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Everything posted by lare.5129

  1. You should stop playing PVP asap if not get fun and feel not happy.This is is main idea. Problem solved. Also can keep vision that true people who want real pvp challenge play tournaments. And reg ranked by duo only as for training part without any intoxication for other players.
  2. at first - there is NO ANY " negativity snowball". If 2, 5, or 15 people "cry" on forum this is absolutely not say about real state. As I think there is no any point add new fractal. Make new and hard ? For what ? This is get 0.02-2% complete pleasure and 98+% say "ou. no, not today". Also keep attention that mostly each "new fractal content shouter" don't close all current fractals. And from 250kp+ people who realy understand and do fractals the "new fractal shouter" % is decreased near zero.
  3. Elite specs ? Who need it? Only 5 hypers who don't try existing all 18 specs? Why we should worry about it? For people who play the current count of elite spec is more than enought. I close ALL achivment exept very strange collection (magic uselees mask coast 10k gold each, for collection you need 3). So exept strange collection I like it. IF you talk about that mistake in collection I think they add accbound item in pvp/wvw track, so relax and get fun.
  4. Don't check it is nerfed. I dont use it anyway, but don't see any bad in portal boost or revert nerf.Very strange that that disturb someone. On silver no on worry about it.
  5. where my favorite " I'm really sure what I'm fine with what we have already." ?
  6. Example from real game-play:80% time I play on wvw solo. I can't solo T3 camp. Sometimes npc kill me. So there is no any point solo run and be killed by npc.
  7. I like condi spam. also Don't like = find another class or chose another content.Why we should disturb othe player play as they want ??
  8. current templates bring 1 additional place to swap. If you want - you can use. Don't want - don't use.In summary no any changes if you not buy something. So there is NO lose. Lose only side software users.We agree with what ?
  9. We like it. And this is no any manipulation. I always swap. I open new map or do heart wiht thief. And waiting on pvp.2 min 5 min 10 min ! Get invite, accept, relog as my pvp FB.Or you suggest my wait on my FB in Lion Arch 10 minutes till invite ?? Or try do heart wiht unliked for pve character ?? No way.
  10. I play from start, and I don't go raid because it to hard, you say it is too easy.next poin ir rename ny favorite Acalon dungeon?
  11. Yes, it too big price but I think that leg ring soon or not soon, but will be added in pvp/wvw track, so if it to much now - relax and after few year I and other player will get it.
  12. some people a lot play pvp only because it toxic. It is cool too. Solution: relax, hide chat, and play.
  13. So shot summary is: we need checkbox is setting, where disable d by DEFALUT. If enabled - people see Cyrillic letters and can write it.
  14. so how I see there is not big happy add cyrilic ? May be that not have proper adresation someone?nothing here is do very fast, norm, give time and after few years will back on that. i relax, prosto use na traslite, menshe no do sad mind and budet vse good.
  15. I close all Grothmar Valley achievements but not that https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Merchandise_CollectorMay be this is will be first non close achiv in living story from all years .. ??Strange that these Shoulders of the Ebon Vanguard Choice Chest and Khan-Ur skins still no added in pvp/wvw track final chest.May be they have some technical issues and it will be added soon. for other achievements - no comments, all ok.
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