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Everything posted by Shadamehr.1284

  1. Still in the game. Zip Lines dismissing necromancer minions is not even listed under known issues but has been there since I started the expansion. As a necromancer I'm keeping away from strikes and end level content as using zip lines places me at a huge disadvantage compared to other classes. Had forgotten about them dismissing minions when I did my first and only strike for the turtle mount, zip line to the top and then have to spend between 16 and 48 seconds plus cast times to re-summon them all ... 3 times during the fight.
  2. Still not fixed with today's patch and still not on the known issues list And dang, was hoping the hint in today's patch notes to go and pat the new cats at Cat Island might be related or involved with making the chest appear...
  3. Sadly not fixed with the latest patch and the not even listed under known issues 0.0
  4. Having just completed this I can't believe there's no achievement associated with it, all those mats, all that effort and no achievement reward ... 0.0
  5. I hate them, only touch them if they count towards the chapter 'mastery' after that there's zero incentive to do them. Zero. Please get rid of them or at the very least award them a miserly one point...
  6. The name has changed, to Lunar Chest, but the contents are exactly the same as the previous Black Lion Chest
  7. The Lava Lounge Pass is the most useless of all lounge passes. Its features are duplicated by all other passes. Its usefulness as a portal to Ember Bay is already covered by the Season 3 Ember Bay portal. All other lounge passes are useful in one way or another, at the very least as a portal for doing dailies eg. even the Captain's Airship pass still has some use, as a quick teleport for Kryta gathering dailies, quick access to Swashbuckler's Cove jumping puzzle daily, Lady Derwena Pact Supply Network Agent, Gendarran Fields sunken chest for the repeatable Master Diver ... even as a non WvW/PvP player I find Armistice Bastion useful for the Big Spender daily and its jumping puzzle was fun (the latter ***should*** have an achievement btw, it would be a selling point !) In conclusion there's zero temptation to spend gems buying the Lava Lounge Pass, add some temptation to increase sales. My Solution: Add a feature or two to it to make it unique and useful .... I would add a scribe trainer and station, players from small guilds and achievement hunters would find it very tempting to buy.
  8. Very odd indeed, I'd been having this problem since last Sunday until the Shatterspark items update. Hope they get it fixed for you guys asap. On past history in the other threads here and in Account and Technical Support this problem is account related. One player had this happen on his account while his wife's account worked fine, both on the same PC.
  9. When I started the game early this morning the exact same thing happened. Have since been trying various methods suggested in this thread to no avail, just finished a very long RAM test (all tests passed) and tried to open the BLTC again, game crashed again. Edit: I should add I meant the Gem store, not Trading Post, everything else in the game works fine. Dailys, home instance, Drytop, Keg Brawl Update: Received this from support Hello, Thank you for contacting Guild Wars 2 Technical Support. I have looked into this issue and it appears the Dev Team is aware of the matter and working on a solution as quickly as possible. We do not currently have a time frame for this fix, so please keep an eye on the official Guild Wars 2 forums (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/) for any updates. Edit: 12 Jan 2022. Fixed for me after the latest Gem Store update
  10. Is this happening after opening the Black Lion Trading Company menu ? I am getting the same error, worked fine last night but when I started this morning it happens every time I open the BLTC. Exception: c0000005 Memory at address 00000169`1b8c0000 could not be written Been checking out posts last time this happened to people. Just did a graphics drivers update, no change. I noticed this time the BLTC has been disabled. Trying a RAM test next
  11. The current Black Lion Chest is giving out the Endless Mystery Tonic (Furniture Polish) even though this novelty has already been unlocked on my account. I currently have 2 of these sitting in my bank, absolutely useless to me. The keys were paid for with real world money. I try to help out the downtrodden and poor by buying them at Christmas time and this is what I get in return, an absolutely useless item that can't be traded. Its like getting a lump of coal in your stocking from Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning, Bah Humbug !!! At the very least make this item soulbound on use.
  12. Account Bound Endless Mystery Tonics dropping from Black Lions Chests, this makes me really angry. I've paid for Black Lions keys to support the game and Anet reward me with an account bound item that I HAVE ALREADY UNLOCKED Grrrrrrrrr. At the very least they should be made account bound ON USE. Now what am I supposed to so with a useless item that has no value ? Anet PLEASE make these account bound on use !
  13. Same thing happened to me, useless Rytlock was standing around a 100 yards back twiddling his thumbs. Exactly the same thing he did in Turnaround, Survive Ryland's ambush. He just stood there tossing his sword in the air refusing to help or revive. Really wish you had a choice to bring someone else along... Lord Faren, Hobo-Tron, a skritt, anyone but that useless throw rug. Yeah, restarting the mission fixed the ice wall bug for me too.
  14. Participated in the Siege of Wolf's Crossing event from start to finish, did not get credit for Revenge at Wolf's Crossing achievement. Weaver, only have melee weapons, did what damage I could to the Modified TT6-B Devourer, when time came to port to the cliffs you had no chance of damaging the bosses as they melted like butter by the time you got to them due to the enormous amount of players present (Same goes for trying to get credit on killing the cache keepers, oh my god, they go down so fast). Took down down Nicabar's Helicopter at the end with the Charrzooka, managed to score a few hits. It looks like I'll have to wait till later in the week for the player participation to decrease to try and get credit. Absolutely massive fps drop, again due to the sheer amount of players present.
  15. Same happens to me every time during Long Live the Lich, Seized, Defend Amnoon, Defeat Istari the Inexorable event. I'm running my alts through the story line and this has happened during the last 3 runs. Screenshot after the event has finished https://imgur.com/e8tkfIL
  16. Solo instance for The Mad King's Clocktower so your view isn't blocked by chunky charr and big arsed norns
  17. Same here, twice with no credit, did it on a character that had not done the event before. One person said you have to be in a squad so will try that, might also try using a character that had previously done the event before Return to Daybreak came along. Edit: Just tried it again on the same character (the event was in progress when I logged in) and I got credit this time, solo, not in a group, so it just seems random
  18. Phew ! I thought I was going crazy. Did a full repair, should have come here first.
  19. I absolutely hate mini games with a passion and really wish they weren't in the game. To me they aren't content. It pains me to think that devs have spent time implementing them into the game instead of making real content. They are a carry over from console games where mini games were expected and if a new release didn't have one the player base would be disappointed. The only time I play them is when I'm forced to in order to complete dailies. If players are so keen for mini games why don't they just get out their gameboys and play them ?
  20. With Black Lion Loot boxes being banned in Belgium and other countries (?) (in Australia there is a parliamentary inquiry looking into banning loot boxes which are seen as form of gambling) give them more value for the real world money which is spent on them. Give certain items within them a gold vendor sale value. As a whale myself (which I don't mind) I have an awfully large amount of Black Lion items in the bank which I will rarely if ever use, give them a gold vendor sale price so we can sell them off to vendors. I'm talking about Upgrade Extractors, Revive Orbs, Self Style Hair Kits, Total Makeover Kits and Teleport to Friends. You can also add in Guaranteed Weapon, Armour and Weapon Unlocks, let the player decide if he or she wants to risk selling them off. Lastly no BL kit should ever have a Black Lion Commemorative Coin as a drop, this is kind of an insult or Account Bound Endless Mystery Tonics, the latter should be account bound on use. As a previously unlocked drop they are totally worthless.
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