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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Warclawception is going to be wild in WvW
  2. Again, over 400 games bro---of course if you grind out that much with high starting placement (since it doesn't reset from season to season) you can temporarily Q to Top 10. How about staying there? Oh, because 'you don't care about rating'...right? Or is it because staying there requires some alt dodging, wintrading, duo Q, etc. minigame that you 'don't care' to play? I just don't understand the facetiousness. Like hiding behind an alt on a forum because your glass ego won't allow us to see who really posts this stupid kitten?
  3. I have no idea who Tycura is--and you realize 'the account I had just solo queued top 10' means your alt, which is already suspect behavior to begin with. That and you mention duels, so if this Tycura is you're duel buddy then... Starting at high placements, alt'ing to decay dodge, and more than likely trading a win here and there, sure you can 'solo q to top 10'. But what Eura said above reads as if any average joe can solo q to top 10 with some hard work and nothing else, while he's at almost 400 games and not Top 10 whilst being one of the better Ranger players. Anyway, if 'practicing duels' is a euphamism for finding a throw buddy, then sure...OP, go find a duel partner!
  4. Where is all this harb struggle coming from? Everyone is referring to core necro utilities like cloud, or shared weapons like sword or pistol--outside of the Elite elixir, what does Harb actually have? The shroud seemingly is just inferior to Reapers--can you not block the bolt attacks, and stuff like Vital Draw you can simply stunbreak and W key? Harb doesn't even get stability like Infusing Terror and maybe more importantly "Chilled to the Bone!" gives, so I just CC them to death. Like, Harb has stabi on their elite...much wow. Guess you could take Implacable Foe, but you give up boon duration and ally share. Anyway, tldr; CC them.
  5. Even with 400 games played you aren't even solo Q'ing into the Top 10 lol. Can still play the game at a Top 250 level at least, which is 99% anyway.
  6. Tbf, you probably die here if that zerg wasn't entirely braindead--like the ranger uses Rapid Fire instead of PBS when you are on a cliff to begin with and you only own camp, not keep..so chances of you gliding out of that are minimal. Anyway, no one is telling me why Harbinger is better than Reaper. Every skill you are having problems with exists on core necro besides the shroud for more damage and the elite which does nothing if you just kite it. So, again...why are people saying 'Harbinger' in 2024 when any cele necro spec with pistol/sword going to wreck you?
  7. Wouldn't reaper with a pistol be better than harb in WvW now? After weapon master I don't get the fascination with harbinger other than its elite which everyone knows to kite now. If you run reaper, you'd have an entire second lifebar--and practically same damage. Could even run power reaper instead with swords to be a way more mobile roamer--idk harb just seems so 2022 to me.
  8. Are you gaining might when the wall/gate is hit? That would be probably the only way to tell without whispering the enemy and trying to coordinate combat log / floaters to see if they get less damage when you use it. I would say it is probably what is happening though, just based on the icon being given and the fact you can also ally target walls and gates with staff. Never actually checked if the staff will heal them though...
  9. This alt still running wild on the sPvP forums... Most of the top 10 are in the top 10 because of duo only, but of course you know this. Before you go 'mah proof' watch a high-level streamer and how much they complain when the duo isn't carrying hard enough. It could be a notorious one or it could be some other one, but the proof is very easily accessible on Twitch as to why duo is nothing more than a crutch. You want to play with friends, then campaign for a duo only Q, not carries in a solo Q.
  10. To me, a 10s kill is better than a good player on a degen spec which is practically unkillable. As in, I personally would rather fight Sayian on WB then grim on a reaper. Again though, a lot of times it isn't about the kill--it's forcing a roamer/burst spec to constantly roam and get nothing done. If you nerf the roamer so they can't maybe kill a stray player running out of spawn or do a +1, then you are buffing the degen where they just stand on or near a node perma contesting it because it takes 2+ people to bring them down.
  11. We have enough liquid gold reward from the vault. Average player is not playing an sPvP Tourney or winning enough in 2 hours to make 50 gold--so we can't balance WvW rewards around that. PvE, sure you can probably farm 100g in a few hours by doing hardcore Drizzlewood or something, but what does it matter--most legendary and prestige items are collections. I've made all my legendaries (WvW armor, PvE trinkets, sPvP back, and gen 2 weapons + Aurene weapon) with like 500g a piece, if not less. At this point, you are either playing for the love of the combat system and not even thinking about rewards or trying to farm and quitting the game.
  12. True, past g2 it's the matchmaker that becomes OP. But for WB, I feel it's because people cannot handle front loaded burst specs. Ranger has had a few of them, and each time nerfed because no one wants to wait and counter, they want to facetank and counter, which you can't do against a heavy hitting burst spec. I dislike nerfing WB because that means buffing DH and DH just has degen mechanics, which isn't fun to play against. Then you have the hipsters that play core DPS or FB, which is like 4 people. People need to understand a burst DPS spec needs to exist or you are going to just buff the degen specs. Again, as example with ranger, they nerf burst untamed and soulbeast only to buff bunny thumper untamed and the 4 condi druids left. So what do they do? Introduce spear, which is going to circle back around to burst specs, but probably more degen now because they added addtional stealth mechanics to it. Same probably holds true for the other specs, it's a cycle...players complain about burst, so they buff degen mechanics to allow people to survive longer, then people complain about that, because if you were getting wrecked by a good player with a burst spec you are going to be slaughtered by same player on a degen one. And it cycles on and on...
  13. I still don't understand the purpose of the change. If you AFK farm, you are going to be hitting inputs...right? Or is this specifically to target minionmancer, mech, and bearbow rangers (are these still a thing?) where the pet is doing all the attacking and player not moving? If it's the latter, wonder why they can't put a timer on the pet itself? So, if you don't have a pet and are in combat...no timeout as you are actually afk, but if you DO have a pet and it is the ONLY thing in combat for 5 min, then timeout.
  14. I don't play it but found when fighting them it's if you get hit by the axes, going to need to cleanse quickly and kite. If you can avoid the axes / predict the stealth attack, they are pretty open for counterattack--that is, if on node, they will have to leave the node and kite themselves. For thief in general, the goal really isn't to kill them, it's to make them waste time by kiting off point and not being elsewhere decapping or +1'ing. Lot of people waste time chasing and trying to get the kill only to get kited and countered, not only losing the +5 points but being in the middle of nowhere when the thief strikes.
  15. Just straight out admitting to closet racism...ok then. I see why you hide behind an alt now
  16. That's not what hot take means lmao. What you posted directly after that would be more of a hot take. As a "hot take" is the skill is fine. You have to set it up, and it's 6k max if it crits on a full power build--which is about even to what Sword #2/3 will do. Except sword has mobility, making it far superior. But 'that's apples to oranges!' I hear...well GS #5 is a daze or most times a stun because of how flanking works and you can hit two mauls off it which is way more than 6k. With quickness, good luck avoiding both of those. Or hilt bash into savage slash...ah, I'm saying too much now, right? Again, if you are getting deleted by storm spirit then something is wrong. I barely see the top players run it as a meme--because it brings pure damage and no survivability. Which is bad, as you need some survivability unless you are facing low golds all the time. Which probably is who is complaining about this. Now, instead of straight nerf complaining...someone suggest how to revamp it. I'll wager you can't, because spirits are objectively terrible.
  17. It's still only like -20 to -25 in p2, saw it on I think Grimjack stream once. It's irrelevant for any of the people any higher than p2, as they just don't lose because they're winners. In mid-g2 I'm losing -15, but sometimes it's only like -9 if the game is way higher averaged then what I'm supposed to be in (which is a lot oddly enough). To me it'd work fine if it started slowly ramping as you go on a win or loss streak. So, say you last gained +20 then you'd lose say -10, then -15, then -20. Or if you get +15, then maybe +18 or capping at +20 if you outplay your rating by a lot. Right now though it's like, win get +15, lose get -9, win get +12, lose get -16....
  18. Agree if we are talking about builds. As in every class has a high skill ceiling build somewhere. But for specs, like Mech, Bladesworn are so special needs that the skill floor and ceiling are equal. Not saying that's a great thing btw lol
  19. lol, yeah that's why every silver and low gold runs reaper, DH, or mech. You know, low skill ceiling classes with huge payoffs at lower levels (and higher ones in case of Reaper). G2's and above you start seeing ranger, usually soulbeast, then like g3-p1+ you will see your druid's and untameds. For NA. Having support chrono, FB, whatever turns a lot of games even if just randomly because the enemy comp has a support and yours doesn't. When looking at comps lately I look to see if enemy has a support, outnumbers my comp in either reapers or wb, or is running two thieves (because typically they are coordinated now). I don't really care about the other classes, outside of if someting like Vindi is present in a higher-level match on a non-random account--counter ranger is never really something to care about. I say this because at my current g2-g3 level the counter ranger is almost always going to be a soulbeast or a bad druid--if I see counter untamed or core I do pay attention slightly more. Yes, and EU will say NA comps are terribad and lead to blowouts...it never really ends, does it? Sure, yeah. Just like in WvW, thieves that run tanky (toughness, ports, cleanse, blind spam, etc.) but are doing some pretty incredible bursts from stealth are only doing one thing. Ranger and thief are two sides of the same coin, even moreso now that spear gives increased stealth access for ranger. It's almost like they are built as counters to each other--no way.
  20. Getting 'a lot of stealth', meaning one spear skill that stealths you while every other one reveals you? Yeah, great. Awesome. Gonna be suuuuper broke.
  21. Explain then plz Maybe I need to roll a base 30k hp necro and play jumping puzzles all game
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