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Everything posted by Etria.3642

  1. I wouldn't mind random if it had an upper limit. For instance, for a recent collection you had to get something from a certain enemy. Naturally, I got it on the first drop and 40 minutes later of killing things in 3 different maps my daughter finally got hers. If it was rng on first 19 enemies and guaranteed on 20 that would be ideal. That said, the collections in the latest Visions things are IDEAL. Random from certain enemies, or you can hit the world boss for a guaranteed drop. Good solution. I approve.
  2. It isn't the rest of the day but I agree, two mails is ridiculous and frustrating. I also like tying it to mail carriers. But my daughter just mentioned a reason why only two. If someone steals an account, it will take much more time to steal items. That said I sure can fit the most valuable into two mails. I run into this whenever I randomly decide to open black lion chests since I send dyes and minis to my daughters and guildies to see if they have them. Also if helping someone with gift of might and magic. Let's see, you need 6 of these and 23 of those and 7 of these... There are 32 things required for those and they do not all fit into two mails.
  3. The other day I joined a strike run. After the second boss I got kicked without even a comment. I whispered the kicker, calling him out for doing it without just asking me to leave or telling me why I was kicked. By the way I would leave a group if asked. He talked about my damage being so low, and likened it to a support character. Was surprised he noted me doing any damage at all. Thing is we were successful in the run because I spent most of it rezing people. Few others were bothering to do it. Whatever healing we had wasn't sufficient and one point me and another guy were the only ones left standing to pick up the others. I would have loved spending my time doing damage and not rezing others. But going by what must have been arcsdps, I had to go. He then told me to talk to him when I could put out such and such damage. I joined the group because the ad didn't have specs listed, so I assumed it was for people who didn't want that stress. Second, I have 14 toons, some built for meta so if I wanted to join a super elitist group I would have. I don't need people judging me and my actions based on raw numbers and I feel like we should be able to block such intrusion, not give everyone more acid to pour in the wounds of players who a just want to have fun, not take on a second job. If I want a challenge I would climb a 14,000er. When I am at home I want to relax and play Interestingly enough, you could point that out to him and he can verify it through arcdps. The logs it has show far more than just dps. They show mechanics and who missed them and how many times and yes, rezzes and who was rezzing and who got rezzes. I like looking at my own numbers, it can be truly humbling. For instance on a Quadim 2 fight earlier today I was pushed back /17/ times. I suspect if I fix that, my dps will rise. It is also nice to have it so that if something like the aforementioned happens, I can say not just "I was rezzing" but "I rezzed 13 times, of which you were two, and I noticed you missed these mechanics. Have fun."
  4. It has its own tab in the saga lfg, use it? They went through the effort to make a tab for it immediately; Other game modes had to wait forever so I assume they put the effort in to make sure it wouldn't bog down the Strikes tab. I haven't posted for it at all yet, but admit I have never, not one single time, had to look for the other tab. There is almost always one in the Strikes tab, so I just either pick that, or a different strike. For you folks who post and look there, more power to you. I don't see the need. Just like I might see Tequatl under World bosses or I might see him under squads in central tyria. I don't care. List a dungeon in dungeons or in players needing help or achievements. I don't care. If it gets the person listing it the folks they want, and the folks who need it can find it, that is all that matters. This is so minorly minor a fuss that...I am /delighted/ it's the only thing wrong with your gaming world right now. Like. If this was your reason for coming to the forums to post your wrath for folks posting things in the wrong channel...compared to balance, bugs, wanting more content, hating prices, let alone something real world-related, I wish I was in your shoes.
  5. I find it humorous that folks have listed two of the things I constantly use: the copper and silver salvage kits and the Mistlock passkey. I use my mystic forge stones to convert to gold, and I always but always use the mistlock sanctuary. The waste for me was the Captain's Airship. Everything is so much more convenient in Mistlock.
  6. Well, I for one don't mind it there. Is it ten man content? Can I access it from EotN? Yes to both? Done. EDIT: If there were 47543 strike missions in LFG I could see fussing about this, but whenever I look the most I have seen is 6. Usually only 2-3.
  7. Season 4 for Skyscale, but I also find myself returning to these maps more than 3, for various farms. The Dragonfall map is quite lucrative, and I try to hit the new Shatterer in hopes of getting that infusion.
  8. But people aren't always mutual friends. For instance: I follow a couple world boss commanders. They have zero clue who I am and probably don't care. I care, because they are excellent at what they do, so if I am in the mood for world bosses, I check my friends list. THEN LFG. Same for wvw. I have the pins I enjoy friended. I highly doubt they know me.
  9. This might be a silly question, but what exactly is the value of laurels? As in what are people actually using them for that makes them valuable? I know I've got a bucket load saved up spare as aside from a few bits like the wolf mini, quartz node, & the odd ascended trinket I haven't seen anything else worth buying with them. Far as I know the items offered haven't changed a great deal over the years or had many new ones added, so I'm assuming by now a lot of long term players will have already brought all the one off/collectible items offered from laurel vendors, so that leaves convert them to gold or buy dyes? But surely in both of those cases just farming gold directly would be quicker/more efficient? Maybe I'm missing something with them, but to me they don't seem to really have much use. I use mine for infusions, but I enjoy making legendaries and loathe the gear storage system, so I have been assembling a set of ascended for each character. I am both so hopeful for the legendary wardrobe thing and so afraid, both. Currently because of the gear system I no longer share legendaries between characters.
  10. What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you? Since I am rather bad at jumping, I like all of the first world, but I wouldn't mind the second if it wasn't so gosh darn LONG. I can focus up for a bit and actually concentrate on jumping but about the time the first world is finished, the second one is still on the first bit. World 2 is so time consuming. By the end I just don't care whether I make the jumps or not. Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor? I would like to see a black lion chest key, ticket scraps, the key-choice chest, and this might be new, but what about a selection of boss chests? So I could skip having to farm the various bosses during the festival. Maybe three? So one "big" one, like from Triple Trouble, one "medium" like Rhendak, and one "small" like a champ bag? Either way though, I really liked the weekly vendors. Didn't always get things from them, but I liked them. What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime? I am bad at jumping, but I lovelovelove all the hidden secrets. I also really liked the romantic pages achievement recently that was humorous, AND awarded a title. So a batch of secrets with a title "Detective"? Once the new worlds are out, a part two could award "Super Sleuth".
  11. You needed all of them in Dragonfall. And Season 3 had a few where while you didn't need them ALL there were only a couple you could skip. Season 2 of course you needed all of everything. (Still have not gotten all of them.)
  12. I am swimming in them. Do you pvp or wvw? The reward tracks in those award tons of them. Otherwise, I don't see why not, personally, since laurels are far more valuable than tomes.
  13. I didn't leave early the first time but only because I was managing inventory. My daughter and friend both did. So we did it again. At least it helps progress achievements.
  14. Just like to reiterate that the vanishing boss bug happens a LOT and is highly discouraging.
  15. So about Whisper. They really do need to fix the bug where it despawns. Had to reset it 4 times before we finally had it work. We weren't wiping...the boss was vanishing. It isn't the most recent one anymore, this should already be fixed.
  16. I guess it all depends on your definition of "group content" and for who. I, for example, can't solo all the prior story stuff. So I ALWAYS take folks with me. Once I get past the Claw Island stuff, I start dying/going down, and it is just so much EASIER and more fun, for me, to have someone else there. Lord knows the npc's they provide are....not adequate. I also consider events I cannot solo to be group content. For instance, I can solo almost all of leveling one of the outposts in Verdant Brink but toward the end, no can do. At least not without more effort than I am willing to put in. In that respect, the new map is much more solo friendly. I can solo all the do it 20 times events. They are easier/faster with other folks but are rather appropriately scaled down for just one.
  17. i actually think the legendary armory will give greater value to have legendaries. it doesn't take away the value from them. Totally more value. It's actually going to get me to finish making the light armor. I really hope that we didn't need to keep the exotic warlord pieces though...
  18. You could get the wvw or pvp legendary armor. They look just like the ascended versions, so feel free to transmute away.
  19. I actually hope it does NOT have too many maps. Players are already spread thin. I would rather an expansion have new things. New race/class/elites/weapons/skills/masteries/housing. Things that can be worked on, MUST be worked on, by doing new things in old places.
  20. I can confirm character slots were already on sale, totes snagged one! Kits were also, heck, I think most of this stuff was on sale THIS WEEK already. I know I blew through my $35 in gems for the sale already. There is also a handy dandy forum post stickied to list what is new each day, which is extremely handy if you don't login to the game each day.
  21. I guess my thought was why a brand new player to the game would be doing THIS mission. If I succeed in bringing another person over, it certainly wouldn't be where I would drag them to on the first day. Or even first week. I'd have them insta level an 80, drag them at the fastest of fast breakneck speeds through getting gliding and a raptor(So they wouldn't have time to get any story spoilers), and then have them create a new character, and start at the beginning. Even if they did then want to come with me when I was doing the mission, I would do it as we just did(I have a friend who is relatively new, only played since Dragonfall) and it would be just us, and I WOULD EXPLAIN EVERYTHING. If I was a stark brand new player without friends or guildies to explain things I would be doing the new player tutorial stuff and honestly, probably leave the game. There are just so many other options out there, and core GW2 is, I am sorry to say, just nothing all that special and unique. If someone has the expansion, for heavens sake HAND THEM gliding and raptor. But I am getting distracted from the actual topic. Just getting near the tank garners a pop up that says Enter the Tank. When you enter the tank, you do see how much ammo you have. You can see the amount decreasing as you push buttons. There are 768706589 boxes of various ammo laying about and just begging to have "f" pressed. After doing so, when you enter the tank, voila, your amount of ammo has increased. So while you CAN look at the buff bar, you certainly don't HAVE to. I am not sure how much more obvious they could make it without then also insulting our intelligence. Unless folks are playing in another language?
  22. There is an activity at the beginning that explains how to refill ammo. As many players as want to can fit in the tank, there is zero need to alternate and to break the bar you HAVE to have as many inside as possible. It doesn't explain the difference between ammo boxes but since they give a buff on your bar, and you can see that they give different amounts, it never occurred to me anyone would NOT figure out that you just grab them until the red letters across your screen say you can't hold any more. Harpoon should be held down, and depending on how large the group is, depends on how much is broken. For instance, if alone, I can break it myself. For 2, it puts the aoe wherever you choose to place it. It's great for groups, especially at the portals. For 3 you hold it down. I do not have to mouse click either one of these. In fact, for 2, it's better if you don't, so you can mouse where you want the aoe to happen. I did find some of the jumping puzzles to happen too fast for my skills if in a squad, so I just skip those when in a squad, and got the achievements for them when doing it solo. Doing it solo also means you can experience each step to do what needs to be done. I will say the instructions could be clearer, but they aren't grade F, either.
  23. There is a vast world of difference between elite top end raid performance and the various levels beneath. It isn't an either or. IE, I know lots of folks who don't raid and are perfectly competent elsewhere, BUT I ALSO KNOW lots of folks who are NOT perfectly competent in ANY mode. And they snap at me if I even make one tiny polite little suggestion. Ie, Hey, everyone, hop in the tank and hold down the 3, instead of spamming, it will help." "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO PLAY!"
  24. Green sigils are the bomb, I'll take the ones you don't want.
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