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Everything posted by Gesbo.6420

  1. I understand what you are saying however when the change was initially made they specifically informed players that Restoritive Mantras is changed as well. Ther was no reason for people to belive that with this patch there is a change to the trait. I am happy to agree to dissagree.
  2. The change was undocumented and the explanations of the skills were vague. There was no way we could have seen this. The skill currently in game is reverted in folunctionality but it still keeps the tool tip that had to be hotfixed when they were changed initially...
  3. We can all agree that them mentioning mirages second dodge when vindicator endurance system was updates gave mesmers something to hold on and the notion that it will be addressed shortly. I dont think that there is any excuse for them to tease it and then act as if nothing was said in 2 consecutive balance patches. I belive that if in march there aren't any changes for the mirage there will be quite a few very very upset players. People will revolt.
  4. That's actually a documented bug. If you cast distortion right after blade rental distortion doesn't reapply. Check the bug in here.
  5. Yes yes yes double dip into it!!! would make the skill actually a good choice. Given that restorative mantras was an undocumented change I assumed it would actually work this way.
  6. I miss illusionary inspiration... was such a querky idea. Other than Phantasmal haste I dont think there are any significant ways to charge your Phantasms anymore is there?
  7. I have tried Master of Manipulation Virtuoso in pvp and I must say i can almost see the reason behind the change and it it is not half bad. extra access to blocks is actually pretty rediculous with the added bonus of chosing to double on mobility/stunbreak or invulnerablity and condy cleanse. I am lead to believe that the change was actually directed at adding another nice baseline access to agies for virtuosos and as prior to this it was coming only from Bladeturn Refrain. I dont hate the change actually.
  8. good idea but they can not double up on traits, that would literally be Time Marches On. Speed of Sand however can be made base line part of the mirage cloak and have something actually added in its place but thats a whole different sotry.
  9. you have quite a lot of access to quickness through various traits so its not that bad. ive been seeing quite a lot of success with using Phantasmal Haste into Bladesong Dissonance into Mantra of Distraction. This way I get the quickness to throw the interrupt, protect myself while charging Power Lock with agies and be able to do the same combo again not long after. I think it will take time to get used to it but I feel your pain.
  10. My issue with this is that they tried and tested implementing a single dodge elite spec that base line has plenty of ways to recover endurance and saw that it didnt work. Short after they changed their decision and with it started teasing the idea that mirages should get the same treatment AND 2 patches later nothing about it has been even mentioned other than a side coment. They realised that the decision was bad, and imediately fixed it probably becasue elite specs for many people are a selling point, but mirage has had their endurence reduced in competetive mode for 3 whole years now. People are righfully upset imho. Same treatement was needed this patch for the mirage.
  11. it would have been magical, giving some more utilities and ways to splash this agies. I can udnerstand why they avoided blink but if you are taking away a trait that did give a cooldown reduction its only fair to give at least some sort of compenastion for completely scrapping it. Even shaving 5 seconds off of Blink would have been acceptabale than just not touching the skills most often used with master of manipulation.
  12. Absolutely agree with you. When I was reading the patch notes I thought that this would be the way the restoritive mantras would work. Given that the tooltip reads "Heals allies around you when you cast a Mantra." Tooltip, that was specifically updated in one of the patches after the changes. I would also suggest giving Giving restorative mantras an aditional charge in that case but that might be pushing it, even though historically mantras used to have 5 charges... but I digress.
  13. In recent changes they mentioned how each skill has a potential allowence for its power. I am stull struggling to understand how Decoy has a longer cooldown than Signet of Midnight. Are they suggesting that a single clone and one extra second of stealth is stronger than the expertise bump and blind hence its 5 seconds longer of cooldown?
  14. Dagger is the only mesmer weapon that goes against the main pillar of their one handed weapons being that it doesnt have a defencive skill in it. Sword has Blurred frenzy (evade), Scepter has Illusionary Counter(block), even axe, one of f the newer weapons has Axces of Symetry (evade and break targeting). Dagger is supposed to be damage only and its not even that gread in terms of numbers. Infinite Forge, in my oppinion, needs to have a secondary effect like the other 2 grandmasters. Psychic Reposte gives you the ignore block, Blade song gives you more bleeding damage. Infinite forge gives you blades and blades only. Maybe give it an interaction with the blades from Bladeturn requiem depending on the last blade song casted. I liked the idea of bladesong requem needning significantly more damage as the 5 max pulses do absolutely nothing for the 100s of blades spinning around you. more over given that you are a pretty stationary target at least be able to win a zone around you. The whole idea that every competetive content needs to be ran with 1 1 1 in virtuoso is beyond lame, it gives you absolutely no ability to theory craft or try new things , the rest of the traits need a huge buff in order for them to feel like they can compete.
  15. Yes but for the areas I think the zone should pulse the the superspeed and resistence stacking for longer you are in the zone. its more fitting for the name and hyper charges time warp which is what youd expect from a trait that empowers a grandmaster. Single pulse of 2 seconds of superspeed and resistasnce is laughable...
  16. but wait there is more, an undocumented change is to Restoritive Mantras - the skill is also reverted back to applying only on preparation which makes the trait pretty bad....
  17. You can still escape with blink now you also get a agies. With mass invis you can also block a reviel. I think the change is pretty awesome. My problem is that blink and illusion of life dont get the same 20% reduction like the rest of the skills...
  18. I believe ALL Manipulation skills should receive the Master of Manipulation 20% cooldown reduction. Doesnt seem like Blink and Illusion of life are being affected unfortunately...
  19. OH RIGHT, that makes more sense, so if you have all 3 staff clones the duration is the same, if not increased (4 seconds alac base), thats not that bad actually when you think about it I am still looking for a second dodge for PVP tho... Give us the same treatment as Vindicator!
  20. Not nesceserily numberwise but I think it will be a little dificult positioning your clones around your party 😕 Good luck running this efficiently in Sunqua Peak.
  21. If you generate blades before a PVP match starts they will not be discarted when you start the match, just become invisible. Bladeturn Requiem doesnt seem to calculate its block time properly. Inconsistent behavior with traits considering blades as illusions across all specs.
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