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Everything posted by AlenaVolkova.8179

  1. Supply and Demand, learn to live with it, flow with it, play with it, and marry it if you may.
  2. You're out of your mind if you think new runes and new food will change the meta we are all used to. Just look at the fish food, it was new, and guess how irrelevant it is.
  3. Make myself at home, fishing, killing random local wildlife for weapon testing, talking to the voice in my head, and so on.
  4. Haha, your pauldron go UFO, which is kinda cool ngl.
  5. If that player I reported is truly troublesome, chances are their importance to me is completely zero. I do not care, nor do I bother to wish to know their fates.
  6. I'd rather they give us contents we are not expecting once it's ready, rather than rushing it out and hurrying up for a conclusion.
  7. What do any of that have anything to do with old players leaving or staying? If the game is no longer fun, they leave, simple as it is. I stayed since 2018, still playing today, because I love gold, and now my friends are joining GW2 party thanks to release on Steam, making me want to keep playing further because all those big major world events, strikes, fractals, instance meta, etc. They are all waiting for us to explore.
  8. I am honestly disappointed on Anet for doing this, as the community is very helpful, from time to time you get to see ppl running HP trains.
  9. I don't understand the problem, because the gears and wealth are supposed to be easier to accumulate with this SotO change, as you just need mere weeks, and you can already scoop up everything in Wizard's Vault. Such change is big benefit to both newbie and old players.
  10. The demons that players have to kill once boss reach 66% and 33% constantly gets bugged out, they sometimes appear on island, sometimes don't despite players are tagged to kill them. Please fix ASAP, it's been like this since SotO was released, it's becoming annoying and unplayable.
  11. If anything, I do feel they should auto buff you once you're inside a capital or any hub, just like how we don't have to do the potion drinking with Infinite potion and reinforce armor in Fractal, as it does both for you the moment you step in.
  12. I prefer Guild Wars 2 MMO UI than any MMO's. Namely WoW, Wildstar (RIP), Ark Fall (RIP), and PSO2 NGS, they all have bloated information all over my screen.
  13. They should address me as Commander as usual, not they, how dare they reduce my position in Tyria after I averted so many end time scenario like every player does?
  14. I honestly don't understand this kind of entitled mentality like you, we have ppl demand special skins for Siege Turtle for those who legit beat Soo Won when Anet allow players to buy eggs, feeling entitled with compensation as now Skyscale can be acquired easier way. Do you really think you're that deserving when everyone who got their legendaries literally the same way as you did? Even those who bought Legendary Starter kit still need to do full PvE exploration, gift of battle from WvW, combine 250 power blood, powerful sac, totem, and dust, then with 77 clover + 250 Ectoplasm, Obsidian Shard.
  15. Yea, back in my days, repairing armor cost money, too! How dare they remove that and give me boost for 12 hours!
  16. Yea, I agree, I actually like this system as now players are MORE in control of daily rewards they want, rather than have to wait for days to get only small amount of laurel every month. People that hates this thing already don't bother playing the game as all they do is just log in, get reward, log off, they don't even realize this benefit them as well! This change can be this, do weekly, buy bulks of laruel, log off, come back another week, repeat. More efficient and better than before.
  17. Why would you hate it? You can buy more laurels with the Astral coins, without it even being gated behind log in days needed. They did not deprive of it from you, they finally give us the ability to purchase laruel, along with mystic coins, ascended gears, and even cosmetics. You have daily, weekly, and special to do, and I only completed weekly few days ago without even noticing as I was doing SotO meta, which got me over 1k Astral coins.
  18. I don't see any problems at all, consider ascended gears are unnecessarily time gated so badly, which it took me weeks to just fully gear up my Guardian, so she can farm materials for future toons via Fractal. At the time I just got the game, had only PoF, few LW4, I had to craft everything from the ground up as every ore on trading post was unnecessarily pricey, which at the time I felt just best get pickaxe and get all the minerals myself instead. This year, I just handed out more than hundreds of ascended materials for free to my friends so they can rush ascended gears to play Fractal with me, which we yield more than enough gold we can even spend, converting most of those into gems and buying cosmetics. You should maybe start playing the game the way it is meant to be, you crafting gears, all those ascended gears are account bound, I'd be more happy to hand them out as well now that I'm drowning with ascended gear and weapon chests thanks to Fractal.
  19. I mean nothing much is changed, you just kill some type of mob 100 times, JP, do event x times, do dungeon, etc. I feel it's still the same, and it's better than before because now you can spend Astral coins to buy laurels and other stuff, which is actually good if you think about it.
  20. What seems to be is that they stripped the original 6th rune bonus and turn them into relics, then replace the 6th rune bonus with a stat instead, so I guess we just have to find relic that will restore our now lost rune bonus.
  21. I assume we just have to find the relic of the same name of our armor runes we're using, and get that passive effect we now lost back. Hopefully.
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