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Everything posted by Etria.3642

  1. The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree. No, not stale. I've never figured it out.You sound like you need 2 things. (and no, I'm not being condescending.)1) A buddy to laugh with when you go through sab. First, pick someone at or equal to your skill. Otherwise if you are anything like me, you will feel crummy when they merrily skip through to the checkpoints and tell you to just gg. With someone your equal sometimes you'll get to the checkpoint first and sometimes they will. Having two people makes getting the glitches, killing beedogs, bosses and well, just everything else so much more enjoyable. EDIT: forgot, having a buddy also means you can exit, exchange baubles, and re-enter without losing any progress. 2) A guide so you know what to buy and when and where. The two above are for having fun while getting the achievements. If you only want the achievements, find someone better. You can even mostly get carried through trib. I admit I bargained my daughters to help me with trib, since I am awful at jumping, but it was frustrating, not fun. That said, I do adore the mode in regular difficulty.
  2. you can see the results without voting, though... Really? How? I never can, unless I have already voted. Is there something I need to change in settings?
  3. I just noticed the same thing. Bought it yesterday and now I saw it for 355 gems, without the Bee Mail Carrier.Why can we buy it again? Shouldn't it be invisible after we bought it the first time, like the Living Story? Do we get a refund or lower price without the bee? Seems a little confusing. You can have more than one coin--for those who want it on more than one character. The mail carrier, however, is an account unlock. So only one.
  4. 0/3 normal 0/3 easy BUTFriend who did it with us got 1 in the normal, and my daughter got 1 of the weapon boxes in normal also.Other daughter started with trib today and got 2/6 for the weapons.
  5. I don't recall what I voted, but I hope no. Played a couple flashpoints in swtor today and sure enough, pug tank and dps are both in skimpy bits o nothing. One was in the slavegirl Leiaish stuff, the other the invisible stuff and shorts. (They have invisible armor of all pieces there). Now, I do also see a few bare-chested males who have carefully been clothed for a theme, but as a ratio, there are 34865348176817 females wearing skimpy clothes to males wearing skimpy clothes. Edit: oh neat, I did vote no.Edit 2: weird, took away my vote when I edited. Or at least the display, to me.
  6. I already play wvw but voted anyway because there was not an "already play" and without voting, I can't see results!
  7. Last night 0/61 infantile the others all regular.
  8. Maybe I earn karma faster than ice shards. Despite trading in ice shards and visiting the pact merchants regularly, I still get more karma than I spend. Granted, I will be spending a chunk on the runic armor, but that's pretty slow going for me. Maybe once I get hundreds of the strike shards to spare.
  9. Do you mean the one on top of the mountain?
  10. Good to know. I can continue working on my season 2 stuff without feeling like someone can just buy it. Granted, that is a lot of buying, but still.
  11. Can confirm, did all core Vistas before gliding or mounts.
  12. Uhm, sure, why not.Day 1 infantile: 0/3 regular 1/3 (infantile was w2, regular was w1) If you want even more, it was the axe.Day 2 infantile: 0/5 ALT account, infantile 1/3, alt got the sword.Day 3 so far even though I adore SAB I am pacing myself, so have not done it yet. Will update after tomorrow.
  13. Just curious, since I am nowhere near having everything available unlocked, but do things that are really difficult/expensive to attain come in those? Infusions that are worn)like the snowflake ones), legendaries(armor and weapons), specific gear to modes(such as raid-specific gear, or triumphant armor? The glowy stuff from the season 2 achievements? I am hoping not, but I suppose there could be a reason. More actual money spent on the game, I guess.
  14. Or it is intended. The reasons are, that I see, two.1) (the obvious one) try all the parts of the game.2) Continue playing the parts you like, as more and more ap are released, eventually you will get the set. Nothing wrong with the game.
  15. Each to their own. I set aside the entire day tuesday to play in SAB and am THRILLED it's here for 4 weeks this year. It is difficult to get a grip the first time, here are a couple things that made it easier and far more enjoyable. 1) Go in with a friend who knows the path and is patient. Be able to laugh when you miss jumps.2) Convert gold, or just outright buy the continue coin. That way you don't waste the baubles you will want to get things for the achievements, and you REALLY won't mind dying. /gg works in SAB!!! Going in with someone also makes checkpoints much more userfriendly. Also they can get the glitch and everyone in party qualifies. Also having one person smack the gem while the other does the jumps is so nice!
  16. Dunno. I loathe fractals so rarely do them, but I do a LOT of wvw and have only gotten one commander's spoon, and a fair amount of Tequatl and have only gotten one special spoon from that, so perhaps fractals are different? I do few enough fractals that I couldn't even swear to getting a single broken spoon from them.
  17. The objects would never be sold. It does sometimes take awhile for some folks but others get spoons frequently. Once you get the special spoon, however, thereafter you only get broken spoons. So there are never "extra" special ones.
  18. He lost significantly more than 3 boosters.
  19. Has this changed? I know for certain I gifted my daughter one the first year they offered the continue coin--and it will still let me buy another, even though I have one, so it makes no sense that this can't be gifted.
  20. This. Plus. Let's use shortbow as an example. Dreamer was og. Chuka years ago. I am tired of both at this point. Please more!
  21. When I saw the thread title at first I thought it would be a throwaway level 80 existing only for certain events, and I thought, even as I clicked, hrm, that might be fun, trying new things out without caring about the expense of gearing. It'd come pre-geared, pre-skilled, and nothing it came with would be transferable. And then I thought, well, that IS kinda a 80 boost, only the actual 80 boosts give you not-so-good characters and then I read your post, which is not at all what I thought. Hrm. I think I would like your idea all the way through a key farm and then I would, myself, lose patience with the whole thing. Because, after all, you CAN do all of what you said already except for others doing it too. And I doubt they'd make a whole new instance for that. Zones are already too thin. Maybe you suggested it because you, too, lose patience and snag stuff to bump you up? I think if so, it's a good thing you can, otherwise that character might not ever get played again. You'd be ready to, and then remember, oh yeah, level 32. Gendarren Fields. Eeeeeh, maybe I'll play my scourge, instead. (or insert other class and leveled character.)
  22. I personally don't care for fishing, either in game or in real life, and I don't care if they add it for those who do like it but I worry if they do that they will add some something that will entice me to suffer through it anyway. Like achievement points.
  23. It is very easy if you have a regular raiding group. Mine was casual and learning and it took me forever to get my Xera kill.
  24. I don't think I have ever done this. Either: I sell for immediate sale because the difference is so low, or I think the price is falling anyway, or I list it for the lowest offering or I decide I don't want to sell it for that price and just save it for later. I think the far more prevalent thing is hitting okay before the price loads in. Have not done that myself but I have seen loads of complaints about it.
  25. Or you could have swtor where everything is either just buy it from a vendor or buy it from the cartel market. I like the diversity in appearance in GW2 and I for sure like the dyes. Now if we could just get swtor's method of saving appearances. But you can't have everything. Edit: although swtor is playing with the equivalent of infusions. They aren't super rare drops. Instead they are just super expensive. In GW2, everyone has a /chance/ at getting a lucky drop, in swtor no one does. Everyone has to pay. Bleh.
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