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Everything posted by cyberzombie.7348

  1. Its not just a matter of whether they miss but also if they're paying attention to anyone smart enough to counter snipe them. And between the reddish glow, their shouting, projectile visibility, and low mobility, I can get a read on them a lot quicker than they realize.
  2. Yeah its strong, but its a one-trick-pony that sticks out like a sore thumb. And it doesn't take much to kill them if you have situational awareness.
  3. These days staff weaver, you can be surprised with the amount of control you have in a group fight when played well. Plus the finesse required to pull off 1v1s makes the kills feels earned.
  4. I'd take the list with a grain of salt Considering the amount of genres that exist outside of RPGs and action/adventure. Edit: Though it does strike a nerve that they put GTA 4 way below a f*'ing Tetris game.
  5. Personally wouldn't consider myself upset but rather confused of its concept. Because according to its lore its suppoed to be a sluggish frontliner spec. With it's hammer being less agile but more damaging than daggers. Though none of it's kit really screams that in practice. Even d/wh tempest does a better job. It's utility skills and half the traits also leave more questions than answers.
  6. The very first rework of deadeye, it traded a 32k death judgement for all-round utility and we still had the range marker on kneel. Which was way more accurate than gw2taco or blish hud. Plus the kit wasn't as focused on running and gunning at the time.
  7. Perhaps, though that would also overshadow blinding powder.
  8. This, having builds that can have both high damage and sustain has been a problem since vanilla. but they weren't as common, mobile, or boon-heavy up until PoF rolled out. Though granted the expansion also introduced anti-support specs like spellbreaker, scourge, and deadeye as an attempt to keep things in check, but that's history.
  9. Its an issue with pretty much every low-velocity projectile in-game. Which I never understood why the devs haven't refined its tracking, since having ranged skills that's only reliable at point-blank defeats the purpose of it.
  10. Scrapper imo, its hammer has so much utility by default. - Ranged cc - Mobility skill not tied to any prerequisites - Projectile reflects - Blocks -Whirl & 3x leap combo finisher
  11. Well EoD didn't even have e-spec runes like the last two expansions so I don't expect any more specs rolling out any time. Spellbreaker was warrior's first and only elite spec that legitimately expanded on what a warrior could do, but we all know what happened with that. Bladesworn still feels like a concept spec that could be way more than just weeb larp'ing. Perhaps if they made it a bit more tech-based with pistol as mainhand, armament skills more effective at being area denial, f1/2 skills having hybrid damage , and explosions being an integral mechanic. Then it would be less of a one-trick-pony.
  12. Supports are already strong as is and they want to add more QoL? What's lacking is viable anti-supports across the whole roster. Then why not just buff/rework the underutilized traits to compete with them? All I can see out of this and the aforementioned is nearly everything becomes maxed apm without drawbacks. So buffs for warrior's maces and off-hand sword?
  13. Visually yes, but that disappears in a split second, berserker on the other hand announces that they're gonna destroy them all with an on-going reddish glow. The gunflame's projectile is also very distinct compared to a Killshot.
  14. I've been having consistent success in WvW using core rifle. Though I'm also min/maxed for damage. Along side might signet and it's mastery trait for consitent unblockable damage. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAQxflJwmYUMNGJW0SVrcA-zVIYRU/XKxVURmoRECtGBmcAC5HwYR/FMA-w As one-dimensional this may be, I can easily counter snipe deadeyes and 100-0 most non-bunkers. But it does demand that I play it smart and sneaky like a sniper. p.s., Its honestly sneakier than playing deadeye since there's no light beam or sounds to warn anyone.
  15. No, I was thinking about adding more rpg elements to the story. Like ranking up to Warmaster or Lightbringer should have unique perks and methods to progressing through a story beyond the Zhaitan campaign. And the more X faction is used for Y number of chapters, the more perks and avenues for promotion become available. The reputation side is more so how factions interact with you. It could be similar to Fallout NV to where the more quest you do for X, the more interactions you unlock, but you also gain higher notoriety from opposing factions. But with everything in consideration, that'd be a tall order for the writers, VA, and devs.
  16. A good question for both Kryta and Cantha.
  17. Meaningful fraction progression/reputation system. From the Orders to now Dragon's Watch every fraction the MC has been railroaded into has became irrelevant, if not weightless with each passing campaign.
  18. Perhaps, though it has to be a legit rpg through and through. Instead of what have now, an action MMO with rpg elements that becomes irrelevant past a single campaign.
  19. Let's not also forget that this game also has guns that uses cartridged ammo. Which by the time they were common irl, heavy armour was pretty much useless.
  20. Well this explains a lot. For 10 yrs I've been leading my aim to make my aoes hit on staff ele.
  21. With a good cpu and mmo mouse. Outside of that, brusier builds and 'in-damage' logging are my friends since I can at least have some time to get a read on what to avoid, and whom to prioritize.
  22. Nothing flashy but Its interesting looking back how my style went through the years. From a Peacemaker larp'er to a distinguished gentleman. https://imgur.com/a/IOD8On7
  23. Its been reported before, but like every other map-related exploit and jank it never gets fixed.
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