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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Same, I've only played Ranger in all modes since 2012 and only multi-classsed in sPvP for Ascension. The classes I played there were Specter and Bladesworn in addition to my Ranger. I think I know the class too well now to want to play anything else, despite getting bodied by harbs, condi specters, condi renes, etc. in WvW if I'm not paying attention as I still usually run condi Druid there. For Untamed, I'm finding hybrid is the way to go and I don't even use cele--just a mix of Dire and some other gear. Running speed runes and pretty much playing it like I would my Druid, lots of battles of attrition but finding it slightly harder as don't have the instant stealth access. Something different to do I guess, but Untamed really does need something else to make it a little less of a steep learning curve.
  2. Condi slb is meta and that one uses D/D, so wouldn't really say you are camping range there either. Maybe cDPS Druid atm because there literally is no other option but ranged since Druid can't use MH dagger. It really depends on what you consider avatar as you gotta be in melee for 3/5 skills there---anyway, kinda expect that to change pretty quick with the expansion though. I honestly don't know what we're debating atm since it has nothing to do with quick untamed anymore. I guess I'll just repeat what I've said already many times: IMO Ranger is balanced around full or near to full melee. The 'Ranger = ranged' is a myth not only from lore perspective but also literally how anet designed the class--and continues to do so since next we're getting mace.
  3. Sneak Gyro - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) They never touched the field duration, only the inital stealth duration that gyro gives...
  4. Of course longbow isn't a DPS loss if you don't swap to it? ๐Ÿคจ No one is camping Longbow for DPS; from everything I've seen you will be camping Sw/Axe--used to be Axe/Axe prior to the sword changes. You have classes that are meta to camp ranged like Virt and Mech--Ranger isn't one of these. Anway, my original point was more to those confused that 'Ranger' doesn't mean ranged, and anet has never balanced it that way. The highest damaging builds have always been melee or near melee thanks to whirling defense hitting like a truck and being mandatory.
  5. Still a DPS loss though; I don't do a ton of fractals / strikes but it seems most don't use LB there unless mechanics require it. Raids I don't think you use LB at all as mostly camp a single weapon set?
  6. If they wouldn't have removed Ancient Seeds it wouldn't be close--a good Druid would win every time. As prior to gunflame memers we had engi rifle / mech memer's and those were super easy to deal with / ignore on a Druid. Even now I have a hard time seeing a Druid lose to a gunflame--I thought Muk was more casual/PvE so probably why he was getting farmed. Actually nvm, I just look at the vid and he is on support build and way out of place so idk what that is even supposed to show.
  7. True, which is why I think this 'omg ranged burst is OP plz nerf' debate lends itself way more towards Berserker comparison and OP just a bit biased towards DE / maybe downed by one too many Sic' Em rangers. As if you are good on Sic' Em you will be great on most forms of 'one shot' Berserker since Gunflame bursts are pretty much instant so you can't get CC out of the burst like Rapid Fire (without priming it with Dolyak that is). I do agree both Sic' Em and Gunflame are very much LI noob stompers though, with Gunflame being practically meme. Just didn't want OP accidently getting DE even more on dev radar by casually comparing it to Sic' Em (via random longbow argument) as it just doesn't make sense and is likely to have the opposite effect of what they are after.
  8. Alright, distilled the OP into something I can actually respond to as the rest of it seems to be a complaint about rapid fire tracking and bemoaning lack of roleplay realism in that order--which are basically situational / subjective complaints that don't leave too much room for discussion. So, I think the big issue here is (according to OP) Deadeye should be king of range because bullets fly farther than arrows. I know I said I wasn't going to delve into the RP complaint here but GW2 doesn't really operate on real physics, so we have to instead directly compare the specs being discussed. With Deadeye, you have access to Malice and thus have the spammy gameplay of hitting Skirmishers Shot until it fills, and then using Death's Judgement. If this fails, you go into stealth with the 10 or so easy ways thief has access to and run. With Ranger, you would have to be running Soulbeast and a Sic' Em build to get near Deadeye burst damage--so you blow all your utility skills, hit PBS and then Rapid Fire. If this fails, Doylak Stance and bird / dog / GS #3 it out of there. The problem? Ranger longbow burst is much more comparable to Berserker Gunflame burst as both require blowing all utility skills. Deadeye burst merely requires spamming Skirm shot and landing Death's Judgement--little to no utility investment here. So, what really needs to be reworked here? As it sounds like Deadeye needs WAY more utility investment to do the burst, so you are in actuality with this topic asking for a nerf there. I'd be careful what you wish for. Anyway, if doubting my analysis compare: Mercy Deadeye Build (PvP) - Hardstuck and Sic 'Em Soulbeast Build (PvP) - Hardstuck Very, very easy to see what I'm talking about. So easy an anet dev can even do it!
  9. tldr; this implies you have to have gizmos to care about tourney comps otherwise its pure speculation. When we all know most people with gizmos bought them, but I digress ๐Ÿ˜‚. Anyway, to avoid going in circles, I don't like where Druid is at. I mean yeah we all have to deal with it, and most of us can probably play around it, but the direction is sus at best. But I must say, with all the mechanical complexity for minor or mediocre gain, really does make you feel the NCSoft influence ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.
  10. Yeah, the armory actually makes a sound when you use it: Mmmm Sigils nom nom nom
  11. Uhh... Also not gonna ask you how many gizmos you have but... Seems I'm not the only one speculating on AT. If you are the Top 25 you speak of, mind dropping the Twitch? As at this point, I'm guessing that I am likely debating an alt account--but glad you are happy with the state of the game!
  12. I'm sure someone on some discord somewhere is fist pumping the removal of alac from spirits so they can bring--oh wait, you still bring spirits: Heal Alacrity Druid Build | Guild Wars 2 | Snow Crows You also still must spam CA skills with abandon to generate alacrity, so that issue wasn't resolve but got worse. Anyway, feel free to bring other venues in with a counterpoint, as we all know anet reads Reddit more than here anyway. I just don't personally feel like going over there as I lack a Fedora.
  13. I don't really remember anyone wanting alac off spirits nearly as much as wanting them invuln / not die so easily; regardless there is a unified front that moving alac to CA is the worst idea:
  14. Then why are you in a PvE oriented topic? As for your sPvP forum post history, everything is apparently strong and perfect there according to it so that point is moot. We all know Rangers won't be dominating tournaments anytime soon and skill level is at an alltime low anyway there so it's mostly irrelevant.
  15. True, I more hate that quickness is tied to the mechanic at all and literally only because they want to slap a 100% boon uptime build on every spec. For me, I'd rather stick to the 'purity of purpose' (anyone remember that one?!) and go pure DPS with soulbeast as it mechanically makes sense to me (i.e. low self HP / defense + burst windows). It looks like the video is unleashing twice per cycle / rotation; do initial ambush via unleash toggle, end up back in ranger unleashed and wait 9s, unleash toggle again for another ambush, then immediately weapon swap to start the next rotation. That way you always know when your ambush is available as its directly tied to your weapon swap CD. The only time this gets muddy is if a mechanic doesn't allow you to perma-stack on the boss.
  16. The feedback for spirits was always to make them invuln in some way--not to hardline alac output to a specific spec and certainly not to a spec mechanic. <Heal Mech has entered the chat>
  17. I gotta hit the big red 'among us' button on that--how is test golem DPS / survivability demo anywhere near competitive viability? Sounds like someone has been messing about in the vents... Anyway, Druid in WvW right now is very trash. I have to work twice as hard to lockdown and/or secure kills on my roamer now because of Ancient Seed removal (and Eclipse replacement is hot garbage), and support Alac is non-existent because they didn't buff duration there. Ergo, I wouldn't be saying 'Druid is saved' at all in a competitive context right now. Based on literally what? Just sticking to the original purpose of this topic, we have many examples here of why PvE heal/alac is currently probably B/C tier right now compared to other options and still we get posts like this that anet will latch to for no other reason than its echo chamber for them. With both Druid and Untamed we have a very lazy slapping of boons on class mechanics that weren't meant for that. It's just not ok and there should be a lot of vitriol around it.
  18. An all-melee ranger build? No way...I remember at least one person on here telling me that wasn't feasible or possible at all ๐Ÿ˜‚. Really though it's still too mechanically complex for only 34k DPS when you can just roll a soulbeast and push near/over 40k doing half the work. Quickness Untamed seems like something that would benefit competitive Untamed a lot more, but it mysteriously is missing from Let Loose there...
  19. This traits been bugged with a few pets, Fern Hound is another.
  20. The rotation show in the OP is nowhere near what's ran in the 'demo', showing exactly how punishing it is when not against a test golem. Also probably want to mark this topic with [PvE]. Finally, would be good to show it in a raid and/or challenge strike as primary healer and disprove the main gripe of alac being tied to CA wastes the actual purpose of support Druid---healing.
  21. Too many classes with ports / shadowsteps now to get rid of superspeed--need to even the gap somehow. They'd have to remove the ports from things like ranger, guardian, engineer, etc. which weren't created to do that in the first place, and then also undo a lot of the projectile hate so that long range classes can do the job they were meant for by countering the classes that still have port movement (i.e., thieves, eles, mesmer, etc.). If anything, I think a meet in the middle approach is fine with current balancing. Basically, baseline the 25% move speed and remove swiftness since it serves little purpose other than procc'ing speed runes which are nearly as controversial as cele gear at this point.
  22. What about the black bear tho
  23. That's fair, but also why I brought up the pet, as unless merge soulbeast you oftentimes lose a giant chunk of potential damage to AI unless you position it perfectly. It's doubly bad on Druid which also has its own resource to manage in addition to the pet. Not saying anet shouldn't fix that across the board though. It's a common pattern that resource / mechanics management doesn't produce nearly the effectiveness it should. I think bladesworn suffers from this a bit too, as you must build the resource and remain stationary to try to set up bursts when other classes (including my own in ranger) can set it up easier from range.
  24. Definitley doesn't do more damage than lvl 2 berserk if my math is right: Power: 2000, Armor 2500, target disabled: Pounce: (922.5 * 1.05 * 2000 * 1.20) / 2500 = 930 Power: 2000, Armor 2500 Eviscerate: (922.5 * 1.666 * 2000) / 2500 = 1,229 Both are 8s CD, Eviscerate is 300 to Pounce 450 range but you don't need the disabled condition to trigger its damage. Energy requirement is probably negligible since Warrior doesn't have to manage the pet (in all circumstances except merged Soulbeast). Pounce may win on the 3s vigor and 3 target but that's about it.
  25. How is what you quoted from me contradictory? I think dueling is a waste of time so I don't do it often...is this clearer for you? Also, who really cares what my duel preferences are--stick to the topic about cele ๐Ÿ˜‚.
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