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Everything posted by Matoro.9708

  1. Anyone who's played the Old Hunters DLC from Bloodborne knows these themes are so intertwined, and that this dragon is likely the most threatening and overarching of all. It could unveil everything to be a nightmare with no escape. I'm disappointed killing dragons has no impact on the world other than 'stability'. What if killing Zhaitan prevented death, for Mordremoth everyone loses their higher self/ego, as though their symbolic identity disappears in a tangible way. Bubbles/Steve would be harrowing, but killing it would mean fear and the difference between reality/dreams no longer exists.
  2. I'd expect 2 free at least. If it's just 1, what will you swap from?
  3. I don't know how Anet doesn't see it. They are standing too close to it, maybe. I've stuck with core because it at least feels unique, albeit outdated and half-working.
  4. Pardon? All the damage transferred to you is unavoidable except for Invulnerability Is this seriously true? Bruh. Damage dampener even hits through invuln, such useless skills.
  5. Admittedly I made an entire post in excruciating detail how to address all of these issues and rework them. Nothing in it is impossible to implement. The ball is in Anet's court.
  6. I like turrets, they just aren't implemented right. Signets are the epitome of boring, passive abilities, and aren't a good theme either for engi, slapping mecha on there doesn't change that. If they had to be replaced, I'd swap them with things like the old ground target shredder gyro. The original gyros were pretty much moving turrets. Makes sense, now, in retrospect, why they no longer exist. :c
  7. Haha I know man I'm just bargaining/begging/pleading ;-; As for the OP.In general, a lot of core stuff just comes out slower, clunkier, more telegraphed, and less impactful (read: loaded) than modern skills they've made. Whether or not this is fixed, I consistently find myself wishing for something else: I wish I could slot any kit I wanted in my elite slot, lol. I know Anet will never let utilities mix with elites, but Engineer has a funny problem with a lot of utilities being more useful as an elite than the available elites, depending on the build. Food for thought, maybe something will happen some day. On my current build, flamethrower there would be much nicer than mortar. Bomb kit is more fun than supply crate, and so on. Bleh. ArenaNet, please change Turrets.
  8. I agree with all these changes. I would be happy to see even nerfs to the damage of 1 corresponding to the attack speed because at least then you're more likely to get a hit off. It feels slower than rev hammer. 2 as well, it being body blocked by stuff severely reduces your cleave potential. Seeing as we already have some pretty good (shameless self plug) threads about kits and turrets, assuming all we'll ever see are numbers changes and not an elite gadget or whatever, I don't have much else to say. I just wish taking gadgeteer felt like it had as much impact as taking HGH does for Elixir X, you know? Also, recently I've been playing a lot of core content, and my turret/gadget build actually feels pretty fresh again since I can kill stuff. Just goes to show how much numbers can affect someone's experience.
  9. In some sense, given that Engineer is 'the jack of all trades', that statement could be seen as entirely the opposite. Both Scrapper and Holosmith are more condensed, but that comes (in my opinion) at a cost to the original idea of Engineer. The elite specs both are now tuned in some sense to be bruisers and front line melee fighters, this to me is ugly, not just for the overlap and loss of identity between the two specs themselves, but the departure itself from what made (for me) the profession interesting. Engi is often the adaptable guy, not locked into one play style, and the only thing that lets the elite specs do so as well, is the core stuff. If that play style comes at the cost of the value of each ability, or in some cases entire types cough turrets cough, maybe this is 'balanced'. The writing is on the wall, I just hope Anet learns the lessons and can make something both interesting and viable at the same time, not one or the other.
  10. Holosmith should've been a warrior spec. Imagine if that bar was adrenaline. Really activates the almonds.
  11. I saw frag shot used once at the start and then at the end when he was downed and you could space properly. On a kitless build, I doubt this would've gone as well. Skill 3 against mesmer is great though, I can't argue that.
  12. I agree, shortbow was so good I want engineer to have a version for the next e-specs. If your kit changes do come in, I'd love to see the tranq darts replace frag shot. Its cast time is even good. All of the ideas feel solid, thanks!
  13. It's hard to imagine how having a weapon like that wouldn't be the go to engineer weapon. On deadeye, all it does it upgrade the skills so to speak. I came up with an engineer weapon that has a special skill 5. I really want to see the next elite spec weapon (if we are even getting elite specs again, it's depressing Anet mentioned nothing of it in the announcement) be an electro/sticky bomb short bow. Auto shoots a mini lightning rod onto enemies, priming them for a plasma arc. Skill 5 shocks enemies in range for however many they have on them. 2 is a sticky bomb that counts as an explosion. Also detonates on skill 5. 3 overcharges the next rod with electricity for a massive stun, also inflicting weakness. 4 would have some synergy with whatever the spec is all about.
  14. Adding back detection pulse is trading your poison field for arguably the most useful trait in tools, I think they lost it. I mean imagine putting on a toolbelt skill that thematically doesn't even make sense for purge gyro just because they got rid of the F5 on scrapper, which was just to make function gyro worse, because scrapper as a whole needed to be worse, I guess? To say nothing of the rest. Goodness...
  15. Mortar as projectile finisher gets the nice simple damage buffs when used in a combo field. When you shoot it into a smoke field on your enemy, who cares if you're getting an AoE stealth pulse that doesn't even help you if you're taking advantage of the range? The F5 has a blast finisher, and I would put 20% chance blast finisher on bomb kit auto instead.
  16. Great ideas. The most interesting use of turrets with sigil procs to me would be the ones that activate on flanking strikes, as this would encourage you to put turrets behind enemies. I just tried testing to see if this currently works, it doesn't. Clearly these sigils are geared for thieves and other stealthy/flighty classes. I don't believe necro minions or mesmer clones trigger sigils either, so we're likely not getting it.
  17. Based and scrapperpilled. All the way to the bottom boys
  18. Detection pulse thematically makes no sense on purge gyro. It totally made sense with stealth gyro. I'd say make something new, or keep the original. Other than that, I can't say much that other people haven't already said.
  19. Love the way you said that so succinctly haha. I hear all your points and I am very inclined to agree. Unfortunately, as we know, DPS on turrets as it is, is at BEST about 1.2k. About 1/38th the effectiveness of ideal Ele dps which admittedly has a particularly complex rotation for beginners, but largely this is because turrets are non-interactive and completely unbuffable. Other classes abilities gain something from you being more responsive and having buffs on you. Having turrets be as scalable as the rest of your kit in that way is maybe the most important change to make. Which is why I wanted scaling and boons for them. Back in the day I had a Scrapper build that used Bulwark to stay alive longer to allow turrets to do what you described, steady trickle damage over time, but Scrapper isn't so tanky anymore, especially since turret hits don't give you barrier. The turrets died fast, and I shortly after. Anyways I'm getting off topic - I could see auto attacks remaining but probably only in PvP and WvW. In PvE, turret AFK farming leads to bots and generally terrible behavior - I want the turret to be interactive, so maybe we can get them to have an auto attack window of 5 seconds that you have to trigger by using your own attacks/skills, in addition to the ammo skills? Maybe this could work. If the autos do remain, then I don't see them getting any stronger than they currently are. If anything, weaker, with repeatable ammo/overcharges coming in. And if the autos are just similar to the overcharge, it feels redundant. Even if the DPS isn't automated, it's totally possible to lower the cool downs for these ammo skills to allow more consistent and also flexible damage/utility. I am still in favor of making people press a button for every attack, even if the result is 10 seconds of hands free chain-gunning from your turret. It generally earns more respect to know every action and bit of damage came from your actions, and turrets need more respect, that's for sure. It's like the hood: if you don't have respect, you'll get capped and put 6 feet in nerf city. I can guarantee it's less piano-y than kit builds, at least. If the turrets gain stat scaling which I think is the right move, then they would be ineligible as status for world objects - they would count as minions. Either way, your experience with it all is very refreshing and the original ideas and implementations of turrets are obviously some strong cornerstones that we ought to not forget. Thanks. This is definitely the right sentiment to have and I hope the devs have it too. Whatever it takes to see them become more fun and compelling, we would all be happy to have it. I'll go add all the cool ideas up in the top now. I'm really happy you all care about this issue as much as I do. Thanks for discussing, and here's hoping it goes somewhere.
  20. yeah, but you still get a freed up choice where ever that trait is.would be sweet to have some functionality changes via traits. Agreed. Cooldown reductions aren't interesting.
  21. In a lot of cases, the weapon is just buffed to a level that may or may not make it a competitive choice. If you are compelled to take the entire trait line if you use that weapon just for the buff, it doesn't even matter if it's a minor or major trait. It feels mandatory. Engineer using pistol pretty much has to use the pistol trait for a near 50% damage buff. It's wild. Meanwhile, the Rifle has no choices, and it used to, but they were rolled into the default state/removed, probably for the idea that it should just be good enough on its own. On one hand, you like to feel like your weapon choice is meaningful. On the other, it just improves efficiency. Taking another trait line to do something entirely new and more interesting sounds like a better deal to me. I sense the question is "do we let you buff your weapon?" and the answer is no, just tune them right to work well right off the bat, and add interesting synergies. E.g. Lesser Utility Goggles lets me use Overcharged Shot without getting knocked back.
  22. Hahaha thanks man I tried too hard, just to make it silly for the sake of it. Kind of you to make a TLDR for me.I read on the old EU forums that it was in fact the case that turrets were one of the only structure type objects with the yellow health bar that bullets don't collide with. Maybe this was stealth patched (doubtful), but I have no way to test this on my own turrets. I'd have to try on the PvP Engineer fighter with a class with standard projectiles, like ranger longbow untraited. Edit - I just did, and they don't use turrets. I wonder why? :p I'm happy that the issues are more with the numbers than mechanics, as the balance team has so much more experience tuning cooldowns and such. Though it's an interesting idea to keep strong placement overcharge effects. I'll add that. Thanks
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