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Everything posted by Loboling.5293

  1. Well it is called a Range-r. Maybe after 7 years, they realized what that meant... Sorry, please do go on. ;P
  2. I think the main reason for the lack of a double flip is the awkward play when you're trying to execute the throw, but get hit and instead accidentally trigger the kick. I don't think the double flip is the best solution, but I wouldn't mind a flip being being given for skill 3 that goes from swooping as a bird, to commanding a small bird to swoop to the enemy and cripple them. Basically the same skill of old, but instead after our leap skill. My two cents, and skill 1 really needs to have the cast time greatly reduced. I'm also a little sad that hitting 3 targets doesn't even grant an evade worth of endurance. It's the same amount of endurance as 1 target. I'm not saying they should change it, but either up the endurance recovery to 30, or reduce the cast time at least in half on the third strike. (And change the annimation, since it still looks like a fancy evade, only you get hit now)
  3. After playing around with the changes in PvP. I'm actually enjoying it. I really thought I wouldn't like the sword and greatsword changes. Sword I think is objectively weaker, however it's tons of fun, in both PvP and PVE. Dagger changes are nice, although pretty minor. For the greatsword, I'm obviously missing the evade on skill 1 and throw on skill 4, but skill 4 being a true block is amazing and skill 1 sucks... But overall, it's not too bad. I can also see why it was changed. So I propose they cut the cast speed and animation of the greatsword chain. Especially the third strike. Maybe the last hit should take 0.5 seconds. Anyway, after I got over my initial frustration, I started having fun with the new sword and block with gs4. Playing a strange trapper, gs/SW+d soulbeast build.
  4. I agree with everything in this thread. Power stab is one of my favorite skills on Ranger, and losing on a ranged cripple will seriously nerf the weapon. I'm at least curious to try the sword changes, although I'm not sure I like them, I'm a little more open to trying them, since I see some scenarios which will benefit from the changes and some that won't. For the GS, the change to skill 4 not auto-attacking on melee block is great, but everything else shouldn't stick. Sadly, I'm nearly 100% positive, this change will go through given the expected patch date being October 1st. At the minimum, I hope that this new enduring strike will generate 45 endurance on 3 targets... Going to be sad to see GS losing so much viability.
  5. At one point fgs used to allow for one shots. How badly I miss that ? The flame trail from skill 4, if you stacked it all in one location, each area of the field would tick damage. Anyway, nowadays there's no reason for the cooldown. 60 seconds should suffice. Or 90 at the most.
  6. I'd like to see ranged double dagger (400 range) that gives guardians cover conditions and high condition damage.
  7. I have to say, I'm really happy with the attention being given on the forums lately. Keep it up. Thanks for looking into this.
  8. This happened to me too once... haha It was a real wtf moment. But I laughed and went back in. Funny way to fail a mission.
  9. There was only enough time in the 2 years they worked on the expansion to make 5 mount skins. Lucky for us they were able to make 36 new ones within 2 months. Want them? Pay an extra 170$. (120$ for mount set, 30 new skins, and 25$ for 5 skins, and 25$ for 1 skin) Let's also realize that mount skins are even easier than outfits to make for the devs. Expansion costs 30$ and you get 5, so I guess it's a good deal....(^_^)/
  10. I won't be buying this, we have to fight this absorb behavior and the only way we can do that is with our wallets. Sadly, I agree with many that enough people will buy this to make it profitable... What happens then, is the gradual erosion of the playerbase, and eventually even harsher business campaigns will have to start, and further erosion of the player's trust and participation. It's a slippery slope that started long ago, but it needs to be responded to here. If you want to guarantee to buy a single skin you like, you may have to spend as much as 120$ to get it... What happened to the people who invented SAB? :anguished:
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