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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. IMO, Carnivore should just give stab when you disable someone. Can have a 5 sec ICD or whatever to not make it OP, but better than lifesteal. But alas, time for Druid to be "spellbreaker punching bag" again I guess 😂
  2. Thinking this is the way it's going--as Marks/BM/X is pretty potent for power. Can definitley see the line of thought, but hard to tell for me. As MH Sword change was disguised as 'bringing up DPS builds in PvE', but really probably was the first step here. Then they killed off Ancient Seeds, made Eclipse pretty weak (in competitive), indirectly nerfed Sharpening Stone (via leaving CD alone), and now got rid of Refined Toxins in favor of a power trait. That's in addition to removing the Staff trait, nerfing DC from 13 to 3 condis, removing move speed from Natural Stride.... They call immob / duel Druid a 'weird spec only a few people use', but then constantly nerf and base Druid balance around it. Funny, isn't it?
  3. Of course the ele mains are quiet on this one 😂.
  4. Now that's telling. Anyway, to me, they are pushing power hard here. Hammer improvements, UT 'resurrecting', and whatever they just did with Refined Toxins. No, really. What did they do to Refined Toxins? Natural Balance was apparently 'OP' so they...removed a large source of poison generation for the ranger and replaced it with...well Natural Balance. Without the caveat of toying around with CA. Convenient, I guess? Then they removed the stab off Shared Anguish (while glossing over that in stream), because going back to no sources of stability is going to be super fun. I love getting stunlocked as a ranger! Removing two condis on pet swap is 'fine' I guess--I'd say it misses the mark with the huge nerfs to healing spring, as clear on survival skill is still more useful than two clears every swap. But yeah, healing spring. Left field much? The pulse interval was awful before, so that's a good fix--but at the cost of 5 condis cleared? Bad way to say they hate Druid--as Soulbeast and Untamed aren't taking Healing Spring at all. Same concept with Glyph of Stars--it's so easy to get interrupted out of (or self-cancel) and application rate so low, that it's nigh useless anyway. I can tell you; I've been saved by a lot of elite skills while downed...but never by Glyph of Stars. Carnivore could be a good change depending on what the life steal amount is. I don't think that will help with sPvP forum screaming about daze druid though. In fact, that's what scares me a lot, because man do they love to mercilessly nerf Druid. Anway, tldr; feeling is we're shifting from condi bunker to power bunker (with less condi clear). That's, something alright.
  5. I'm NA; you could always offer up a vid--but "some trailblazer" is still proving a point here. I also know the mix/match aspect of that is unimportant, you could run all trailblazer and get same or better effect. That's the whole 'illusion of choice' I refer to earlier, and amulets or fixed stats take none of that away. They just streamline it, so the balancing can be done on important things--the actual skills and traits themselves. Where does this hot take come from? Wouldn't you agree that WvW players are the lazy ones with the 'wheelchair meta' that's been only getting worse (and going to be supercharged come March)? I don't understand how WvW is endgame content at all. Smallscale is really just attacking structures / NPCs or ganking (which gets boring fast due to the travel time), medium scale is pure number advantage and claim buff advantage, and large scale is unmitigated boon blob...press '1' to win. There's no skill there. Let's just say 'God of WvW' and 'God of PvP' are very different things here. You might wintrade to get one but still have to have some skill, where the other you can k-train for 3k hours and learn nothing. Lest I leave it out, even PvE endgame content requires skill if you aren't paying for runs. High tier fractals, strikes, and raids are not easy. So, to reiterate, I would think the term 'lazy' applies squarely to WvW.
  6. It doesn't apply for PvE as endgame PvE is based almost entirely around rotations, which you can theorycraft stat / consumable combos into for efficiency. When playing against other players however, it leads to topics like this one. We already have categories like 'roamer', 'havoc', 'zerg'--so if had an amulet system to standardize around, they can then adjust professions in that manner too. Willbender for example, mechanically would always be one to run in and out of anything (including zergs), so can be balanced around 'roamer' archetype. If none of this sounds fun, then how about we quit with these topics; as to me, there's no way to achieve small and large scale balance simultaneously while allowing players to select stats and have all PvE based consumables.
  7. Roamer, right? Then what is the right gear for your role and goal? Oh yeah, cele and speed relic. If not cele, then either Maura/Dragonhunter or Trailblazer. See how all those fit into an amulet type they can actually adjust properly? Again, tell me, what build/spec do you run as roamer? It's funny to me we're defining roles here but refuse to define stats for said roles... Do you see food in sPvP? No? Also, you do not have access to the full sigils, runes, etc. that you do in PvE/WvW. That's for a reason btw.
  8. Amulet system fixes all of this. No more food/consumables either, this isn't PvE. If you disagree, then are admitting that WvW is PvE and thus either jump into the boonball, use perma run build and cele, or leave the mode. The stat selection and such is an illusion of choice, 90% of it is utter noise. Only disengage or zerg build allowed, and that's not changing unless they switch over to a fixed stats system and actually start applying some balancing. I mean I do it--on my Druid use speed relic and trapper runes now they straight buffed the condi damage from them. Can handle most fights up to 3vX and can run for days--it's boring and I don't think it's good balance in the slightest. But, when the vault objectives demand and I have to WvW...do as romans do as they say.
  9. It's amazing, with how much projectile defense (and defenses in general) are in the game, people still put thief at 'S'. Have to be meme'ing.
  10. Don't worry, neither do they: You know, the mode you need a modicum of skill to place decently in. I do sPvP, and I'll tell you, pets need more HP, full stop. Just normalize them all to 20-25k HP and be done. The first part is false, the second part is 'also by whine', not design.
  11. Path of Scars needs to be ground target AoE like rev's road. Add blind to throw torch and add some kind of boon removal to bonfire (on entry or exit works). Whirling defense should allow movement, like they did with Glyph of Stars. If not, it needs more added to it--agree with stab and / or protection so you can't just get cc'd out of it.
  12. Bro, half your post history is defending rev in ambiguous ways 😂. Good to know I'm not the only one you are fighting with here and are fighting the fight across all the forums at this point lol.
  13. And what rank is "that dude"? As if you are correct about the match (there were three back-to-back in unranked)--I assure you 'that dude' knows what they are doing and is capping. We'll see if it makes it into AT or how prevalent it becomes in higher ranked; I see at least one vindicator in every ranked game I play now at mid-g3.
  14. May need to be looked at (again). The burst potential on whatever build is coming around is huge; things are dying in seconds--power vindi has been strong for a bit, but this is kinda nuts. Seeing more of them popping up--and also getting weird skill lag issue when there's enough of them in the game; just got out of a game with four (two on each team) and skill responsiveness was noticeably down. Wasn't ping as no rubber banding (ping was 50), but skills just would not activate correctly.
  15. This probably it. Just had a four loss streak myself...last one lost 480-500 as my team decided to randomly go duel on the forest lord instead of capture points and just had like a 200 pt. swing in enemy favor. Matchmaker also put two Druids on one team so I had to switch to a secondary as other Druid only knew how to play Druid. You just can't fight this kind of thing lol.
  16. I hope not, I'd get matched with PvE only players 99% of the time 😶
  17. Gen 2 have the best effects for my money, and good thing too as they are a pain to make.
  18. This. More than three losses in a row, just quit ranked for either a good 3-6 hours or the day entirely. For me it's more than 1, if I get two, I'm done. The third always seems to be a gamble though, could get a win and if so, then can potentially keep playing on--but if it's another loss, just quit and go spam unranked. As loss streaks are very real, and if you let them bother you--I've went from ~1500 to ~1260 by losing a good 10-15 in a row on same day as I kept getting agitated and playing on. Just not worth it.
  19. How would we even know? If you have the current matchmaker algorithm, feel free to share, as I don't. I do know I rarely get support on my teams, and if I do at most one--this is my last game for instance: https://imgur.com/a/WQHVUVP Did get a core guard support, but other team automatically has two supports, because everything else there is DPS. Like, clear DPS--not any ambiguity as to what they could be. This is telling me matchmaker trying to even up roles too, as if I was support Druid then it'd be even two on each side.
  20. To me, the Norn having Wintersday makes a lot more sense than Dragon Bash. Areas already snowy and Norn whole thing is moots / gift giving anyway. Divinity Reach makes more sense for a Lunar New Year / Dragon Bash because they are just sort of overarching holidays that kind of have a 'big city' feel to them. I can see why Cantha would work for Lunar New Year too as it is Asian themed and Lunar New Year is based around Chinese zodiac. Halloween is unfortunate one, as it made a lot more sense in the ship themed LA. In the new themepark one it always seems stale and not a ton of the city is used anyway, where before LA was smaller (at least I think it was) so much more of the actual city was used.
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