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Everything posted by sevenDEADLY.5281

  1. I'm not disagreeing that it was an interesting way to play for people who already played the game. But it actively goes against trying to get new people to join the game later.
  2. Imagine trying to attract new people to this game now if they found out they couldn't experience any of the events of HoT, PoF, or any of the seasons. This type of system doesn't work for MMOs.
  3. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bloodstained_Lunatic_Noble_Mask medium weight armor from last years halloween
  4. Wait what. These choices aren't exclusive, you can have both in a single character. Why would you ever need a "reset hero points button". Just fill up both. Done. Easy.
  5. This is an extremely small but vocal minority. It's the same group of people trying to make it seem like the whole world has epilepsy when true epilepsy only affects a minute percentage of the population.
  6. This might come off as a bit harsh but your OCD isn't a good reason to take away things from other people. I have problems in life too, that doesn't give me the right to force them on other people.
  7. How is crafting difficult, you make two parts, combine it with an insignia in the discovery tab and repeat until you're lvl 500. If that requires a college degree, I hate to see what other struggles people have. Shopping at the grocery market, cooking an actual meal in real life, changing a car tire.
  8. Continue to demand everything for no work what so ever and people will continue to point out the glaringly obvious entitlement.
  9. Or just don't be so overdramatic that you call small changes to a video game "so betrayed"
  10. Someone put the time and effort in for that. It didn't just magically appear out of thin air.
  11. So your argument is that working towards endgame gear and buffs is not endgame? You have to be trolling to come up with that kind of nonsense. To be fair, some people don't want to spend all their time just getting ready to be able to have fun. They want to log in and have fun. If you find working towards all this stuff fun, then great! But if you don't, then the prep-work is just that. Work.Good, and you don't have to. You don't have to have ascended armor or weapons, and as MANY others have pointed out already, you don't have to have ascended cooking. Basically the complainers are complaining that they aren't willing to work for the thing that isn't required of them to have in the first place. So whats the problem? If you don't want to put the effort in, continue to play the game with exotics and 400 level buffs as you always have. Once again, the people willing to put the effort in for ascended armor, ascended weapons, and ascended food will. I can't wait for these exact same complaints when 500 jewelcrafting comes out. "What! I have to make ascended mats with a daily cooldown to make ascended jewelry?! This is reprehensible and I can't be bothered to do this!"
  12. So your argument is that working towards endgame gear and buffs is not endgame? You have to be trolling to come up with that kind of nonsense.
  13. How exacly is the LFG system NOT the exact same thing as a classified board? It is accessible in game, you put EXACTLY what you're looking for in it and people will respond appropriately.
  14. Correct see now you're getting it, ascended cooking is endgame content, just like ascended armorsmithing and ascended weaponsmithing is considered endgame content. No one says you need ascended armor or weapons, but people who want the extra bonus put the effort in. No one says you need ascended cooking, but people who want the extra bonus will also put the effort in. That's how that works.
  15. Internet video game company does something different than usual. "This is worse than a close personal friend suddenly stabbing me in the back with a knife unexpectedly!"
  16. Typical "I don't want to have to put in any work whatsoever for endgame content" mentality.
  17. Looking at actual statistics and not personal groups or beliefs, upwards of 11% of people are homosexual, and this is on the high end most percentages are actually lower. So why exactly should it be 50/50 split? That's over representation of an actual social group not true representation at all. If you are a member of any group, and you surround yourself with people of the same group, you will always overestimate group size because you're surrounded by it all the time. The reality is that no way near 50% of people are homosexual compared to heterosexual. So 50/50 representation is actually against true representation entirely.
  18. You know the citizens of lions arch aren't real yeah?
  19. I currently have 2 "Bonded Hunter - Knife Tail Gang" buffs active. The skritt keep spawning and when I kill them I get nothing and the buff doesn't count down, it remains at 2. This happens when I'm completely by myself. No other players are around spawning the skritt.
  20. No it definitely is. Just because there's more to the game doesn't exclude it from being a first person shooter.
  21. Honestly, do I wish this game has the player count that lets say WoW had at it's peak? Obviously that would be great. I just disagree that Twitch is going to be the great breakthrough discovery that suddenly "saves" gw2. And this whole discussion started with someone breaking actual forum rules and posting the exact same discussion that already exists several times on page one, and despite accusations of to the otherwise, pointing that out is not trolling.
  22. If you don't want people to disagree with you, then a public forum is probably not the place to post topics. If you just want people to agree with what you say and do exactly what you want, this isn't going to be the place.
  23. Its less of a "no thank you" and more of a "There are many people who don't understand or have a completely vitriolic and inaccurate perception of streamers" I've seen way too many comments from people who just lambaste streamers with insults and assumptions. Its not helpful. No vitriol against streamers here. If you want to watch gw2 on twitch, no one is stopping you. You asked a question, you got an answer, people don't want it. However, to claim that just because they don't immediately agree with what you want, they're clearly ignorant and don't understand is, quite frankly, insulting.
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