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Everything posted by lare.5129

  1. but what response we wait?At firts - is template mostly done ok? - yes, it is mostly nice.Is non arcdps template users lose something ? - mostly no. Ofc need each time switch from open world to pvp/wvw build trait is strange, but this is not big issue. Can be it cheaper or have "buy all option for whole account and future characters" whit magic 75% reduce price ? yes, it can be. And can be not be. So, again, what response we wait ?
  2. I always try to understand if some class so op, why people do not try also play that magic class ? Especially if necro say that someone is op ))
  3. That depend that player wait from pvp. If you join solo whit same class all time - yes, is should be fail. And this is not great, but it is normal way.Solution: try find team-mate, and change class. Not luck? Again find new team-mate or/and change class. And again. And again. For me is work last 5 years.Also do same prepare for tournaments consta party. And look at ranked-duo like preparation for tournament. Or do some time break and relax. Some people tied for same action all time and no matter how it is good.
  4. relax,if you bout overw2 the overw1 you get free (pof->hot model ?:))) )each have his "particularly own" drop and can up skin on another weapon in wowetcall what you need to know Anet is best.
  5. I also play rene in cms+t4. Don't see any problem.also in my part always 1+ necro. Why someone think what in meta non exist necro this not my issue.Solution: less read "meta webs" + more play.
  6. Don't see any point to break perfect Halloween nostalgia and spent something for that. Who want challenge - go raid. Me, and other ptv players say NO.
  7. so my true is win? any changes is sad changes. no changes - profit.today we got decreased PIPS score depend ''w2as score placement" with -1 value. Greetings! still want ask more changes ?
  8. For gw2 edge who have 9+ active characters current price looks strange. Will be nice each buyed amor biuld template extend will be shared for all account characters - it will be cool. ok, may be not same, may be 2, or 3 x more price, but for all account.
  9. 1)yes, it is fail on spvp.Will be good have separate pbp build, liek old, and it automatically change traits and util inside, but IF player want he can for that chose any from his 3(6) additional. Now I have feeling that pvp biuld space s stolen. 2) I have some bug, but I can use same ancient weapon/armor on another build? for some build I use diferent armor, but some ancient jewely +backpack. So if I understand now I have put off part of my items, press swap, and put on. So in this mode there is no big point have more than 3+ armor swaps. Or may be it is bug only for me?? 3)different class is seeable , but no accessible - that target do make this ?
  10. Why management don't say this ? Someone just forget.Now , when we interested keep gw2 on air we generate attract ideas. And this idea is great.
  11. I know English very good, and don't have any issues. Also I perfect write in latin cyrilic, so this is not problem for me. And I strong know what for some big value players the cyrilic input get some good choose to start play here. Most of them will like wvw also. So now choose: cry what wvw is sad and low population or make one line fix.
  12. it works very strange on spvp. I mean it not works at all.Now when run on open word and waiting reg in pvp after transfer you need change utils and traits each time.Was ok, that spvp have separate line, now some mixed wiht pve (
  13. I feel some small fail then each time running in open world, need change utils and traits on spvp. Why spvp traits and utils not stay as same .. But ok, don't see big issue. Just on map opening world keep pvp utils/traits and don't think more.
  14. don't think that this is big issue. Something like additional space in bag for second set. Is this competitive advantages too? no.
  15. ohhh. I know. You not read about that this discussion and how it look.I explain.Most european cyrilic plaeyrs anyway don't know English. They know 1 or two languages, but non English. Ofc present some cool like me, who can read and sometimes understand, but most not.ok, So now people write how it spell in cilic wiht some abstraction in latin letters. In this mode some word have more variantions ..( sometimes think "what?? aaa"And there is no any defirence for non-crylic player if he see text in latinized cyrilic or in pure cyrilic.One one point for non cyrilic: if in cyrilc - easy understand that this is not random letters.
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