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Everything posted by BadMed.3846

  1. what is your basis? Go into EoTM and see it for yourself. Good luck if you enjoy it there. I only see ppters excited about desert BLs. Most pvpers ignore stronghold altogether. What other basis do you need? Stats? Happy for Anet to share. I talk from experience. so you have no basis for the cause? of course ppl do ppt in wvw, it is a ppt mode with pk. sure i go to eotm every now and then for nostalgic purposes.I have basis for the cause. Please read again. I hope you will get it after a few reads.
  2. what is your basis? Go into EoTM and see it for yourself. Good luck if you enjoy it there. I only see ppters excited about desert BLs. Most pvpers ignore stronghold altogether. What other basis do you need? Stats? Happy for Anet to share. I talk from experience.
  3. EoTM was a waste of effort from the get go. Same as the desert map. Likewise in PvP stronghold was an absolute waste too.It's history and hope Anet learns from it. Don't invest in content that is not required. Variety splits the player base and the new content seekers only enjoy new stuff for a very limited period of time.
  4. why? I personally find 1shot and move on combat trully kitten boring. and to add to it power mirage is a kitten version of other power specs like revenant or thief. I didnt say play a one shot build. Believe it or not, it is possible to play a non-meme, non-cancer version of mesmer. And if you think power mes is just like rev, you obviously dont understand the class. I sense a triggered CI player who is mad they can't get carried by busted condi anymore Edit: spelling Hmm If I just read the forums :1) tank mesmer is meme noobcarry build.2) condi mesmer is meme noobcarry build.3) burst mesmer is meme noobcarry build.4) lock mesmer is meme noobcarry build.5) utility (portal/veil/alacrity bot) mesmer if fine but was gut (and boring to play btw.).Conclusion : the good mesmer is the mesmer who die in 10 sec when selected. The forums hate mesmer and have for years. Nothing new.And that surely highlights a problem that Mesmers have had access to game breaking builds for years. A problem that is still unresolved.
  5. Uhm... you let Flurry finish its cast? Or you immediately weapon stow it after procing Megabane Tether and immobilize? Or was it sarcasm? I am confused.You really think that people in current balance will happily wait for your Flurry to finish its cast and eat that super amazing damage with some bleed stacks? Oooof... I guess it has been successfully tested on bandits in Queensdale.
  6. I'm not sure where the +100 button is but I feel like clicking it to support this.
  7. Hunan itself might be available.
  8. Only Mirage is good. I guess that makes players of all other classes bad. I agree. Let's move beyond good, bad, gold, silver, plat etc. Let's fix condition spamming and one shotter Mirage that is super skilled in avoiding combat at will.
  9. ye Medic is getting HARD reading these changes, ill add my own.Mind Stab it deals damage AND removes a boon.Still overpowered, it already deals damage and removes boon, it shold just remove a boon. Not both. Let me sum up these 3 posts. "We won't be happy until Mesmer is useless in any PVP/WVW Content because Reasons."You can ignore of all of BadMeds posts. He brings nothing of value to the table as far as constructive criticism goes so it’s best to ignore him and move on. Someone failed to ignore. But I won't ignore nor I will be mesmerised. Messmer needs more nerfs! And where are the vids/screens of you playing mesmer to highlight how op it is ? No. I don't often play the broken class. I only try it sometimes. Anyhow, posting a video to prove it is irrelevant. The simple fact that a class is able to dish out incredible amount of CC, insane Condi pressure with confusion, torment and bleeding and yet be able to effortlessly disengage at will is absurd and should not exist in game. Surely the Mirage has been toned down slightly by Anet. But there is way more needed to make this spec fair in matchups. I don't understand why most of you insist on saving this utterly broken spec. Maybe you are just incapable of playing other classes that are far more balanced. There is a reason why I only complain about Mesmer. The other specs are fine and the game is great. Only Mesmer needs HEAVY HANDED nerfs. Hmm, other meta spec have all you listed but in AOE version or better in single target (here where mesmer is single target) so they are fine. Thanks for this obvious contradiction. Also we are many to think a video of you perform in a broken class can had more weight to your spams in every balance post in this forum. I dont even know what he talks about CC, current "meta" mesmer has, daze on f3, stun on pistol 5, cripple on 4, and random daze on storm 5.meanwhile other classes have kitten like warriors cripple on gs4, knockdown on bullcharge, knockdown on jump, daze/stun on dagger, 3 stuns on rampage and daze on fullcounter, all on low cooldowns, no costs and AOE.Other classes are able to get one shot if they are able to one shot others. Unlike Mirage who can still one shot most classes but can never ever get one shot itself.
  10. All we need is a friend only whisper setting.
  11. ye Medic is getting HARD reading these changes, ill add my own.Mind Stab it deals damage AND removes a boon.Still overpowered, it already deals damage and removes boon, it shold just remove a boon. Not both. Let me sum up these 3 posts. "We won't be happy until Mesmer is useless in any PVP/WVW Content because Reasons."You can ignore of all of BadMeds posts. He brings nothing of value to the table as far as constructive criticism goes so it’s best to ignore him and move on. Someone failed to ignore. But I won't ignore nor I will be mesmerised. Messmer needs more nerfs! And where are the vids/screens of you playing mesmer to highlight how op it is ?No. I don't often play the broken class. I only try it sometimes. Anyhow, posting a video to prove it is irrelevant. The simple fact that a class is able to dish out incredible amount of CC, insane Condi pressure with confusion, torment and bleeding and yet be able to effortlessly disengage at will is absurd and should not exist in game. Surely the Mirage has been toned down slightly by Anet. But there is way more needed to make this spec fair in matchups. I don't understand why most of you insist on saving this utterly broken spec. Maybe you are just incapable of playing other classes that are far more balanced. There is a reason why I only complain about Mesmer. The other specs are fine and the game is great. Only Mesmer needs HEAVY HANDED nerfs.
  12. Not a single game out there achieves 100% balance and to think so is ignorance. For many of us, a more competitive mode can only mean more fun. Not a single game out there is as unbalanced as GW2. No-one is asking for 100% balance. Fair balance is required though. The game might have been fairly balanced at release but has been completely unbalanced at least since expansions started coming out.
  13. No. This game is not balanced enough to be worthy of being competitive.Games like overwatch are PvP games exclusively. GW2 is a PvE game with a broken and highly unbalanced PvP. Sure things could change one day if the power creep was dealt with and fair balance was achieved. However it is unlikely to achieve what has not been achieved since release.
  14. Welcome changes to Mesmers but we need more nerfs. This is not going to be enough!
  15. Mesmer Illusion of Life: Increase the cooldown of this skill from 75 to 90 seconds in PvP & WvW and reduced the duration from 15 seconds to 8 seconds of its effect in PvP & WvW.Welcome change. Thank you ANET. We needed exactly this type of re-work. I understand there will be many cries but this is the right direction. We need the same CD increase and duration decrease across all Mesmer skills. Power Break (Mantra of Pain): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight.Welcome change again. Make these mesmers do some work rather than spam skills. But we still need nerfs to this skill. Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight.Same as above but still neeeds nerfs. Chaos Storm: This skill now always dazes on the first strike but can no longer randomly daze on other strikes. This change also applies to Lesser Chaos Storm. Added skill fact to show chaos storm's duration.Welcome change again. CC reduction is needed. Mesmers must loose at least 60% of their current CC abilities. Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been re-worked and now reduces the cooldown of one of your weapon abilities by 5 seconds when you interrupt a foe.This is stil going to be overpowered. Any reduction to mesmer CDs is not welcome. Please remove the CD reduction.
  16. Hardcore GW2 player base is not the same as hardcore MMO crowd. Games like WoW and even BDO is recent times have been way bigger time sinks than GW2. Several GW2 players avoid those games for the endless grind as it's not fun.All I'm saying is that GW2 will not be able to keep the 12hrs a day gamer happy for long. That's why I really like GW2 as being casual friendly.
  17. Necromancer whining is always higher quality than most; just behind newly formed Mesmer mains. Reaper is perfectly fine. It can even face tank warrior in reaper form. What more do you need.Be content with a well balanced spec. Don't be too greedy.
  18. The event did not create enough hype compared to the two expansions. This is actually good as the expansions were disappointing at first. PoF is still responsible for more damage to the game than good. There were some good announcements at the event and I'm happy that they're inviting more new players to the game by making it cheaper overall.Old players who played long hours will surely feel bored of slow moving content and will go elsewhere. It's ok though as this game does not really cater to the hardcore MMO market and some of us prefer it the way it is.
  19. Split the queues and leaderboards too. Duo queuers don't belong on individual leaderboards.
  20. You are not the employer and they're not here for an interview. You have no right to know anything more than the FACT that you're in game with them. You WILL NOT be give another opportunity to AFK from start anyway.
  21. Having the ability to cast and teleport while evading is surely an issue. However, dealing damage as part of a dodge seems more acceptable. How much damage you deal while dodging should be fairly limited though and not work as your primary source of damage.For instance warrior damage on dodge seems reasonable as it is traited and warrior should be able to be lethal at close range.
  22. Mirage is in process of being fixed. 20% of nerfs have been applied but we're still waiting on the remaining. Nothing happened to Mesmers, they're just being adjusted to get in line with other specs.With 4/10 players being mesmers in most games; I'm sure there are plenty of unhappy campers who are now considering to switch their main class yet again. As they do every few months in line with balance patches.
  23. Commanders who tag up with open squad are contributing heavily to the community fun. They deserve even more. Closed squads are generally more selfish fight groups and they should be content with limited rewards. It's their choice and it's perfectly reasonable.Both closed and open squads have a place in WvW and re required to keep the game mode alive.
  24. Zeromis from Team USA in NA is a power mirage, they have been winning nearly all monthlies here. Anything having to do with NA PVP doesnt hold a point. Oh and Mirage is still under powered right? Stop kidding yourself and accept you're defending the MOST broken spec in game. Funny thing is, we actually somewhat agree with you here, MESMER is broken, the only profession with a destroyable resource who actually becomes more vulnerable AND do less damage when their clones are dead. Less defenses and offenses simply by taking out their resource, but also by being able to fool their AI. The devs do need to fix the CORE problem, and not the symptoms. This means specifically not listening to people like you, because you see the issue with it being too much of everything, without seeing why that is the case. Keys to solving all Mesmer issues, increase reliability of skills reduce variance, increase low end damage, remove defensive abilities being as hard linked to clone existence, shift damage and control elements from AI onto the Mesmer active skills instead.Funny thing is that I totally believe in what Chromancer got and really hope that Mirage will get the same fair play balance treatment. I'll leave it up to the developers as they handled the Chrono nerfs extremely well.
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