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Everything posted by sevenDEADLY.5281

  1. Some people hate PVP. PVP exists in this game. Those people can feel "left out" because they feel its "off limits" to them. Do you want them to get rid of PVP? WvW exists in this game. Some people hate WvW. Do you want them to remove WvW from the game? Some people absolutely loath jumping puzzles. By your logic jumping puzzles should be removed from the game because someone who can't do jumping puzzles might feel "left out" of that area of the game. Raids exist, its part of the game. You can either accept that its part of the game like everyone who doesn't enjoy pvp accepts its part of the game, like people who don't enjoy wvw accepts it part of the game, and people who hate jumping puzzles accept they're part of the game, or you can continue to crusade tirelessly against the evil raids that have made you feel left out and tell everyone about how your opinion is the correct one because you personally don't enjoy them. Either way its pretty clear arenanet isn't making design choices around a single person's preferences.
  2. It 100% is. If it was as he is saying and people didn't do raids because they just don't like raids, and NOT because they feel they aren't good enough for raids, they WOULDN'T be asking for easier raids. It's really not that hard to understand.
  3. But the 100 response long pages of requests for easy mode raids that constantly gets brought up is direct evidence against what you're saying. Saying "I know people" is literally just anecdotal evidence. Also the fact that you think you NEED to download a dps meter and that you NEED to copy a meta build from a top tier raiding website also shows that you're out of touch with what it takes to raid. I don't have a dps meter and you just need to have slightly more than a basic grasp of mmo mechanics and build synergy to raid, and again, people who literally just press 1 and down world bosses in a mix of random gear with random traits don't have this because they've never had to. These are the same people that complain that story mode is too hard when most people can can sleepwalk through story mode. Edit: Heres a quote from @"Fundor.2098" I just found in another thread about the whispers of jormag strike. He seems to be exactly the type of person you're saying doesn't exist. "Is it truly so difficult, it's comparable to raids?I've never done raids before (well, after a couple of epic failures after Vale Guardian was added to the game), but I'm quite interested in them nevertheless. Always expected them to be far out of my skill level though, and finding a group to learn them with has been too much of a hassle thanks to my irregular gaming times. Let me tell you, a three-shift work and a long-distance relationship make it impossible to attend literally anything regularly.But after figuring out the strategy for the Whisper, the groups I've attended haven't failed a single run, despite there having been people who were new to it. A simple explanation of what is to come and what to keep an eye for, making sure at least a portion of the people are playing with team support focused builds, and everything goes smoothly! Are the Strike Missions actually doing their job? If so, I'm even more grateful for them, than I was before! Anyhow, your point numer 5, about a strike mission currency, the like of raid currencies, was a very good one."
  4. I'm not defending adding strikes to the meta, but there are plenty of people who don't raid because they're not good enough. The constant dying due to lack of game knowledge eventually leads to frustration that leads to not liking raids. And there are people who just don't like raids at all as you say. Both of these types can exist at the same time. You can't just say everyone who doesn't raid does it strictly because they don't like raiding. It's difficult and the gap between open world bosses that require nothing more than afking while auto attacking and raiding isn't something someone should just expect to pug into one random night and 1 shot every boss for free stuff. It wouldn't hurt the game if something coerced some players to do more than press 1 with a condi weapon while wearing a mix of magi/soldier gear with green runes in it. But to clarify, I don't think forcing people into strikes for the meta is the way to go.
  5. Don't quote me on this but you should be able to put the weapon in the bank and still use it as a crafting material from the bank. I know you can craft with items that are in the bank and not in an actual characters inventory. Might not work how I'm describing, but its worth a shot.
  6. I went back and read my comment, couldn't find where I wrote "oh you want this one thing this one time? You must want it all the time for everything!" This game isn't the first game to ever do a large meta shifting patch, and once again, when other games have huge patches that change their games drastically, they also don't give all their players new gear just because things changed.
  7. How many MMORPGs do you know that throw out free respecs and free gear changing after each balance patch? FF14 lets you change your class on demand. Dragoon got nerfed? Guess I'll play Ninja now.You have to level every class in FF14. Just because you have a max level Dragoon doesn't mean they give you a max level Ninja the second you switch. You can level a new class in GW2 just as much as you can level a new class in FF14. Chrono got nerfed... guess you'll play thief now. Also what does this even have to do with the question he asked? FF14 doesn't give a free gear change respec every time they come out with a patch.
  8. So you want them to see into the future then? Branded mount pack came out long before skyscale was even dreamt up. Didn't I make it clear? Add it after Skyscale.Except they already made it very clear they 100% would not be doing this.
  9. So you want them to see into the future then? Branded mount pack came out long before skyscale was even dreamt up.
  10. I hope not. Gender-neutral battle cats reaaaallly don't need lingerie. Plus, why lock the robe bottom onto the shirt? Like, no other armor class has to deal with that restriction Because this is what they do to EVERY single medium armor in the game. People have complained about it since the begining of gw2. If that's the case, it NEEDS to be fixed. The Raven top is a SUPER RARE drop equivalent to a precursor. It goes for about 1,700 on the trading post. And for all that prestige, we have to deal with this? Cmon. It won't be. It may be if people raise enough of a huff about it. Remember the fiasco a few years ago, when some armors were released that gave female charr metal bras? Like, full on with padded cups for individual breasts? The charr player base freaked the freak out, and it was fixed. Again, people have been raising concern about it literally since 2012. Also the "fix" for that was they just made all female char armor the male version. Some people were equally displeased with that "fix." Not saying I agree with it. I want non trenchcoat (seperated) style options for medium armor just as much. I just know that after 8 years, they're not gonna go back and change it now.
  11. I hope not. Gender-neutral battle cats reaaaallly don't need lingerie. Plus, why lock the robe bottom onto the shirt? Like, no other armor class has to deal with that restriction Because this is what they do to EVERY single medium armor in the game. People have complained about it since the begining of gw2. If that's the case, it NEEDS to be fixed. The Raven top is a SUPER RARE drop equivalent to a precursor. It goes for about 1,700 on the trading post. And for all that prestige, we have to deal with this? Cmon.It won't be. You're faaaaaaaaaar from the first person to ask this. Like I said, people have been complaining about it since the start of the game.
  12. I hope not. Gender-neutral battle cats reaaaallly don't need lingerie. Plus, why lock the robe bottom onto the shirt? Like, no other armor class has to deal with that restriction Because this is what they do to EVERY single medium armor in the game. People have complained about it since the begining of gw2.
  13. Literally just succeeded in dragon's stand 4ish hours ago with no problem. Dunno what you're on about
  14. That is the staff the new strike boss "whisper of jormag" uses during the final phase of the fight. Its def oversized in the preview window but it would be cool if that eventually makes its way to player hands.
  15. Strikes exist now. You demanding anet change the game for you is just as pompous as the poster you berate with your "God forbid" battle. The game isn't made around you and your specific needs.
  16. This entire thread is missing the "general changes" section of changes that apply to all game modes and is listing only the pvp/wvw specific changes. In context some of the bigger changes are missing because this section was left out. Edit: these are the general gamewide changes.Ranger: Soulbeasts, long standing without a tradeoff, are now receiving theirs - they lose combat access to a second pet and must choose carefully which pet they are going to be bonded with in battle. Soulbeast: Soulbeasts can no longer swap pets while in combat. Merging and unmerging with your pet now counts as a pet swap for the purposes of the Clarion Bond and Zephyr's Speed traits. Lightning Assault (Electric Wyvern): Added a 500ms warmup before the dash occurs. Glyph of the Stars: Reduced the cooldown of this skill to 60 seconds from 90 seconds. Call of the Wild: This skill now uses the new unblockable buff (see General section for more details). Throw Torch: This skill now applies its effects in a 180 radius around the target struck by the torch. Winter's Bite: This skill is now always AoE even when not traited with Honed Axes. Increased bleeding stacks in PvE from 2 to 3 and increased bleeding duration in PvE from 8 seconds to 12 seconds to match PvP/WvW version. Honed Axes: Baseline ferocity is now also applied to your pet. No longer causes Winter's Bite to strike AoE. Hunter's Tactics: This trait now increases damage when attacking from the side or behind by 10% in addition to its previous effects. Lead the Wind: No longer grants swiftness when performing a projectile combo. Instead grants swiftness for 10 seconds and quickness for 5 seconds (2.5 seconds in PvP and WvW) when striking with an attack from beyond 1200 range. This effect has a 15 second cooldown. Druidic Clarity: This trait no longer causes entering Celestial Avatar to stunbreak. Unstoppable Union: This trait no longer causes entering Beastmode to stunbreak. Entering Beastmode now grants protection and vigor in addition to removing movement-impairing conditions. Beastly Warden: This trait now has a 1 second delay before your pet taunts nearby enemies. Fixed a bug that could prevent this trait from working with underwater pets. Clarion Bond: This trait now uses the new unblockable buff (see General section for more details). Twice as Vicious: Increased the damage and condition damage bonuses granted by this trait from 5% to 10% in PvE only.
  17. Contrary to your belief, not everything that happens in life is about you.
  18. But then you would complain about them "bombarding you" with emails that you "don't care about"
  19. Honestly without new elite specs or meaningful masteries (not extremely zone prohibited masteries like "raven lock") then they've 100% failed at delivering "expansion-like" content in this "saga." HoT added gliding along with masteries that are useful in almost every single zone in the game. Gliding can be utilized almost anywhere. PoF added mounts which again are fun and can be used in almost every single zone in the game. So far the masteries released in this saga can be used in.... the latest map and ONLY the latest map. Elite specs were an amazing addition to the game to add onto our current characters and mix up some build diversity without having to roll completely new characters just to play a new "class". If elite specs are being abandoned now, that leaves almost nothing to look forward to in the future for something new an exciting to change up our current characters.
  20. We checked with our Customer Support team to see if we could resolve this for you. Your tickets have already been reviewed by four separate GMs all the way up to our Lead GM, and they've sent multiple responses, giving all of the information that they're able to. As explained, our CS team is not able to provide information regarding how they detect third party software and breaches to our terms of use. Oh snap. Got em.
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