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Everything posted by lare.5129

  1. Double Revenant just won both the EU and NA Monthly Automated Tournaments. That's pretty dominant.But how can we be sure that person who win with revenant will get lose wiht any other character ? I can say that ok, we can panic if all 5 rev reg on tournaments, and win.. And after some time all party is a revenants. Now I don't see that.
  2. I was try revenant liek all others on pvp and don't see any OverPowered things ... May be players was more skilled and gotted impression exist for someone.To break it - try play revenant yourself.If someone get luck with another class ? it is great, if not - no OP exist. If we have 100% real rev domination - we anyway will see 5 vs 5 revenants. Now I see mostly 0 revenants on ranked.
  3. yes, it easy. Yesterday we come 10, do few try-run, all die, raid was over. After that I join another party, we do first try, all 10 die again, lead leave, I take leader, we take one another .. and do it !! Don't see fun to wipe raid.AC is better.
  4. as for me gw2 absolutely not need any additional elite specialization nearest 20+ years. This is only hurt gameplay, but not make better.In simple English: any new elite spec is fail.
  5. summary from me:nice meta, based on story part,also fine that don't have "magic" splil to 2h eventsBUTOnly one thing is VERY BAD. Dot you know how to frozen screen looks on 14" notebook screen ???I have more space on mobile phone ..May be this should be redesign to debuf small icon like others??, but not steal half screen ?
  6. when I see the that topic about "rev hammer is to strong" I was sure that this is funny trolling, or something another ..But here all write seriously about that .. How we need hammerred revenants to dominate vs 5 meta fb + 5 meta warrios ? 50 ? 100 ?
  7. yeah in the 1 time bjora trak. He's talking bout the generic Icebrood one Bjora track is non repeatable. How else am I gonna get eternal ice shards when playing wvw?Icebrood_Saga_Reward_Track is updated now.you can have 60 from each repetable that track, till new patch.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Icebrood_Saga_Reward_Track60 > 50chill
  8. ofc I can say, if we keep 4 stat rule, that my chrono need:major heal+conminor condi+expertz this is easest way )) but may we we should shake condi viper and wait new stat like someting like "condi critical chance", and step by step add various combination wiht this stat ? Or may be smash current power vision, and at first step be don't add nothing, but review current power attribute, and make it like "capped Toughness penetration" and "might boon" like "Toughness penetration boon". It will shake pve world ))
  9. To correct this I think that tp prices don't matter at all now? With both the wvw and pvp reward tracks, plus the items available at the chili vendor you can now finish the achievement without buying any weapon skins off tp I think. You only need the shoulders (or the helm :p ). It didn't occur to me at first bc I don't pvp. So I may be wrong, someone pls correct me if so . . . Don't check yet, but anyway very strange see that charr helm in story collection. By current vision and changes this charr helm should be reward for 12 items.
  10. 25, or 43, or 65 - no matter. This is ok. Why not ? Don't think that is is op.Anyway we not see 5 vs 5 warriors whit rifles, so let it be.
  11. just interested, the current topic creator have complete all achievements to 5000 blow kills whit all current weapons ? No ?So why worry and suggest more ?
  12. In Ember Bay you once per day whit 100% grantee go to complete. Here we have magic low drop item whit no any progress.Why not progress?? If on open "Recovered" Charr Artifact we have choose get chance item or 100% choose some "charr coin" and for 5, or 10, or no matter how much coins buy it - I say ok. But here is no any vision of progress.
  13. So currently impossible complete this collection. Khan-Ur items have magic random small chance drop from Visage of the Khan-Ur like "chak infusion" or etc...I was sure that the acc bound items will be added in spvp/wvw track link, but it is not. So we have:Gaze of the Khan-UrGlance of the Khan-UrGlower of the Khan-Ur So what better do?1) Remove from collection these 3 magic charr items at all.2) Add account bound Khan-Ur items in finial spvp/wvw track chest3) Add account bound Charr helms to map vendor and sell it for Hatched Chili and Volatile Magic4) Any other ideas ??
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