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Everything posted by cyberzombie.7348

  1. I used to but they keep nerfing my assassination builds.
  2. @Zizekent.2398While I have to disagree on suggestions 1-3 since that would make it downright liability in group fights. Suggestions 4 & 5 seems pretty reasonable since it gives a layer of counterplay without defeating the purpose of stealth. As far as 6th goes only ele needs it, every other class has some form of reveal except for thief & mesmer for obvious reasons. On the fence about the 7th, I usually find use out of them even without the reveal part. At the same time If I'm planning to be sidenoder and I see a thief on pre-match, common sense usually screams at me to slot some one in. The trick is to be for the most part proactive in countering instead of reactive. The two best work arounds I normally use to track stealthed targets are casting a long-channeled skill just before before someone pops stealth like warrior's rush, holo's prime light beam, or guardian's zealot's defense. The other is using tethered AoEs like guardian's binding blade, thief's daggerstorm, virtuoso's bladestorm, or even tempest's lighting orb. Pretty sure the whirl + (x)field combo also works as such.
  3. Personally I treat WvW like a skatepark. To me its less about the competition and more about pulling off new tricks. Getting to know the ins-n-outs before doing pulling any major stunts, if that makes sense. Being into historical military tactics and units also helps me in finding different ways to play. Edit: Though one way that helped me ease into WvW was dueling in PvP hotjoin. After getting a foundation of skill WvW felt a whole lot easier.
  4. As long as its an optional adjustment I wouldn't mind.
  5. This is gonna be an unpopular opinion but Imma have to disagree on this one, if anything mobility creep needs to be toned down.
  6. If they were working on it beta and/or pre-HoT, sure. But now, the time & resources needed to create one would be astronomical for little to no gain. Gotta think about not just armour/outfit skins, but also animations for every emote, weapon, and the skills associated with them. Voice acting for every plot, subplot and OW interaction. They'd also have to figure out how to retcon them from personal story all the way to the SoTO plot. That also means new starting maps just to accommodate their personal story.
  7. @Lan Deathrider.5910 That would have decent synergy with destruction of empowered.
  8. Nah, as someone that used it in both PvP/WvW between 2016-2019 it already been hard nerfed second-handily from all the power damage nerfs.
  9. When irl situations takes priority or a unanimous agreement is made by the team.
  10. @Dadnir.5038 Idk why but I'm imagining warrior notching its elbow on the string, to draw its own fist.
  11. It feels even more out of place considering how hi-tech bladesworn's utilities are. A force wall, remote bombs, landmines. Then try to use pistol and feels like you went oonga bunga with your ammunition.
  12. Nah, lets just bring back the old infiltration rune so I do killshots from stealth like it's 2015 again.
  13. This is actually surprising considering their track record on that.
  14. I really hope bug & exploit fixes counts.
  15. @Mhina.1827 Got bit of bad news if you haven't tried the build yet. They patched the breaching strike damage yesterday, apparently it was bugged having pve coefficients.
  16. Rn cele sc/f catalysts, between the boon vomit and aura spam, deciding whether to burst it feels more like a gamble than a calculated risk. With half the time involving me squinting at their boons/buff bar/attunement just to discern an opening. Switching to range is also usually out of the question since sc/f counters it by default. Second to that is core necro. Always hated going toe-to-toe with them since they have so much hp on hp to chop through.
  17. @Mhina.1827 In PvP not so much, in WvW though its F1 skill has crazy spike damage if built for it, on top of two leap finishers, ccs, boon rips and a projectile block. Its even stronger with off-hand axe if you don't mind trading the extra boon rip and projectile block. Although I wouldn't charge into a zerg with that combo, it definitely gets the job done if you want a quick & clean kill with minimal flashiness. Spellbreaker_build
  18. Those or a mid-ranged AoE spec imo since its theme leans heavily into explosive.
  19. To put is simply; Most classes got what we have but in better kits. While we barely got what they have. The only things thief outclasses in these days are stealth, blinds and shadowsteps. Which only one of these are useful for contesting nodes... until you have to fight a sidenoder that pops resistance.
  20. Dual-dagger Spellbreaker feels closer to the roots of GW1's assassin than thiefs' imo. With even better utility and spike damage if built for it.
  21. I wouldn't go as far to say to just delete desert bl since; At the bare minimum, collision mesh adjustments is needed to stop the majority of exploits there. Along with actually heeding the bug tickets that's been submitted through the years for reference.
  22. Why is there a need to have everything shoehorned into legendary tier?
  23. I found it less fun. Despite me enjoying the centaur relic, several of my builds back on the drawing board due to the roster cut and changes. If they just grandfathered in the old bonuses, I would've been more hyped mix-matching my gear.
  24. I remember on a different thread explain why they're so effective. The issue is the 'snap-on target' + 'intant-cast AoE' options + grenadier combination is what makes it mechanically broken. Since it's supposed to be balanced around the need to lead in your aim to hit moving targets, the mentioned combo removes that and turns the skills into an omni-directional fire-and-forget.
  25. For a technical explanation, those pulls uses a spherical mesh for both effect and calculation just like most AoEs, so it doesn't factor in LoS. To make it where it does is to convert it into a tethering AoE like binding blades or daggersrorm. In which the spherical mesh is purely for calculation, but the actual skill effects are coded in similar fashion to projectiles. Can't go into detail for the how since I never tinkered with havok engines. The one outliner I can't figure out how it registers is the reaper's gs pull.
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