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Everything posted by lare.5129

  1. We not forget that anyone can very easy buy t1 weapon legs from trading post?Also they a cheap. If you qualified play each all evening each 20-30 day you can buy leg wep without any trouble.
  2. how I understand no one who use previous default from gw2 after that update not have some bad.Problem and some saddens only who use arc for templates. For me that arc was to heavy understandable for templates. Currently I use peace of paper to swap build from open world/fractal. Will I use templates - no. Is that update ok for me ? YES. This is good. Why not(for me)?
  3. yes, some pet wiht low damage but with boonstrip once per 30 sec can be added. Good idea."Ant Wasp" will be ok )
  4. As I calculate I do 18-22g per h in chill mode. Ofc main target is not gold, because I open bags mysef and want Ember Infusion ))
  5. so what the question ?something no good ? for me all is - ok is mount finisher good ? yes, why not. It is fun.about squads .. Idk, I play on wvw 90%+ time solo or wiht small 2-3 party.new maps ? why we need it? No way. This is not pve content. Is biulds ok? for me - yes. Is some build overpowered ? If you think so - play this build.Is needed any additional wvw event? For me - not. May be I not see main idea in this video ? OR people just try populate the stream ?
  6. so it is easy see that we can forgot about gear swamping in arcdps ..ok, anyway we like it for dps check Also I can easy predict that if 3 templates will be small count we will soon find new addon.How it can looks?Anyway it should be based on overlay system, to avoid any push from Anet? and don't be integrated in gw .dll files.So it will be some notes book, where you hand by hand click on each trait. Also before panic we should know is 4th template after buying open template for each charter, or for once
  7. I was do auroa and vision on first week after announce. Is so cheap and easy.Ofc next ring or wvw legendary amulet can have more changes, make more elitare, and harder. also info for some who don't want long farm, it helps me very much - find a job and make bank account.
  8. any simple re-balance can break/create more changes that big pack wiht additional specializations.Thief have portal, chrno not welcome in cms, and more other changes come without any additional spec.Also I am sure that any addtional spec will be more loook as deep fake, so I am not will be interested in that.Ofc additional trait line for aquatic content have mind. But ONLY if some aquatic content will be added. And again, I don't like aquatic content after reworked fractal //
  9. as boon support ? anyway the current weil radius with tick 3 spread is to small for dynamic fractal gameplayonly dps is welcome. Or party should be very chill.
  10. one more moment - achievement progress is long if you check it each time, but if you put on druid warhorn, spam all skill and get pleasure from game-play - progress is incredibly fast
  11. what should be happed ? The LS5 is not started yet, we have only prologe.So relax, wait hellowin at 15+ day , and after aprox 1+ month we will see part 1, and after 1+1+1 part 2 and in one of that part should be fractal
  12. there is enough and to much dungeon content. Ofc sad what some dungeons is to hard, for example arah is not possible finish wiht most parties.But mostly other dungeons a great. For example for dungeon we make only guild members parties, try find you guild for runs and be happy.
  13. Can you read?? serious question (also that sounds like a very casual player commenting)English is low, I use translate. Read what?I look from my side. If I get pips on eotm - I will also play on it. If no - no. This is simple easy.
  14. more easy way create new char - ranger, and use warhorn.also keep attention - this count ONLY killng blows from you AND that weapon skill, if you use util skill or another wep at blow - it not count.so if u wiht necro spamm f1 f2 f3 f4 and put conditions, you descrease chance to get +1 to warhorn achiv.
  15. 1)wvw is great2)no new map needed3)don't play as chrno if you think that is nerfed. Find and play with OP.4)Small improvement - will be nice have on eternal bg also same pips progress.
  16. about what nerf talking? lolwe should make thief more strongerI was try play whit condi thief, is so hard, and so fast die .. If someone think that thief is op - welcome- login as thief and play.
  17. as me me don't wait any changed, and don't feel what they is needed in wvw. Content is great.One that will be cool - pips progress and same exp on edge of the mist
  18. I was try that build. So where is the problem? not see that.If you think that some clasis to op - play that class. No one can stop you.
  19. this is very easy look till time then you start play on thief.If you think that some claasis to overpowered - play that class. No one can stop you.
  20. for a lot of people wvw is roaming, fun, chill and relax on weekend ..They don't know about t4 or etc, and don't want know about that.
  21. I happy to have that race what I have. No any "why not have race" from me.
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