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Everything posted by Matoro.9708

  1. the place where turrets are only good if npcs use them and the best model is seen once in caudecus' dungeon
  2. If you think of turrets as an elite spec, it'd be like if the jade golem was weaker than a sparkfly.
  3. I'd like to see an elite spec that makes these stationary machines you can put down that attack things for you, maybe you can also use handheld tools to repair them as they take damage, I don't know, maybe that would be cool. Do you guys think Anet could pull it off?
  4. It's funny you say that, maybe they should then look at what new players play, like, for instance, core engi....
  5. Agreed. I understand why thematically the engineer got this, but functionally speaking through the implementation, it got it almost all wrong. Now, Anet has 4 months left before the expac releases, they can't just redo it - but the suggestions so far are feasible to implement. Especially traits that go back and work with core engineer, these can be as simple as "turrets have more health" or whatever. Mechanist feels like it was made for another class, but work can be done to tie it into core engineer.
  6. Kinetic Battery would makes more sense (to me) building up on the mech, not the player. The F1-3 abilities are its own, and the quickness in this current iteration of mechanist is honestly better off on the mech. If we got toolbelt skills back, though...
  7. So many good ideas being repeated in this thread. I hope they stick.
  8. The mech needs to be able to guard a specific location and not move from it. This is critical in high level content like raids. Without toolbelt skills, Turrets are in even more dire need of a rework. The least pittance they deserve is some sort of synergy with the Mechanist traitline. For crying out loud, they are machines!
  9. I think the Discharge Array F2 should be a lightning field - it literally says the golem becomes a lightning rod. I also can't seem to get a combo going from the mace 2 leap in Superconducting Signet. I think that must be a bug. Also, the player occasionally says "Rocket Punch!" when the golem uses its rocket punch AA. Is this intended, or is it meant to be for your own mace 3?
  10. I think the addition of explosions traits to the mech for Mech Core: Jade Dynamo should move to Mech Core: Jade Drive, as Explosions traits greatly favor power builds. The signet bonuses should be moved to Mech Core: Barrier Engine as this is clearly the support line. There is no way for one to trigger on heal traits when using the med kit. This removes a lot for the engineer, and could be solved by either returning toolbelt skills when the mech is unsummoned, or by triggering it on F1 as per the usual. As others have said the tied stats to skills is rather limiting and could be changed in the pet menu. Changing this allows for significantly more buildcraft. And I think there should be something for the golem to inherit certain Firearms traits, maybe by 50% efficacy, like High Caliber, but this isn't that important. All I can think of for now. The lad skipped leg day.
  11. I strongly stand behind this too. I picked engi because magic doesn't feel quite right to me.
  12. No, I think turrets should be removed and replaced with something with no AI at all, I've made a thread about it.
  13. Assuming that the golem actually has AI, this is going to be ridiculous for AFK farming. Necros used to be king, but now people will take this spec, throw turrets on it, take a pet rune like privateer, and clutter up the whole map with giant jade pleasure bots. Bleh. ANet refuses to learn. Just fix turrets and call that an elite spec, people will like it more. Also, if it has AI, and it has autoattacks, don't give it a knockback chain, or people will hate you for using it. Oh, and forget about getting out of combat in time.
  14. Necroing this topic with no survivors. Anet, add the medic backpack. It's not hard.
  15. I second this. It's a better version of the Universal Multitool Backpack.
  16. One might think ArenaNet has been in the process of reworking turrets, given how much work has actually been put into their open world appearances. But every time, someone said no: Engineers will get nothing. And I don't forgive that person. 1. A couple years ago I threw a turret rework post into the ocean of them. One of the ideas was a gatling turret, either as an elite or to replace the rifle turret. Well, along came the Icebrood Saga: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gatling_Turret it looks awesome, it actually can kill you, and it's not even a race specific model. As it stands I see no reason this shouldn't at least have the model incorporated somewhere. This one among all others seems to laugh in our faces. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/32/Gatling_Turret.jpg 2. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Field_Tech_Turret I hardly need to speak on these. These emulate necro's flesh wurm and more, they are basically every turret in one, and are impermanent and need to be repaired, solving a longstanding complaint at least in PvP. Even grants alacrity. AND I went and tested myself, it seems the boon duration scales with your own!!!! (Well, it's not that exciting, experimental turrets does this already.) But I can't imagine it's much more work to make the damage or heals scale, which they don't seem to. And wow, the visuals are amazing, especially on the heal field. 3. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ramshackle_Turret Same model as the sniper turret. 4. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Order_of_Whispers_Security_Bolt_Turret also seen in Dragon's Stand meta. 5. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deployable_Mortar_Kit I love this little guy but he lasts 60 seconds, has an 1800s cooldown and costs money, while suffering from everything normal turrets do. They are used by Dominion Engineers in Drizzlewood. 6. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Decoration/Turrets Guild hall turrets. They even apply fear. Unlike engi turrets. 7. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Perimeter_Ballistic_Turret spicy rata novan turrets. 8. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Turret_Emplacement and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charr_Assault_Turret are virtually the same category, but I could see these being an elite model. 9. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Turret_Wagon and its https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghostbore_Turret were awesome. Having a turret wagon would be sick. Ghostbore turrets inspire things like a much needed Anti-Necro turret. Then engi would truly be the problem solving profession the story portrays them to be. Anyways. Looking forward to being disappointed for the engi elite spec reveal while core continues to languish and drift from its original vision.
  17. Completely agree with all of this and I know anet can do it, if at the very least by doing behind the scenes reworks rewriting turrets as stationary minions, like the flesh wurm. Necro gets all synergies with minions afaik. But they don't care and they won't do it.
  18. No, the devs have never addressed it, do not care, and will not do anything about it. They care even less about it than the end of Icebrood Saga. I have long moved onto other games that do a better job of providing the fantasy I wanted.
  19. Same problem here. Can't get map completion, don't feel like playing the game anymore.
  20. Anet looks at core specs, especially less popular ones, as dead content like LWS1 that isn't exciting or relevant enough to bring back into the modern game. Nice. I bet new players won't notice. No way. Not any possible flaw with this philosophy. Personally I'm sick of it and have been going back to single player games that aren't P2W and have fun build diversity.
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