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Everything posted by Zohane.7208

  1. Squads without commander have the group function, just the same as those with commander. The difference is that since there's no defined leader for the squad, there's no one that have the authority to mandate who goes into what group; people have to move themselves.
  2. I just went in on t1 (25) with a team of random pugs (standard team build: hfb, alacdps (rene) and 3 dps). The boss fight took all of 5 minutes. From start of fractal: 11 minutes. As always it seems that with just a bit of practice such that we learn the mechanics the fight becomes pretty normal for a "modern" fractal.
  3. Note my wording (and Anet's originally): it only states that you can participate in all content and all game modes - nothing was said about being able to get BiS gear without some work. You don't, however, need BiS to play the game...
  4. If I remember correctly, Anet never said there would be no grind, only no mandatory grind, and I believe this is still true, you can take part in all game modes and all content without having to grind for gold, armor, weapons, or other.
  5. We must be playing very different games... I pug fractals every single day and I never get kicked from groups. I also virtually never have to kick anyone from gorups. This is because people actually read and follow the requirements listed in the LFG, and those few that misunderstand LFG are nice enough to leave when they realize their mistake.
  6. This seems a lot like how fractals were in their original implementation; then we'd get 3 random fractals followed by a "boss fractal". People absolutely hated it since there was a huge randomness to how long a fractal run would take. It was so bad that people would repeatedly enter and leave until we got the quickest fractal as the first one.
  7. "The Saga of the Mysteries of the Dragoons" (Yes, Dragoons, not Dragons - just to be creative)
  8. WvW legendary armor is basically a participation reward. The more you play WvW, the faster you get the reward, and the quality of your server as well as your own play can somewhat influence this as well. PvP legendary armor is, again, basically a participation reward. The quality of your team as well as your own play can have a somewhat bigger influence on the time it takes you to get the reward. (Or so I'm told - I have no personal experience of PvP...) PvE legendary armor has two major components: First you need to complete two collections which requires a bit of raiding (you have to successfully clear wings 1-4 at least once each, you need to kill a certain boss at least 5 times, and then you need at least one more successful clear of wing 4), as well as a bit of other PvE. After this is completed, PvE legendary armor more or less becomes a participation reward as well - you can make progress in raids even by killing bosses which are quite trivial, but you actually don't even have to raid anymore, after you're done with the collections - legendary insights can be acquired from strikes as well. Of course, the more you play, the faster you get your reward, and your team's quality as well as your own can influence the time taken to get it. Do we really need another armor set which is a open world participation reward? Personally I don't really have an opinion, but if it were to be, it would have to be a very long-term goal. I'm thinking things like "an item that only comes from daily meta chests and each armor piece would require 500-1000 of those" or maybe " a random drop from legendary foes in silverwastes and each armor piece requires 100 or those". Very long-term but still more or less a participation reward. And this legendary would of course have to have skins of the same quality and appeal as the PvP and WvW ones.
  9. People read and comprehend, don't worry. It's just the we also disagree with your suggestion - we actually think it works the way it's supposed to. To expand: If items in invisible bags were made possible to sell to merchant and/or on the TP from the context menu that would 99% likely also mean that they would show up in the merchant and TP interfaces, thus rendering a vital part of invisible bags non-functional.
  10. As far as I can determine, this is happening: 1) The dropdown list at the top left of the window does indeed set the first active crafting discipline. 2) The crafting window itself actually seems to work properly - I do get my known recipes shown for the crafting station I am at. 3) If I swap to another tab and then back to crafting, the selection dropdown is gone until I close and reopen the crafting window.
  11. The problem is, no matter how easy you make them, there's likely always going to be someone who finds it "!too hard", so there's really no way of making them doable for everyone, unless you completely remove every single piece of challenge and let people spawn at the end and get a huge big arrow pointing at the end chest. Granted, the vast majority of people can handle modest challenge but not everyone. Personally I think it's absolutely fine that there are some things that are immensly hard and only a few can complete them - as long as it doesn't hinder progress for things like dailies, festivals, story, or similar. (And in the case for this thread, it doesn't hinder progress for that...)
  12. Plot twist: Joko's immortal (?) mind survived and has been hiding inside Aurene ever since, and now he will take over Aurene's mind and come out as Palawa Joko, the immortal dragon!
  13. One of my guilds has people of all ages. The youngest I know of is in their mid-20s and the oldest is about 70. I seem to find there's loads of people in my age bracket (60+) playing the game and playing it well too. I'm kind of curious why the OP is interested. I rarely see anyone asking how old anyone else is, and anytime I try to say "I'm too old to do <x>" people usually brush it off as really stupid. I guess what I'm getting at is that I see very, v-e-r-y, little evidence of ageism in the game 🙂
  14. As long as there's tiers (in any form) to a particular piece of content, there will naturally have to be tiers in the rewards as well, and then people will, quite naturally, try to find ways to get in to the highest tier as fast as possible, regardless of personal skill level and/or experience in said content. For me, the only solution I can see would be if Anet introduce a system where it's actually not possible to proceed to tier x+1 until you've successfully completed tier x a certain number of times, and possibly more requirements such as not dieing or other similar stuff. I'm sure people would find a way to bypass that as well, but at least it would be harder. Or, we could accept that fact that there will always be different groups with different requirements. Not holding my breath for any of them to happen, though...
  15. Just a minor correction: you actually don't get gifts of exploration from personal story, but rather from completely exploring all core maps to 100% completion.
  16. So, in your book, who would define these best practices? I'm pretty sure there's hundreds of intricacies that could happen that a best practice would need to address. And how would these be enforced? As for the social contract, that's a thing that has to be agreed upon by everyone involved so that all know what to expect and what's expected of them. Since each squad is a different entity, made up of different sets of players, I'd expect that each squad would need to establish a social contract within itself before starting. Or, we could just go with the aforementioned "commander's squad, commander's rules", and put it in the lfg description...
  17. This, right here. I've been happy tagging up and pulling together a group of experienced people to do strikes or OW content, but if the expectation is (or will be) that I be ready to teach any and everyone in the squad how the thing works and how they should play their roles then I guess it's time to stop doing it and hope someone else will organize squads. Otherwise I guess a lot of people won't get stuff done. Organizing and "leading" a squad where people know what to do is a completely different thing than being ready to teach then what to do.
  18. A couple of thoughts: First off - your group, your rules. Simple as that. If you'd asked for "ping 22 bananas and 9 mushrooms" that would've been the requirement. People not willing to follow that requirement should stay away. The newbie joined and asked - which is fine. But when told you wanted people to follow the requirement, they should have left without delay. Personally, I would not act in this manner for a single newbie and for an easy strike like junkyard. But that doesn't in any way invalidate your right to demand that people follow "the rules".
  19. While I would absolutely love to have some new missions, it's not likely it'll happen; guild are more or less abandoned content, and even if it wasn't they can hardly make guild-related content that requires expansions and/or living world seasons, since that would/might exclude some guild members from taking part in the missions.
  20. Ahhhhh, Mortifera's latest troll complaint. Nothing to see here... As for the topic at hand: no, I don't agree that they are an outdated mechanic. They may not be the most entertaining piece of content (to me) but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be there. Plus, you get enough hero points just from levelling so that once you hit level 80 you have all traits unlocked, so by the time you have to fight champions and such you have access to all traits and skills.
  21. If I remember this correctly, after you kill the toad, the extra heart will spawn on top of his crown (which is still visible after he dies).
  22. The objective tracker does show the full dailies list. All 4 tiers are in fact daily in the fractal category. The fact that you auto-complete the lower tiers when doing a higher tier doesn't change that.
  23. It seems a checkpoint at the start of the boss fight would not have been a bad thing so you could at least skip the tedious bit before that part in case of a disconnect or crash or whatever.
  24. I was only ever affected when we in the EU change to/from DST, so it seems odd that somewhere else should be affected in other ways. That's why I was surprised.
  25. Really? I thought everything in GW2 was on UTC and therefore only change if you change timezone and/or DST.
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