measures boon uptime, heals, etc. etc. Running without it, is like blind leading blind. Clearly OP is talking only about groups that run arc (sane ones) and the common behavior to neglect non-meta classes even if the players on the meta classes are terrible. Sure, you can play how you want, but seen enough 'blobs' get rolled by a guild half the size because the guild half the size knows how to use metrics. Fight analysis to me would imply using arc metrics to see who is doing what. WvW isn't that big, you will get same people typically running same time--might be more chaotic now with the world restructuring thing, I'd give you that.
  16. This is the most cringe thing I've read all month. Andrew Tate is not your surrogate father, lol.
  17. It all goes to the mall, bro. Stores pay lot rent just to exist there; also, different stores have different owners--are you really saying that the gem shop and the backend credit card system are different owners? 😂. Also, since we're going down the pedantic road--the UI isn't a building, it's the facade. The building is the database, where all the cash transactions are stored albeit gems or your credit card.
  18. Yeah, it's for offense, same as RaO / SoTP. Think it confuses people as FF specifically masks this fact by giving you all defensive boons, so natural thought is 'run'. When that's the worst way to use it as you stuck with a 90s cd instead of 50-60 if you use it offensively and manage to hit things. As for lack of quick in competitive, guessing because it would make power untamed 'broken' again in the right hands. Power untamed is odd in that it's good enough right now to play in higher rankings with and buffing quickness back would have burst akin to the old telemaul. For me personally though, untamed is technical enough where most people won't play it in competitive as its not really worth the effort. Just a weird spot all around.
  19. I fought one yesterday 1v1, in unranked pvp on power untamed, and they had the title 'lord slayer'. Now it was on foefire, and they did indeed go directly for the lord.
  20. It's technically correct though? The upgrades themselves (from standard) are sold in the gemstore--the expansion you can also purchase through the same UI but with actual money. Both can be bought in-game, through the game UI. I just posted the wiki link to show gems can indeed be used as part of the upgrade process, but forgot the forums loves to be pedantic. Anway, to loop this back around, the relics are just as much of a pay process as everything else--there are certain relics only available to SoTO owners, and those directly affect combat. My main point was It's facetious to say monetary items are only cosmetic.
  21. Why all the swirling around the drain though? They sell expansions, which means they sell elite specs--for money. My post was in response to: If they didn't create the e-specs for money, they'd be unlockable in-game with no extra purchase required.
  22. They are in the gem shop lol: Gem Store - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Look under upgrades. Also, what I wanted to add about sword turned out to be pretty disparaging so that's why I left it at 😂.
  23. 😂 (hint: E-specs are monetary and directly relate to combat/gameplay) I have nothing else to add, except they most likely took away rune effects because they have an internal standard they want to stick to. If they just bring them back for memes then they have to maintain them for memes...I don't think it makes a ton of sense to do that. They do need to make relics have some more flair though--we have fireworks, stuff like that. Just effects so that it looks cool and also you know what your enemy has if you are playing competitive by just looking at it.
  24. Nothing in a zerg would matter outside Druid support. If it's just a big group of players---it's a cloud. They don't balance around clouds or smaller scale battles, so doubt they would add quickness to untamed when practically all of the ranger specs are still good at roaming.
  25. We can also carry a team with 1 AFK player. If you have more than one, then most likely no one likes you, or the game went really badly (like 50-500 bad).
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