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Everything posted by Matoro.9708

  1. It was cool when it had more than a token trait for your actual inventions, like turrets, lol.
  2. Hopefully something is done, but it's probably as likely as turrets getting a rework or something.
  3. Mech made me stop playing engineer because I don't even want to be associated with that nonsense. Imagine dropping into raids as a core engi and being told you need to be a slice of ham or something. Cringe.
  4. Yes, they do need to be reworked. There have been probably over 100 threads suggesting ideas. I like this. They are best used tactically as an extension of the engineer itself, being able to be in two places at once so to speak.
  5. Slick shoes is core, so are you saying this is an opportunity for Anet to nerf the toolbelt skill to make it different? I can hear them rubbing their hands together already. Here's the truth: you have to actually move with slick shoes. And as the opinion has been of late for balance... No afk? No opinion.
  6. Or... they could now revisit underperforming core mechanics and skills.
  7. I agree that many things have been suspiciously ignored for half a decade. Not defending that. I do applaud though that they are at least doing things. They could do nothing. Management could say it's a waste of effort. You may disagree with their choices, but they can't please everyone, and they are trying, so I recognize that. And personally, I have been playing scrapper long enough to remember ground target shredder gyro being quite fun. The fact you need to more strategically place things now and maybe have a slower zerg did not "destroy" a class. What a silly notion. Sure, maybe it wasn't the best way to nerf its WvW performance, but something in that vein needed to happen.
  8. I am loving the motivation of the team to address balance issues and the consistency of the work put in lately. I'll throw in my obligatory "what about turrets?" coin as well. If anyone can change them, Cal can.
  9. Core feels best with rifle. Not that it's a good feel... I recommend viewing all the rifle skins available in the skins tab in the bank, if you're aware of that. It has most if not all; rarely something may not show up, but it's all I use.
  10. Hey now... underwater is the one place turrets could beat a mechanist, don't take that away from me. What we should be asking for are underwater pvp maps xD
  11. I would say that thematically I'd like to see more reveal effects from holo skills, given the massive emphasis on light.
  12. I disagree, here's why: there isn't much difference between having their auto attacks and just having a more powerful version of your own. They buffed rifle, and everyone said they buffed Mech! Turrets' sustained dps is garbage, and for the health of the game, per Mechanist, should always be. Their main tactical advantage in their current and past states has been to either have flanking hits (which don't even proc sigils LOL), or activate their overcharge at the perfect time, like a trap, but with more control. Turrets used to have real trait options. Look here for example: https://web.archive.org/web/20140323091717/https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_engineer_traits There is no world in which any class would struggle to fight against a full complement of turrets. Even if there was, it would mean the Engineer does not have to play the game - only press a few buttons and wait. Even if my suggestion of ammo abilities means just an overcharge ability, or 30 secs of autoattacking, whatever, there has to be some engagement in the fight and thought as to what abilities to use. My vision is this: PvP, Coliseum, middle node: you throw or place a rifle turret up on a pillar platform, so it won't get cleaved, and everyone ignores it because it hasn't fired. A dragonhunter faces you with their directional shield up, but the turret is behind them. You activate it and it crits for a lot, suddenly the tables are turned. He tries to heal, but your rocket turret is ready to knock him down and line up a rifle 5. People are coming around the corner to stop you, but your thumper turret by the hedges activates on your command and launches them all. Etc. Having skills not come directly from you is huge, and can give excellent planning and choice in trapping areas, also range. A few classes can be in two places at once, like thief or mesmer, but not for 5 mins straight. Turrets right now are boring and broken. They suck at everything they try to do. They should be for strategy and controlling the battlefield. Want autoattack brr? They gave us that. It's called Mechanist. It's practically a case study on the issues of minions and their ability to tank the game for you. For awhile, afk farmers fought between necro vs turret spam, but the king is now obvious. I want to distance the potential of turrets from that garbage.
  13. Wouldn't change the rocket toolbelt skill? Bro, you can launch that and take a nap, have a shower, eat dinner and come back and it still won't have landed. I strongly believe turrets need to have no AI, just ammo abilities. Give rifle turret the skin from the one in caudecus's manor. We'll see if Anet gets that far.
  14. The sad thing is that they used to be independent entities, and the shredder gyro in particular was placed at a distance via ground target. Certain enemies in game still use a version of it that even moves. True, none are ranged, I guess you could argue the old bomb gyro was, but not really. I'm mostly just concerned that clearly they tried an evolution of 'turrets' and it failed so spectacularly that they just noped and converted them to wells. Is this what will happen to turrets too? I sure hope not. I'd still prefer them to stay as is than be gutted into something as boring as that.
  15. The solution is setting shaders to high. Which I don't like because it makes everything else too shiny. No other dye channel I can think of is broken by that. Hope it's fixed someday.
  16. The grenade kit is one of the better looking kits, imo. The mortar kit is the worst, like a iron toilet on a stick. It should look like the dwarven rocket launcher from icebrood saga. Bomb kit does look like the container for steamed dumplings or something, pretty comical and low tech compared to mechanist, but I don't like the jade mech. There's a priority list, and grenades aren't at the top for me.
  17. Cool, but probably better for an elite spec, and also bulwark gyro is a barrier generator. Many comprehensive turret rework threads have been posted, and my favorite generally involve the following: -Model updates (they have existing stuff like this used nowhere else in game but caudecus's manor https://imgur.com/4Gc8yQI) -Old traits returning (like auto repair) -Ammo system, no passive autos, detonate is only an option when out of ammo -Throw em around like before -Can receive boons -Elite turret that isn't just 3 lesser ones (maybe the gatling turret seen in icebrood saga?) -Scale with (at least offensive) stats -Can't pick up turret for a few seconds after dropping Probably more I'm forgetting. But really, so many of these ideas can be implemented without huge effort. I'd love to see a world where turretchads are actually more involved in the game than mechavirgins.
  18. I prefer the old animation, but I also preferred old turrets, so we know how that one goes
  19. LOOK at it MOG the other "engineer". We WILL have our day again turretbros. https://i.imgur.com/7sF8sj0.jpg Also I think nobody at Anet has seen this: https://youtu.be/Y6BPHt_JkeI
  20. I mean, if it gets their attention, I'd actually pitch in.
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