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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. I thought it was 500? Or is it a chance at 500...can't tell from the wiki and haven't done much with notes myself. But, like...legendaries as a whole are expensive. Ascended salvaging isn't the only way to get notes but it would be the fastest--and I don't get why you wouldn't seriously consider it if you already are spending 2k+ gold on a legendary anyway. I think the impression here was these additional skins would essentially be 'free' by doing some open world collections or something with little to no gold or grinding involved. That's never, ever been the case with GW2 though--if it has any prestige it's going to require time/gold investment, full stop.
  2. Gen 2 longbow? As I know I'm having to cut down entire forests and strip mine all of Tyria just to try to get the wood/mithril for Exordium....
  3. Man, if you thought ancient seeds was bad... Seriously, since you have full control of pets I can think of four CC's to land back to back with just them, that's four ambushes in a row 😂. Then can practically stunlock someone if you play hammer / gs right (esp. with the CC's from the cantrips)--so pet would be firing off 3-4 ambushes of its own. How would they balance this? Oh ya...put a CD on it like it is now with unleashed swap... EDIT: For topic, I have no idea why shortbow ambush just doesn't work like spearguns. Just another spread attack like poison volley already is, but do whatever with it.
  4. It seems trivial otherwise, no? I thought ascended armor / weapons gave you quite a bit of research notes--seems if you just craft / salvage that you'd have them in no time.
  5. Of course the Dungeon Master title makes the difference--you've ran them all at least once so everything is unlocked. I agree heavily with this though: I don't think they thought this through. Personally, I haven't touched dungeons in 9 years and randomly happened to complete the four remaining I needed a week or so back for the core mastery point, but if I hadn't done that I can see how annoying it would be to get a group for the harder ones. I get dungeons are only core Tyria and the game has long moved on from when CoE and Arah were challenges, but it's not a good idea to introduce new players to a 'one size fits all' deal like that. It ruins all the map events leading to the harder dungeons as no one is going to do them anymore, and ruins the feel of the game when maps mattered instead of metas. Since it's obvious this is a 'final shelving' for the dungeon concept, then why not just make them into fractals? Because right now the dungeons have been orphaned from the maps they were on anyway, because no one cares about lore (not even anet), they just care about rewards. So totally separate them into fractals and at least give them play that way.
  6. Meh, would be preferable if it did nothing before overwriting, but whatever. I mean as a ranger if I daze someone with my shortbow it'd be great for that noob longbow ranger that uses #4 all the time not to ruin it with a pointless knockback...but one can dream...
  7. 1. Agree to disagree I guess, I've won many a duel, escaped many a situation, and solo'd many a champion with that glyph 2. So we agree that Staff #5 is useful...great 3. GS 5 resetting maul is doubling up on a huge damage skill if you run power (like two 8-10k hits back to back if you run full crit chance). The point is it is far more braindead to do than try to get the CD off staff #3 if you aren't near other friendlies. Also, I'd really look into pet swapping to get that CD reduction. You don't call your pet back to you as it defeats the purpose of the kite--if you kite and then pet swap you get everything and CD reduction for healing the newly swapped in pet. Do that into your staff #5 and gl anything killing you that doesn't vastly outnumber you.
  8. I don't mean to be blunt...but do you play Druid? Firstly for the glyph, a two second daze is huge in any fight--not only for the daze but for the fact you can self-chain ancient seeds off it--and also does a lot of breakbar damage. It's also instant cast, meaning at any time you have an instant 2s daze without warning. For staff 5, you do know you can blast finisher into it, right? As it's a water field...that blocks projectiles...and grants regen if you go through it... Staff 3 already got a nerf a while ago, already got a recharge increase, and used to be able to evade with it. Not seeing why you'd nerf it when our other 'kiting weapon' greatsword has the same range leap (which does have a small evade window), and also has a literal full stop block of everything and anything. Greatsword also has a built in CD reduction of maul through skill 5, so the CD reduction of staff is actually more skillful as you need to pet swap most times during it to get that reduction.
  9. You really tryin' to make WvW into Toypocalypse 😂 . Just big, flat, instanced map with a winner every hr... We see how well this works with PvE, check out Dragon's End for a good example. Going to get very sporadic activity with taxi's certain times of day, and all other times it will just be dead as now. They may indeed be thinking too hard on the alliances thing--just leave the worlds as they are, refactor their nonsense linking algorithm, and increase rewards dramatically. As for maps, it'd be nice if we had another one so alpine wasn't duplicated.
  10. I guess I should have put 'theoretically' there; but that's the sad part, as the spec originally was designed for pets to be just less than half of our DPS. In today's game that wont' shake out due to the quickness bug, number of pet damage nerfs, and the fact they don't hit anything in general.
  11. ...Wut. Glyph of Equality may be the best ranger utility in the game. I will agree the others need a look at though. Saw some discussion about staff as well--staff 3-5 are insanely useful, the only thing needing a look at is 2 and the staff auto really should heal allies.
  12. It's been an easy fix for a long time, just make pet swap always 10 seconds, and 8 seconds if beastmastery is traited. That makes it match what soulbeast can do as far as 'healing' the pet through merge, and gets rid of the death penalty that never has made any sense. Because losing the pet IS the penalty--when the pet goes down you lose up to 40% of your DPS on certain specs, without the stupid recharge increase. Should never at any time be increasing CDs. Messing with CDs on ranger is like messing with initiative gain on thief, it has a big impact whenever it is done, and usually it isn't needed in favor of other possible changes.
  13. Oh...warclaw dodge, lol. Old boomer me was thinking player dodge, and was going in my head 'yes, player dodge negates not only rapid fire but also warhorn #4'. Actually used that dodge info while solo'ing Honor of the Waves story yesterday (need that mastery point)--the final boss uses a lot of warhorn attacks and can just dodge them in entirety for an easy time.
  14. What happens when Untamed's pet gets nuked 😂. You take a bad spec and make it worse by limiting it to one pet--unless that one pet is also invulnerable somehow. This change would also make Soulbeast vastly OP because you can get two sets of CC, or one set of CC and super mobility for free. All without having to have any penalty for pet being out and potentially downed, and not having to worry about merge / unmerge, as you just get everything free by 'internally swapping'. Basically what I'm saying is, right now if you want two CC sets you have to unmerge to get that CC and lose personal stats for a bit. Change for Druid doesn't really net to anything either, as it'd get a pet stat buff and do the same thing as always, just use F2 for CC. Which is fine by me, but not sure that's what was intended here. Core would be whatever, two fully controllable turds are still turds.
  15. Would be nice, but they have never implemented something as simple as timers for your traits with ICD's, so I don't have much hope for this. Which always baffled me, as we have like icons for opening strike and stuff--but nothing in the way of icons for like zephyr's speed, clarion bond, or even new traits like cleansing unleash. Maybe expansion four will bring a new ranger spec with these features as spec only options instead of QOL, like direct pet control is with Untamed...
  16. Yeah, that design philosophy died with dedicated supports. Before HoT you needed to blast fields and things to get the boons you need--after you started bringing things like Scrapper, Tempest and Druid because of dedicated heal potential. PoF made that worse with Firebrand and broken stat sets. Then they compounded the problem with damage nerf, cele rework, etc. I don't think the 28th of June patch is going to help any; at best it makes even more options for sustain, but fixes nothing in terms of damage or needing to actually use any of the game mechanics. Not that players would anyway--just look at break bars. 99% of time if I don't bring the entire CC to break the bar in a smaller group it isn't getting broken. If players aren't bringing CC or aren't even aware of it, then there is no hope for combo fields and the original vision.
  17. Which is sad...as CMC and whoever else designed untamed for PvP and seemingly around Tail Swipe, nerfed it what 2-3 months after release, and now...nothing. Let that sink in...they designed an entire e-spec around one pet skill. If you don't believe me, look at the EoD pets and how they still don't function properly after nearly four friggin' months. Much like Bladesworn, Untamed was designed around a literal meme. Well two, if you count 'bunny thumper' in addition to 'tail swipe lulz', but it doesn't even do bunny thumper properly. As for number of skills, it should translate to power; that is more skills = higher skill ceiling = more powerful. It doesn't though, it literally is more skills for less power.
  18. Without knowing a lot, spectre does seem to have a build that has very good personal sustain, at least in WvW. Fought one the other day for 5 min or so at a camp on my druid; ended up losing due to attrition but it was surprising to me. how durable the spectre was.
  19. Yeah I wouldn't go into HoT maps without a mount. Sure, you 'can' glide everywhere but I always found it awful and left HoT after Tangled Depths. Went back lately to make a gen 2 legendary, but now have skyscale and every other mount--it isn't so bad. About mob difficulty, always thought that is strictly a L2P issue. No one can help you learn what CC or breakbars are, or to stop mashing 1 on every event and not reading what you're supposed to do.
  20. How you gonna ask for good hammer builds then show a build anyway 😂
  21. For PvE / WvW.... I've only used power, but I'd try something with Diviner's and boon duration. I don't really have an exact build, but basically think boonbeast but for untamed. Hammer is still lackluster but if you can keep the important boons up (fury, might, quickness, etc.) you can do pretty well in most settings. Just concentrate on state switching a CC into a burst move; stuns are on the pet unleashed side and damage on ranger. I found pack runes help here as well over most anything else to give you boons to start off the fight, as you need that might and stuff to even come close to what you are missing from soulbeast.
  22. Maybe just a bad Harbinger I guess? Still doesn't take away from it was a one CC into burst, which is exact Harbinger weakness....so yes, counter-play works.
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