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Everything posted by Matoro.9708

  1. As I understand it, core rangers will be able to actually pick and choose which hammer skills (unleashed or not) will be used on their bar when the expansion comes out. The old files are still there. If old sword gameplay is 'worse', why not give some of us the option to pick and choose that version, in the same way as hammer? I don't think that hurts anyone.
  2. There has been a lot of remarkably valuable, pertinent feedback lately from the community that I really think could save the soul of the game. Posts from people like OP that just seem to 'get' what makes games fun and immersive. I could even add to their argument: one of the greatest roleplaying games of all time, D&D, is largely reactive. After you make your character, you roll the dice and your only responsibility is to respond. No judgement, no time pressure, no 'wrong' choices. You just get to be 'you' and it's enough. I have somewhat renewed faith that there is at least some sort of consensus among a portion of the playerbase about what makes Guild Wars special, and that even if this project fails, maybe somewhere down the line a different studio can make something better. As a pessimist though, I think it's human nature to ruin things. Still, I admire the salient arguments coming up. It's on the devs to listen.
  3. I definitely feel there has been a huge departure from class identity particularly compared to the distinct value professions had in GW1. I say embrace the differences - people love different things, so let them love them more. I don't play the game because I really love two little boon icons (or any other centralizing factor that means tasty endgame performance). I roleplay. Don't force me out of that.
  4. Precisely. Never gut the soul of something and replace it with a number fetish. Also, it's hilarious they replaced the backward evade which recharched monarch's leap with just another forward leap. It's less synergy, more unga bunga.
  5. I'm glad you understand my fears. A ranger with the old sword and a shield off hand would be extremely defensive. I definitely think that the original plan for GW2 professions having unique uses for the same weapon has gone out the window - where one profession might use it as dps, for the ranger it was good for mobility and defense, and this tied into the core theme of the class. Now it feels to me like the balance team is making all weapons do basically the same thing no matter the class, removing both unique gameplay and roleplay at the same time. I understand the logical appeal of consistency... but that doesn't always equal fun. I should like more of something I don't want than less of what I do?
  6. This will be a bit of a rant, but I've wanted to get it off my chest for a long time now, so I'll start by harping on the thematics: we last got hammer, and between that, sword (now having lost its signature move, the roll, F) greatsword, and dagger, I can't imagine having another close range weapon be all that exciting. Moreover, I guess the ranger isn't quite done smashing stuff yet? Yay... Shield would be perfect as a 'defender of nature' vibe. As it stands, the greatsword is the best and basically only defensive close range tool the ranger has. I see this as a huge missed opportunity, and frankly, I'm not buying the expansion for this reason especially since sword can no longer evade like it used to. Granted, they could add it later, and it would be even better with more main hand options, but I definitely think it should come sooner rather than later. Especially if they want my money, lol. Mechanically speaking, all of the off hand weapon choices for ranger are either offensive or boon related. They all generally pair as a ranged tool too. There is obvious room to create cool defender of nature themed close range shield skills. Am I missing something? Are they just rolling dice and seeing what to do next? I don't understand where the intuition is.
  7. I hate the new sword. When I asked for core changes, I didn't expect they'd go back and exclusively overhaul the things I liked.
  8. I agree, and the flanking had a cool synergy with the flanking sigils. They often look at stuff that underperforms and say "it's not good, so they must not like it!". I do like it, by removing the entire thing it's like cutting off the arm to save the hand... just buff it! Not everything has to be easy and convenient to use in end game content. Removing diversity of playstyles is a slippery slope - they think beating endgame content is the point of playing, but the actual gameplay is what you experience the longest...
  9. The studio is replacing flavor with "performance" which really just means haha damage number go up. I may as well play Microsoft Excel.
  10. I'll be over here... waiting for them to replace the stock mortar kit skin like they said they would.
  11. I was doing some thinking in how some games like ESO have skill lines that aren't locked to one class, and so generally have pressure to be viable. Racial skills are halfway like this, but Anet made them awful anyways. I think the general tactic of reliable balance for GW2 doesn't lie in the sphere of shared skills, but rather belief that as long as some do, game's fine. I really think the issue with GW2's balance is just an out of touch mentality that if you want to play the whole game, go play the flavor of the month class. From which I think it clearly follows that this is only an MMO, not an MMORPG. An awful state to be in for the game I think has the potential to be the best of those.
  12. A case study: While it isn't technically within the sphere of balance, anyone who spent even a few minutes on the engineer forums or probably anywhere else would recognize that wanting different mech skins is a huge demand. As I understand it - the devs internally are saying "No." But PR says you can't tell them that, transparency and honesty is bad when you can't tell people what they want to hear. They obviously can't outright lie and say yes either. So we are expected to be happy with a limbo of lame hope or worse, expectancy, for a wide range of issues. Ultimately, I think that is the root of all the unrest and unhappiness here. Additionally, when it comes to mechanics, there are players who look at the content they want to play and care only about having access to tools that let them explore it. As long as OP meta builds exist, then the game works. There's also players who care more about the tools themselves, and that the experience of playing is more in the RP value of how they win than what they win. This second type of player is probably being hemorrhaged by lack of reciprocal feedback.
  13. Holy cow. They actually changed engi pistol. I am stunned. My offer still stands, I will donate $1000 to Anet if they update turrets as well. Is it possible? Maybe.
  14. There are certain weapons like Engineer pistol that simply do not fire along the stated autoattack cast time, and the poison darts interact with some objects by passing straight through them. Removing old 2012 jank is a good start for a lot of these core weapons.
  15. It's definitely a good start, and if this is the direction that helps devs actually do it, great.
  16. Mech has been so disconnected from the rest of Engi from day 1. It should've been such that the signets give you mech skills for the toolbelt, with the F5 being deploy, etc. and just accepting that we need an F6 or beyond for additional movement commands. Obviously it should work underwater. I would at least appreciate a statement from Anet like "yeah, we didn't get it done in time and the higher ups won't let us go back to work on it." Cringe. The traits mostly feel like nothingburgers that give scaling that it should've otherwise had. Turrets are crying themselves to sleep. The appearance should've been way more customizable and done through a pet interface. The abilities like I said should've been through the toolbelt system. Given that, the existing traits would basically be mostly empty and would have so much room for cooler stuff. On top of that, the signets were kind of a lazy last minute way to add skills with no flavor. On top of that, all classes should have their core skill trees filled out to give an elite where they didn't before, like no elite gadget. Mech is almost as cringe as turret drop being just 3 turrets we already had. If god exists, give me control of the balance team, please.
  17. Since Anet seem to be in the business now of making the elite specs a self contained class, you may as well make the achievement rifle have a crossbow skin. A crossbow can launch crazier stuff than a bow can, like smoke bombs, explosive bolts, healing salves, etc. Can have bolts tipped with electric eel glands or some other nonsense. However, they honestly should just fix some more things about core weapons. Shortbow should probably have the flanking requirements removed. Axe two is silly, holding 5 axes in one hand and throwing them is like that picture of the guy with too many eggs. Just make it cut a wide arc or something. Longbow really sadly doesn't feel like the ranged mortar of GW1. I have no idea what the next expansion will be about, so I can only think about things we haven't had yet for the mechanic: both pets out at once, become the pet, uhhh.... aurene controls dragon magic now, so dragon magic pets? I'm not sure if the utilities will have any synergy with the weapons, the recent specs certainly haven't had much tie in with the core class, so who knows. It's honestly kind of depressing to me.
  18. Also, the charge that the pheonix has should stop after the first enemy hit but it doesn't, will use it point blank and spend a few seconds just walking back. Can ruin aggro and wastes dps uptime.
  19. Thank you, this is informative. I wasn't even aware there was an 'emboldened' effect. I may eventually be ready, and I will take your advice to heart if so.
  20. As in title. I've never raided before and generally don't plan to as I have bad social anxiety and the general impression I have of high end players is toxicity and zero forgiveness. Per the wiki, shards are capped at 300 per week, each weapon from the vendor is 600. I doubt I could do all of the raid content required to cap out per week, but even then for 2 weapons that's 4 weeks minimum. I don't much like the idea of dreading my gameplay interactions for 4 weeks straight. Sure, the boss of salvation pass has a chance to drop a chest with one of the weapons, but I imagine that's incredibly rare. How painful would this really be?
  21. Agree. Untamed's trait to give barrier on heal gives it after the skill is over.
  22. Most of the river drakes encountered in the world use a much better looking model than the old version which keeps me from using it. Are there any similar cases with other pets? Would be a neat QoL update. I like the little things.
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