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Everything posted by thehipone.6812

  1. My vote goes to reaper with the usual berserker/scholar gear setup. You can run the usual snowcrows/other guide site power reaper raid build for group content. Open world, I often run a lazy blood-variant with all wells (blood, suffering, power, and darkness) that, while not the highest benchmark dps, has big AoE and is basically indestructible due to the siphon, two pulsing blind fields, and enough cc to reliably break bars. You can support through the well of blood rez trait for meta events where people are likely to die and use the double well of blood to AoE rez really quick, and also well of power to cleanse allies. I personally don't enjoy the scourge playstyle - feels clunky and IMO none of the abilities deliver the satisfying impact of, say, gravedigger finishing off a djinn after you just broke its bar and it is kneeling on the ground.
  2. I am a person who has bought multiple sets of tools from the gemstore already. Heck, I've played long enough to still have soulbound tools like the molten mining axe. Tbh I still buy new tools when they come out with a glyph I want, and I am the one asking for something like this. The argument that a person would feel crummy for buying a tool, using it for a while and getting their value out of it when something new or better comes out is weak tbh. You paid for a convenience at that time, not a requirement. What something like this would do is give a QoL improvement for the people who have 1 set of unbreakable tools but would like to have it on all characters. The idea of an extra glyph slot was just because legendary should be better than standard in some way. I still don't see how one extra glyph slot is the breaking point when we already have one, but you are welcome to your opinion. Did you see the forum reaction when they originally made legendary weapons shareable across an account? Or go check out the current legendary armory discussion and see how many people wanted “compensation” because of new convenience functionality. I typically agree with the general argument “you got what you paid for at the time”, but I think the reaction is predictable and won’t be positive. But your suggestion is indeed beyond those cases and does cross a rubicon- the idea that a legendary should be functionally better (not just more convenient/swappable or flashy) violates the typical gw2 design principle. It would be akin to giving a legendary weapon another sigil. Maybe in other games, not in this one. And it still would be terrible for the materials economy, which is looking a bit oversupplied in a lot of places.
  3. No you didn’t. And there are already relevant threads, calling me toxic doesn’t stop them from existing or mean that you shouldn’t have posted there: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95505/fishing-how-would-you-all-like-this-to-work/ https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102725/what-do-you-want-for-third-expansion/
  4. Wow, fishing! I can’t believe that nobody has brought this up before.
  5. Now look at ectos on a multi-year chart and see how cheap they still are relatively. And what do gathering glyphs have to do with ectos? Economy could use more sinks for multiple things before it gets more sources. At least zephyr festival is coming up. What your idea would do is tank the value of remaining gatherables even further, glyph of bounty is great on its own and silly combined with the others. Bounty + herbalist = no more valuable plants (even more than now). Bounty + prospector = bye bye what’s left of platinum ore’s value. And it is gonna feel really crappy for anyone who bought a gemstore tool with real money. whether justified or not, lots of people would probably feel like their cash tool was now second-rate and would resent “having” to grind out a legendary tool after making a cash purchase. Mad customers are not good for business.
  6. Do you want more TP bots? Because this suggestion is how you get more TP bots.
  7. No, they should definitely put fishing in first.Dead Horse.gif
  8. I do level 40 key runs so I made some sets of ineffable gear to really streamline that- I’ll use it to level alts as needed. Probably Not worth it just to level one character, but an option if you think you could use it for multiple alts or key farmers like I do. Usually by lvl 40-50 I’m kinda done with the “fun of leveling” and burn tomes or craft to 80. If I didn’t have the ineffable stuff and planned to go all the way to 80, I’d look at picking up a bloodbound weapon or two. At 10 tokens they aren’t ridiculous anymore and I’d use excess reclaimed plates, auric ingots or chak eggs to buy the tokens. If you knew that you were going to lvl more characters you could likely get some good mileage out of a great sword or other common weapon across multiple classes. For trinkets I craft the blue power gem stuff and sell afterwards if not needed anymore.
  9. Do the tutorial achievement for cooking- it is called Interest in Food. Gives you a crafting booster which overall increases crafting xp gain (technically “critical crafting bonus xp chance”). on top of the other solid advice above, you should be maxed out in no time.
  10. I'd be happy if the word Compensation got tossed into the forum censorship pile and was replaced by Kittens. People seem to want "compensation" for everything, whether a problem or a new feature- I disconnected near the end of a dungeon? - Compensation! Legendary skins in the wardrobe? - Compensation! Server problems? - Compensation! New legendary armory functionality? - Compensation! Balance changes alter your build? - Compensation! No WvW Alliances yet - Compensation! errr...well, that last one....
  11. If you're just looking to mess around, how about Siphon MemeDrop a well for quickness, dagger 3 then dagger 2 to fwoop your health back up. Insert "Necro is attrition class" here.
  12. Aside from the above mentioned infusions- more Interesting loot is out there, pof added heaps of rare minis, music boxes, heck even forged weapons, the named sun spear weapons, named warbeast armor and warbeast recipes were rare and valuable at pof launch. Hot had it in things like dandy bluster, the Mordrem weapons (sword was 300+ gold until added to other sources and a neat skin). To my knowledge, all of the ls4 episodes have rare drops - eye of argon, sunscythe, the dwarves weapons, some of the Icebrood saga armor pieces etc. But here’s the thing- much of the rare loot comes from stuff more likely to be completed by “explorer” types. Bounties, the highlands treasure hunt, opening random chests you find, different events around the maps. The “optimized” meta farm trains never do these things and thus just get champ bags and unids. They’re often designed to maximize bags and anything in them can’t stay valuable or rare for long due to the sheer amount of bags that will be opened. Or the things have to be either infusion-rare or account bound ( like teq or aurene weapon chest). What i do wish was better communicated for the general players sake is how/where to get the rarer stuff. I guess scouring the wiki and tp together works, but would be nicer in game somehow. Maybe a recurring rare treasure hunter npc who pops up in maps and says “hey, I’m here because I’ve gotten reports of X, keep your eyes open for it”. At least you would know what is out there.
  13. Gotta go for GW1 assassin if you want that gameplay. Maybe GW2 cantha will bring it...we can hope, right?
  14. What I do with those is trade 250 Chilies + VM for the Voice of Metal (Exotic Torch) and then immediately turn around and vendor it for 90s. It's not much, but it's something. You do realize that you’re throwing ~8 gold worth of volatile magic away to get 90 silver, right? https://gw2lunchbox.com/IstanShipments.html
  15. You can likely sell the Tier 3 fine crafting trophies, the ones with just the basic names like claw, fang, venom sac, etc. you may have a pile in your bank from just playing and they go for 7+ silver and are easy enough to get if you want them later. Don’t overlook gathering- freshwater pearls and Maguuma lilies still go for 5 gold each, so grab any mussels or jungle plants you see on the chance that you get a lucky drop. Sky scale is nice, but if you are completely new then you might need to buy the living story episodes to be able to get it. Don’t know what you have unlocked already.
  16. The eye cancer has reached supernova levels anyways, why not. I say give a gizmo for completing Yakslapper that has a Yak walking across a bubble above your head and then getting bitch slapped out of the bubble by a gauntlet.
  17. You can always complete maps or do the things that reward a black lion chest key https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Chest_Key for a chance at getting a direct drop, or a claim ticket that will let you pick a fancy skin. There are also cheap or karma-bought skins that have effects. One thread listing them is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2u89k3/what_are_some_cool_skins_that_are_easy_to_obtain/ “Cool” is subjective, but might help you find something.
  18. Start thinking of them more like cosmetics, a “collection”, or minor qol items and not in terms of an “investment”. They’re for fun and a bit of convenience. And besides, if they buffed the output to make it a super return on investment then everyone would buy it, either driving up the price of the tp sellable ones or driving down the price of the output, thereby making it no longer “good investment” and the cycle starts again.
  19. The Guild Wars franchise has an established history of doing balance this way.
  20. Like the aviator box and bobble heads, I think you should see where/how it is likely to become permanent. Not that I have an issue with such toys in the gem shop for a few hundred gems.
  21. See the spreadsheet linked in this post:https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/fefhix/research_farming_and_goldmaking_in_gw2/ Backed by some data and not just speculation/word of mouth. Choose whatever you find fun and profitable.
  22. You should've been around in the early days of GW2 when people were complaining about Mesmer Moa. Throw Bolas + 100blades is too stronk
  23. I'm not sure why Rampage had to more or less have its damage Smiter's Booned. There are tons of other things that it brings that could have been toned down and added more risk/reward, especially since it locks you out of your heal/utilities during the transform. It's an overloaded skill right now, in addition to lots of damage and cc you also get:2000 Vitality buff50% Damage reductionpulsing stabilityswiftnesscripple/chill/immob reduction Just getting rid of swiftness and soft cc reduction allows someone to have a chance at kiting if they can dodge the ccs. Or trim the damage reduction and get rid of the vitality buff to make it a risk/reward play. Or something else, I don't know, but there is plenty to work with there. Unlike some other skills that are pretty limited... ... speaking of which, elite skills overall need a serious look across professions and a decision on what their role is. Compare the total buffs and power level of Rampage above to something like Lich Form.. (which is actually on a longer 150s recharge) that is never used. Lich gets you the stability and half of the vit buff of rampage, but none of the other stuff. Not that they should necessarily be 1-to-1 on the different classes, but the difference in power seems a bit ridiculous. Separately - Couldn't agree more re: agility sigil. Good move.
  24. Sometimes it is a true stall and there's nothing you can really do. However, a lot of the wave events are scripted so the entire wave N needs to be killed before wave N+1 will spawn. Sometimes one mob from wave N will wander off away from the event circle - be it from chasing a player or an NPC or engaging another type of hostile mob in the area- and prevent wave N+1 from spawning. It doesn't always work, but you can try looking around the nearby area for an enemy with the same type as the wave foe and killing it. I think in newer maps they started marking the relevant foes with swords, but old maps are inconsistent, at best.
  25. I spelled out the exact reasons why he was likely disadvantaged and not to take the fight. A smart combatant will choose fights to his advantage, when possible. It is idiotic to argue that someone should take each and every fight, especially when significantly disadvantaged - that's just dumb gameplay. I never said avoid the pvp aspect, I said it made sense for them to skip that particular fight because it was likely pointless/suicidal. If you made it in time to contest the camp then a fight would have been appropriate to try to finish the cap. I'll happily jump in 1v2 in defending a camp that my team holds, sometimes winning or sometimes delaying enough for other teammates to arrive. I'm not going to go trying to fight that rifle DE camping around stonemist on my necro though. Some good reading: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World The T2 camp provides more warscore when upgraded, so when you cap it, even if the other team gets it back it is reset back to t1 (and also preemptively prevent t2 --> t3). There is a wider strategy beyond just fights, of keeping objectives soft, denying supply, etc. People play the game for fun - some find fun only in fights, some in ppt and strategy, and others mixed somewhere in between. So what if the match is decided? It is still fun to be a pest to the enemy, steal their camps and objectives, and yes kill them too. But again, nowhere does it say that someone has to be a suicidal idiot and take bad fights because a couple of people on the forums are mad. Ever see a thief run away?
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