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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Long winded way counter my response to: "p.s. open the link with my blog on the question above and tell me if you see any of these sites aka social media on my blog . no you will not because i haven't and for this reason i removed what you wrote. gn" Twitch is social media. Was just pointing out if you want people to take you seriously, don't paste memes in your posts. And yes, first 5 seconds of your EoTM video screams meme.
  2. Might want to have a look at those Iboga numbers vs. other pets after the quickness fixes and precision updates. I think you'll find that Iboga only 'outperforms' under the exact scenario I've quoted--testing against a golem or player that is also a pianist by day.
  3. Honestly, Jacranda numbers shouldn't be surprising for anyone who plays the class. Call Lightning has always done decent numbers and the immob has always been useful in competitive. People just stopped complaining about Jacranda because perma-merge was the way in PvE pre-Untamed, and one-shot Soulbeast became a thing.in competitive. Jacranda also isn't used in Druid setups because the immob lacks when you have 100 other ones. It is/was very effective in celebeast setups though. But we know by now that devs don't actually balance around anything but what the community is doing. Tail Swipe gets hit on Drake because PvP, and now Iboga because Untamed in raids. I second that Jacranda will be next because the precision buffs is going to put its DPS over the top, and additionally it is ranged DPS, so not subject to insta nuke like felines.
  4. Fun fact, no one cared about Iboga until Alacrity changes. Basically, the only reason people care about Iboga now is Ranger got Alacrity which put Untamed into Raid comps--because of Fervent Force + Alacrity. Iboga just happened to be the only pet that could do decent DPS on a stationary target. I think they should leave Iboga as-is (i.e., do not proceed with this nerf) and also keep the precision buff for other pets to put them back inline damage wise to something approaching workable.
  5. I don't disagree that mistakes can happen with player representing the guild they want to be matched with, I just think it is less error prone than manually selecting one on some separate screen. If you know the beta is coming (which we agree should be a mail notice at least) then just represent the guild you want to be matched with the night before when you log off. Now again, this would just be a 'beta' thing for me. Later I'd really hope they have a dynamic system where it just re-matches you with any guild you select at any time instead of being locked down to a single 'WvW guild' for 1 week ~ 2 months.
  6. Desert BL seems more like an art project than actual balanced WvW map. It's too large and structures like tower's hold no purpose other than another thing to capture. If we go Jade City or any other type of future theme, I think it has to be laid out like alpine because don't see replacing EoTM with anything without serious uproar. But if take the basic premise of alpine and theme it different ways, maybe it could work. Long way down the pipeline though as they need to address overall balance and rewards way before introducing another map which may or may not be laid out well.
  7. As a point of reference, I've been a (mostly) backend software developer for a little over a decade now. Wanted to consolidate some opinions into a single topic, because frankly these beta tests are very confusing to me. Firstly, the big one for me is the upcoming Steam release. There will be an influx of new players that aren't used to testing development changes on live servers, which I fear could lead to a lot of ill will if done improperly. Nothing would anger me faster as a new player than to find a guild and start playing WvW only to be accidently matchmade as an individual for an entire week. There also needs to be better communication around what these betas actually are. Blog posts notifying us they are coming are great and all, but the vast population doesn't know they are publicly testing backend changes at this point. They think these are content previews / early access and only know their game experience is getting interrupted for little value to them in return. Since it would be hard to communicate 'betas are bug testing not early access' to an average user in written form, I think it may be beneficial to hit some of the smaller issues first that may cause confusion. A big one here is the guild panel showing entirely different borderlands than you actually get placed in. This is doubly confusing as there are two alpine borderlands and if neither of them matches where it says your guild is you have to blind guess. Then you have to remember this information, which really shouldn't be a thing. I guess this is what is confusing to me, little things generally shouldn't be this hard to fix and would have a big impact in terms of general user goodwill. In fact, with the issue above a lot of people may mistakenly think they are being mis-linked but it's really just a UI issue and so a lot of the feedback is stale or bad to begin with. They may not want to go the extra mile to sleuth out what is exactly going on, they just assume they can't play with their guild and log off. Another sticking point is the guild selection itself. Why is this a separate window in the first place? Why not just have whatever guild you are representing be who you get sorted with? This way the only way to get matched as individual would be not have a guild or be representing a personal guild (which is an edge case in my book). The only logical reason I can think of is down the line we're going to be locked into a 'WvW guild' for a certain period of time--which I can see backfiring. There are lots of reasons people may want to change guilds at any moment and arbitrarily locking that down can't end well. I'd hope instead there will be a dynamic system in place that resorts you anytime you change guilds. Finally, we are four betas in and essentially nothing has changed to the outside user. Understandably there are time constraints, deadlines, and all kinds of other not fun internal things, but really, it'd be helpful to have at least one user impacting change in the next beta. Even if its tangential like the scaling rewards system--that would be way better than the exact same experience eight months in to test a change that is backend only. Especially since these are non-optional betas and you will get players such as myself that will just sit the week out, because helping test backend things the first or second time is fine, but by the fourth it's just grating.
  8. This is the weird part for 99% of people with all of these betas--they hold them to essentially test one feature and nothing else gets updated, so it looks like zero progress is made. For me as a developer, I'd probably fix the small things like the UI bugs first so as not to exacerbate the issue. I myself find the UI bug in the guild panel super annoying as it's really hard to tell if you've been mislinked or not. That also shouldn't be a hard bug to fix. They are essentially hunting this 'queue bug' though at the expense of everything else. That and setting up some internal system to automate these (seems early to do that from an outsider perspective); both of these things aren't visible to us the users. I really don't know how they expect to do these 'public is my QA' betas when Steam launches though, it seems like it'd kitten all the new players off that have no idea what they are in for.
  9. Yes, the lack of in-game mail is baffling. I'm hoping at some point you will be able to dynamically relink yourself with your guild just by representing it. Otherwise, I'm unsure how this works for people with multiple guilds--unless you are going to have to choose a single 'WvW guild' that you can't change for some period of time? Essentially 'guild selection' shouldn't even be a thing. Or at least just have it so whatever guild you are representing when beta goes live is the guild you get matched with--sure this is still prone to error if you had like a personal guild selected or something but at least it isn't an entirely separate window for no reason.
  10. You literally have a Twitch on that blog link (kinda weird way to promote that), so I think my Reddit point about random memes for emphases still stands. Anyway, not sure I'm understanding what you mean by 'EBG map had remained server's map'? Do you want EBG to be the only map, and then try to draw comparison to EoTM that way? Still wouldn't be the same thing (in the end) because of ability to choose your grouping via guild. For your questions, from a development perspective they are probably easier to solve than whatever 'queue bug' they have been facing for the past 7-8 months, so they are worked on later. There just isn't the full infrastructure as of now. All this is really their fault too because they don't have dedicated test servers and the general public has zero idea how beta's actually run (i.e., they are not early access). So the result is a lot of angry forum topics much like this one, because we only have a small fraction of the entire whole.
  11. Removing the quoted memes cause this ain't Reddit. Anyway, factually not EoTM because you had no way to choose what your pairing was on EoTM. Here, you do. You may get 'EoTM Naming' for your alliance, but you don't get randomly shuffled unless you have no guild affiliation. Which, is fine. Because at present even with 'world linking' if you are a rando without a guild you are just going to follow...oh yeah, a guild. Anyway, sure right now it is EoTM because there is no actual alliance part yet, but it's facetious to say that 'alliances = EoTM' when clearly, they do not.
  12. Going to agree with Soulbeast as best brawler. Even running literal brawler (Dagger/Axe + GS)--most people aren't super aware so can go practically glass and get out with just Dolyak and the GS. I've had some success chasing zergs around with this as easy to take out multiple people off tag at a time. For general purpose, I think condi/immob Druid is the best bet. Can't beat staff kiting and celestial shadow + full cleanse trait on every avatar entry/exit is potent. Untamed is different but no real way to take advantage of Fervent Force without losing a lot of damage. You need to take storm spirit and can get alac off that too, but the damage won't match soulbeast at all. Utility is ok with the boon rip and projectile denial, but I find survivability lacking as no easy stealth access without smokescale and nothing to match Dolyak for emergency. Finally, core is for hipsters only at this point. I see no reason to take it over Untamed as that extra traitline isn't worth losing all the things that Untamed brings (including full pet control).
  13. Not reading all 13 pages of this, but just funny to me that mech can do godlike damage but ranger pets get the nerf bat literally every corner. Iboga's nerf they found from patch notes literal FOUR years ago....😂. I get they needed to sell an expansion, but equality is definitely not a thing. EDIT: Also, as a PSA, debating a certain poster will get this thread to over 100 pages with nothing to show for it.
  14. We have pirates, just need a 'walk the plank' mastery where they chain heavy things to you, and you can use it at any pirate ship diving board...
  15. Any guesses what's going to be in this? My guess is an instant repair cannister and some random dye select packs?
  16. Sometimes yes, and sometimes must be in chat and type a command to get them. I've found Twitch drops to be one of the most toxic things historically though, because you will mostly get people just looking for freebies and spamming in chat about it. Essentially they aren't there for content or anything else, just the drops--which can easily be handled elsewhere (like Prime Gaming or other 'link' methods). Might not be as bad here due to low viewer counts (vs. something like beta key drops to games which bring out the worst people).
  17. Nevermind, think I figured it out...had to keep going to the Fight Manager and asking for the next special tier combatant. That is, even if I hadn't defeated them yet I'd have to select the next one or it'd take me back to Liadri; odd--but got it working.
  18. Trying the gauntlet for the first time this year and I'm unsure if I've encountered a bug. I've defeated Liadri and moved on to the special tier, where I defeated master of lighting. Upon trying another fight, it puts me back to fighting Liadri...is this normal? All other tiers progressed to the next boss or kept the boss if failed, this is the first time I went 'down' a tier, or so it seems?
  19. It makes sense and is how I use stealth as an immob Druid, the purpose is only repositioning or escaping, nothing else. Since you have to build astral force to do it, it isn't spammable either. I'm not sure how that would translate to other classes; maybe for thief initiative gain is locked while you are in stealth? That way you'd have to choose when to use stealth and also what you are going to do when you exit it as you won't gain the initiative back until you exit?
  20. Basically yes, because people love path of no resistance. I think it's for this reason subsets of the community clamor for vanilla servers, because power creep inevitably ruins everything. Obviously if GW2 were to do this we'd need a lot of the QoL improvements that have happened over the years, but I'd love a way to experience at least open world events / metas again how they were intended.
  21. Unsure; I've played for a long time and have legendary armor / trinkets / etc. but struggling wanting to pay 300g for commander tag. So, gold sinks may still affect longtime players, especially ones like me that almost all my wealth is tied up in mats and gear, only have I think ~200g liquid to my name at the moment. But for me gold sinks in this game are far less annoying than time sinks. Things like running Draconis Mons for days on end for Aurora or Meteor watching for Vision, or Funerary Incense grinding, etc.
  22. Is stealth really even still a problem? I find things like Moa way more egregious now; they've hit thieves and mesmers so hard that I'm way more afraid of the ones that don't use stealth...
  23. Yeah, at least on a target with all condis (i.e. bosses); which is why the change is so nonsensical. Because even though they based the change around bosses, and even with the increased crit chance, the other pets still lag behind and all we get is a net nerf to Iboga damage. On targets with few to no condis Iboga will become pretty much useless for damage, which is bad as they never compensated its health. It originally had low health because confusion and torment were potent, and it did some good damage chaining off those. Now confusion and especially torment suck and they just straight up nerfed the pet damage...so its a glass pet that's only benefit on 90% of things is the pull it gives--which is only valid in competitive anyway.
  24. Maybe in sPvP Untamed has some use over Soulbeast. I know for a fact Untamed is strictly worse in WvW because of the pet for large scale and small scale you need to essentially bring spirits to get FF to proc at any meaningful rate. Since they nerfed those to only pulse around the spirit its not really worth it anymore when you can bring any other ranger spec and be same or better. For PvE I don't see why anyone would want to bring a higher APM rotation to get the same benefit as a lower one; and for open world / metas perma-merged soulbeast is still the way so you don't have to worry about pet dying to random AoEs.
  25. Iboga has a pull that's very useful if you learn to use it. So...it has good CC? It also had great utilities if you were running condi yourself due to the damage scaling from its own cover condis + yours. So you'd get the benefit of consuming bite and also get access to covers in the form of confusion / torment.
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