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Everything posted by sevenDEADLY.5281

  1. The cost of the individual items to make a legendary are the same across legendaries, so why would you expect one to be drastically different than another?
  2. Grass is now within the realm of Grenth... all fear the grass!
  3. If only there was a way to break out of stuns... If only...
  4. They should prob add something to the game that allows you to get out of control effects, like some way to get out of stuns or knock downs or something...
  5. At its core it is a very fun game. The simplicity of combat is nice, unlike some other MMOs where you have to keybind 32 different skills and memorize extremely comlex rotations, that can get tedious at times. Visually I find the game stunning at times. I genuinely enjoy most of the story. And while I am disappointed in some of the things that have happened within arenanet and the decisions made with the game over the past year or so, I am honestly holding out hope that true "expansion level content" such as new elite specs and meaningful masteries are in the works and not just something we're being told to keep us on the line. Time will tell.
  6. Aerial combat and underwater combat are exactly the same thing; 3 dimensional combat. And seeing as how underwater combat was hugely disliked and abandoned, why exactly would aerial combat be any different? Yes Bloodstone fen had glider offensive abilities, and while one or two people may have personally liked it, the reason you never saw it again is because clearly it wasn't a big hit.
  7. It is completely random. Everything you listed has absolutely nothing what so ever to do with anything. RNG is RNG is RNG. There's no magical conspiracy.
  8. Ah those pesky game devs... making weapon skins work exactly like they have been since the release of the game to personally stick it to GW Noob.6038. Get your pitchforks people!
  9. False, diablo immortal is a mobile game coming out that is almost a diablo 3 clone. Diablo immortal is NOT diablo 4 and diablo 4 is NOT coming to mobile.
  10. If it helps find and fix the problem at all, it seems people who level up tier 2 of raven mastery BEFORE reaching the step requiring it are fine and don't run into the bug. Did the rest of you reach the story before ranking up the mastery like I did and run into the problem?
  11. Still can't progress at all post late day server patch
  12. Why are you posting in the offical Guild Wars 2 forums then, guild wars 1 has its own forums.
  13. That starts to fall into a strange category of forcing other purchases in order to purchase something that should just be purchasable from the onset. Imagine having to purchase 10 bag slots just to be able to purchase 1 bank tab or something along those lines.
  14. This is purposely done this way. If it was how you suggested, arenanet would only sell 1 set of unbreakable tools to an account, where as now, some people will actually buy multiple sets for multiple characters. I'm not saying its right, but there is absolutely no incentive for arenanet to do what you are asking.
  15. "Spreading awareness" is just a thinly veiled way of saying "change this." No one "brings awareness" to things they don't want changed in any way shape or form. Saying you don't want things removed is disingenuous and insulting frankly. No one goes up to a store owner to bring attention to the fact that there's a spill on isle six but doesn't expect anything to be done about it at all. So despite the fact that you're not forward enough to outright demand things be changed for you, you are taking the sneaky way around to the same outcome hoping no one notices. "you should never compare your problem to other people. Your sentence, "just deal with it" by confronting the fear doesn't work for everyone. Especially when the phobia is extreme and cause anxiety attacks to the point of death. If your NOT a license professional you shouldn't be telling people how to deal with their phobia." Ah yes, no one should tell you how to do things but you should be perfectly allowed to tell others how they have to change and adapt and do everything they can to cater to your problem. Makes perfect sense.
  16. And that right there is exactly the problem. They eliminated a mount that the VAST majority of people would have found fun and entertaining to cater to an incredibly small minority. If they did this with every existing phobia we would be playing a game where two dots bump into each other for combat. Except then people with a fear of dots would "live in fear", instead of just not playing the game. Phobias are real, but they are 100% an individual problem. As someone else already pointed out, should we remove all bodies of water from the game because thalassophobia is a thing? Should we remove all cats and dogs from the game because gatophobia and cynophobia are a thing? Or should people just realize that phobias are a problem in which only the individual has control over. It is not everyone else on earth's problem that someone is afraid of water, or dogs, or cats, or spiders, or heights, or random holes in a wall. The world does not revolve around the individual. I have an irrational fear of heights, but I don't demand the world change to cater to my individual needs. This is all fun and games when you demand to have things change the way YOU want, but what when the next person rolls along with a fear you don't have and the only answer is to remove something from the game that you and the majority of people fully enjoy. Now they start taking away the things you like because person X doesn't like it, then person Y comes along and says "I'm afraid of Z" so now Z has to be changed and more and more people get things taken away until nothing exists at all. Its very easy to understand why it is 100% impossible to cater to the minority.
  17. The game has never functioned in the way you're describing. You have always had to remove legendary gear from one character to use it on another. You've never been able to use a legendary on all characters simultaneously, nor are you meant to.
  18. Quoting this as one of the few sensible responses here. People talk about how broken the healthcare system is but then go on to defend people being morbidly obese and requiring drastically increased healthcare. You're talking about a slew of unnecessary problems in your late 40s to early 50s including cardiac, circulatory, and musculoskeletal issues. But don't listen to some random guy on the internet who may or may not actually work in the medical field, listen to actual medical research or I dunno, ask your doctor. https://www.aafp.org/afp/2002/0101/p81.html https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/an-epidemic-of-obesity/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3033553/ To quote an important part from this "Obesity is the next major epidemiologic challenge facing today's doctors, with the annual allocation of healthcare resources for the disease and related comorbidities projected to exceed $150 billion in the United States." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_the_United_States#/media/File:Obesity_state_level_estimates_1985-2010.gif This gif shows the drastic increase in obesity by state from 1985-2010 year by year. In 1985, there literally was not a state with data above 10-14%, by 2010 every single state had obesity rates greater than 20% with a large number of states over 30%. 2019 is even worse.
  19. Generalizing ALL "over-weight" or "under-weight" people as ill is nothing short of body shaming.Body shaming is antisocial and should be a heavily punished offense. The amount of factual medical science you are arguing against is astonishing. No, society should 100% absolutely not condone someone being 600 pounds, slamming down calories, and putting increased stress on an already taxed healthcare system because "I do wut I wunt!"
  20. From an actual medical standpoint this is grossly incorrect. I mean, heart disease is only the leading cause of death in this country. You ever seen a heart covered with fat? I assure you, being obese is not healthy.
  21. Converting $21 worth of gems into gold would give you MORE than enough gold to just buy the skin off the TP.
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