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Twilight Tempest.7584

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Everything posted by Twilight Tempest.7584

  1. Lately I haven't been able to cancel Trading Post orders, at least not reliably. The "Confirm" button that normally appears after pressing "Cancel" on a pending order either never appears or takes several minutes to appear, and only when the orders list is kept open in the Trading Post pane. Is anyone else experiencing this? EDIT: I just noticed that the Confirm button appears if I click the arrow next to the Cancel heading in that column. It seems to refresh the list so that the Confirm button appears. However, this wasn't necessary in the past.
  2. one more dead trait \o/ Not if they replace it with something actually healthy and useful. Wishful thinking, I know. you can hear it in stealth but its RNG if the voice line appears. + if you start the chant from far away. oponent wont hear.No one would hear this mass invis blink from 200000 miles away anyway. I dont even say anything about your absurd exaggeration claims about "everyone can spam thier defensive cds for 9s np". Why should on earth anyone waste their evades and blocks and all defensive cooldowns because some clown running 20s stealth build and can burst whenever he want but you cant guess when that happens? He can just sit and wait when other dude burn all his cd, such outplay ! /s.You should burst within first 3 seconds or you lose that opportunity, simple. That goes for thief as well. Ideally when you lose stealth by any means you should get revealed debuff which would prevent re-stealthing, so you would be forced to attack or just to run away. oh no, my oponent used 6+ abilities to have a rng chance to 1shot me on glass canon hit or miss build. noooThe problem is that there is often little to no counterplay when the burst does work. Shouldn't we encourage counterplay in general rather than RNG mechanics? EDIT: Somewhere in one of the 1HKO discussions someone described a hypothetical spec that has a 50% chance to instantly delete another player. They made the point that it would technically be "balanced" because of the 50/50 RNG, but it would not be fun or healthy to have in the game. The build in this discussion seems rather similar.
  3. A glass, 1-trick, one-shot from stealth is ok.A glass, 1-trick, one-shot from stealth commenced far out of reasonable sight and earshot is not. Like @Odik.4587 said, do something about PU at least.
  4. Just took 30 minutes for the escort event to start after the Makali defense event. Either very random timing or still bugged.
  5. Ranked match about 30 minutes ago didn't award rating, but after a character/map change, it appeared in the Game History and League panel. The match itself seemed unusually laggy though. Some animations weren't showing, and announcer audio was sometimes delayed.
  6. Yeah it looks bad in that clip because the field of view is cropped to hide the player list and chat box. It was just the quickest way to hide them. In the game I could see pretty far to the left without turning, as I'm on an ultrawide monitor now :smile: Watching the original, there is no visual indication of the Mesmer's presence at all until the burst, not even on map. I can show you if you want. And there is no way at all I could have heard the stealth sound. I can still only barely make it out when rewatching the clip if I max the volume and focus on the moment Leonidrex mentioned. Everything's clear in 20/20 hindsight, especially in a video clip where you know what's coming. Needless to say I wasn't expecting that burst from stealth at all. Now I know what to watch for when I see a core mes in the player list. The rest will be up to my reaction time and ping I suppose. And yes, I know I'm not allowed to complain when I'm playing Mirage, the least sympathetic spec in the game.^^ It's not about you beeing a mirage xDIt's because you complain about something that has been in gw2 since betaand in your current class you can counter it better than anybody elseyet instead of learning and getting better you come here and complain First, to counter a mesmer you just have to predict and dodge, it's that simple, if you can't predict because it's the first time you see him/her, then you have to react.. and i mean to the giant greatsword flying at you.. the one you didn't even try to dodgeone dodge and thats it, a block, evade frame, or invulnerabilty works wonders too, and that mesmer has to run away because he has almost no more offensive skills strong enough to kill you now regarding the mirage part, some dumb or new players call core mes op because he can stun you with f3 (diversion) and then pull the one shot, leaving most classes unable to defend themselves, but guess what, mirage can dodge even through hard cc!! so for you it's extremely easy to avoid almost all of the burst, but why learn? why get better? when you can just post a rant on the forum and ask for wild nerfs for a class you clearly know little about right?Is that what I did? If so, please show me where. If you missed it, you might want to see my earlier post where I say quite the opposite: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1114393/#Comment_1114393 That said, I do tend to agree with those saying 1-shots from stealth (especially long stealth) are just dumb, unhealthy, and shouldn't be a thing.
  7. Yeah it looks bad in that clip because the field of view is cropped to hide the player list and chat box. It was just the quickest way to hide them. In the game I could see pretty far to the left without turning, as I'm on an ultrawide monitor now :smile: Watching the original, there is no visual indication of the Mesmer's presence at all until the burst, not even on map. I can show you if you want. And there is no way at all I could have heard the stealth sound. I can still only barely make it out when rewatching the clip if I max the volume and focus on the moment Leonidrex mentioned. Everything's clear in 20/20 hindsight, especially in a video clip where you know what's coming. Needless to say I wasn't expecting that burst from stealth at all. Now I know what to watch for when I see a core mes in the player list. The rest will be up to my reaction time and ping I suppose. And yes, I know I'm not allowed to complain when I'm playing Mirage, the least sympathetic spec in the game.^^
  8. First of all, you could hear mes stealth. I play with volume fairly low, but I don't even hear it in the recording. :confused: Honestly I was caught off guard and probably a bit stunned IRL. As I said in my post above, I have no experience with this burst. I don't claim to have the best reaction time or ping, but the burst really felt like it came out of thin air. Good thing for me it's not too common in ranked (I think). Thats odd, I heard it about 1-2s into the video, just about when you were passing the wheel of the cart on your right.Ok, after turning the volume way higher than normal, and really listening for it, I could just make out the faint "chime" after watching it a few times. Even at max volume, I don't find the sound particularly obvious over the background noise, but that may be my untrained ear. I still have a feeling that outside of platinum, a lot of the player base has a hard time with these 1-shots from prolonged stealth. And if Shadowpass's and TrevorBoyer's discussions are any indication, well-played 1-shot mes can be problematic at higher levels too. Annoying, if not objectively OP.
  9. First of all, you could hear mes stealth. I play with volume fairly low, but I don't even hear it in the recording. :confused: Honestly I was caught off guard and probably a bit stunned IRL. As I said in my post above, I have no experience with this burst. I don't claim to have the best reaction time or ping, but the burst really felt like it came out of thin air. Good thing for me it's not too common in ranked (I think).
  10. Yeah, I know there's l2p. Especially since that was my first time seeing it. It was also my first match of the day (warmup), right at the start of the match. I'm not saying anything about changing the build. Just that it felt like crap playing against it and the rest of the meme team it was on: At least one of the Daredevils was a 1-shot backstab build too (25K from stealth). They kept my team of random solos on respawn. Yeah it was unranked shenanigans, but I think there is something to be said about how these experiences drive people away.
  11. They can but it will just be a matter of time until something else's condi is buffed into the same state. They should really come up with some over arching metrics and limits around how much of something a profession can do and how often and make sure to keep each profession under a threshold. Same goes for power Some people seem to be irked if I don't mention power in equal part If they're trying to reduce the global power level as they've said in recent discussions, buffs should really be happening minimally if at all. Regarding condi, they just need to bring everything in line with a DOT paradigm. That means no more being insta-melted by FB and Weaver bursts (condi thief has already been addressed). For true DOT condi builds to be viable though, cleanse will definitely need reduction as well, as it is currently balanced towards existing condi levels.
  12. Fire Weaver, condi-Firebrand, and condi-DrD (more so before nerfs) are emblematic of bursty condi application while having very strong sustain. Rather than nerf conditions across the board, just focus on these overtuned builds.
  13. Been having this issue as well. It also affects pop-up notifications. It's definitely problematic when you have a lot of notifications in the notification list, as all comments are fully shown, fully expanded. Needs attention asap.
  14. ^This post is a gem, @Ralkuth.1456. Helped me coming off a rough set myself. :s
  15. You just listed the 3 builds/classes that are designed to be like that. Are there 3 builds/classes that are designed to be immune specifically to direct (power) damage? If not, OP raises an interesting point.
  16. Nerf Mesmer threads are cute in 2019. In seriousness, it sounds like a major rework is on the horizon, for better or worse, so "how to 'fix' mesmer" suggestions may not be relevant in the near future.
  17. Just bumping this in agreement. I respect active mirage mains that can use Axe fearlessly, doubly so if they're power oriented. I just hope all the soon-to-be-nerfed staff Mirages don't bandwagon and get my axe nerfed more or make the playerbase wise to it. Right now its main advantage might be the element of surprise.^^
  18. Exactly axe puts out good dps and a player who knows what they are doing can kill you with it much faster than they can with a staff.It also still encourages the user to actually actively use their shatters instead of actively not using them. People just dont do it because there is no reason to so long as staff provides great dps while boosting a defensive plays tyle.IT works against most situations so why use anything else.The damage is good enough and its safer so why use anything else.Staff also provides utility along side the great damage while axe is more just geared to damage so why use anything else. Fighting an Axe mirage does not bother me. Fighting a passive staff mirage pains me greatly. . When is the last time an axe mirage kill you ?What can you say about my why is axe bad ? I don't know what to say about your axe opinion. I thought it is bad too until i tried it and it worked well. When you care for your axe 2 use you don't rly get interrupted during that. Axe 3 is still an insane skill. Don't use Sage amulet with axe and the dmg is good. That was my experience at least. It was already a decent use, when now everyhting else will get nerfed axe will be even better most likely.Confession: I never stopped playing axe, even after it was heavily nerfed and made clunkier (not only did they severely nerf damage, they made it so you have to turn and face your target for the ambush to activate). Still playing axe today, mostly because I find the active, though riskier playstyle 100x more fun than passive staff play which I find extremely boring. Fun > rating for me.
  19. Thanks for the update! It really seems like feedback is being heard and acted upon. The targeted updates between larger updates should really help cut down on those long balance droughts. I'm excited and hopeful for things to come.
  20. ^You basically described Holosmith, especially your #3. Yet later you say: The problem with Holosmith isn't so much its damage, or its stability up time, or its quickness up time (though these contribute). It's that it doesn't at all play according to its concept of being a high-risk, high reward glass cannon. Overheating should be the "high-risk" part of the equation but it is entirely missing because it is so easy to avoid. Meanwhile, it has some of the best self-healing (as broken down numerous times by people on this forum) courtesy of Heat Therapy, Healing Turret with water field finisher, and high stealth and quickness up-time to execute and cover it. It really, truly has it all: sustained damage--check, burst damage--check, CC--check, boon spam--check, stealth--check, sustain and resustain--check. It's been said that the only thing Holo lacks is long cooldowns. Right now, there is no reward for outplaying a Holo in duel. They'll just be like, "Time out. Toss Elixir-S for 6 seconds of stealth, Healing Turret/water field for nearly full heal, then CC+burst you out of the still-going stealth"--all without ever having to leave the area of the fight. And they can do this multiple times within the span of a single duel because of those short cooldowns. This is the epitome of unfair. People, including reasonable Holo mains, have been saying for a while, that the proper way to bring Holo in line (because it is most definitely not fine as is; it remains a persistent outlier) is to curb its sustain by nerfing Heat Therapy, upping Forge cooldowns, and perhaps nerfing Elixir S stealth duration, among other things. Unfortunately, going by this balance preview, they are again missing the mark. It isn't difficult. Literally do what Chaith has suggested in other threads here and that would be a huge step in the right direction. Holo mains have been asking for nerfs to other professions as compensation to reductions in sustain...basically nobody wants to be the underdog and yet everybody wants to draw water from the well. Game needs changes...but those changes must be made while keeping in mind the idea of fun....your fun it's not the only element in the equation, there is also your enemy idea of fun @Chaith in his posts was specifically asking for nerfs on everybody else while suggesting what should be nerfed on Holo....he's not different from the rest of us, he still wants to have fun while playing the game aka he doesn't want to play the underdog either , for the vast majority fighting uphill battles is not fun. It's not fun to fight a mesmer for example and yet if you mention this to a mesmer...he will come out with usual L2P arguments, every class does that. Except, most everything else has seen serious nerfs over the last several updates. Everything but Holo. The last time they tried to hit Holo was with disabling Toolbelt skills upon Overheating. That proved to be another toothless nerf that mainly affected PvE, not PvP and WvW where again, Overheating seldom happens. Currently, Holo is hands down the top duelist, and is also useful in other roles. It's hard to point to any real drawbacks. It's a jack of all trades, and is great, if not superb, at all.
  21. ^You basically described Holosmith, especially your #3. Yet later you say: The problem with Holosmith isn't so much its damage, or its stability up time, or its quickness up time (though these contribute). It's that it doesn't at all play according to its concept of being a high-risk, high reward glass cannon. Overheating should be the "high-risk" part of the equation but it is entirely missing because it is so easy to avoid. Meanwhile, it has some of the best self-healing (as broken down numerous times by people on this forum) courtesy of Heat Therapy, Healing Turret with water field finisher, and high stealth and quickness up-time to execute and cover it. It really, truly has it all: sustained damage--check, burst damage--check, CC--check, boon spam--check, stealth--check, sustain and resustain--check. It's been said that the only thing Holo lacks is long cooldowns. Right now, there is no reward for outplaying a Holo in duel. They'll just be like, "Time out. Toss Elixir-S for 6 seconds of stealth, Healing Turret/water field for nearly full heal, then CC+burst you out of the still-going stealth"--all without ever having to leave the area of the fight. And they can do this multiple times within the span of a single duel because of those short cooldowns. This is the epitome of unfair. People, including reasonable Holo mains, have been saying for a while, that the proper way to bring Holo in line (because it is most definitely not fine as is; it remains a persistent outlier) is to curb its sustain by nerfing Heat Therapy, upping Forge cooldowns, and perhaps nerfing Elixir S stealth duration, among other things. Unfortunately, going by this balance preview, they are again missing the mark. It isn't difficult. Literally do what Chaith has suggested in other threads here and that would be a huge step in the right direction.
  22. In introduction, I'm not at all for a IH change as the output damage is really low and more importantly : predictable (like "hey I'm doing a pretty staff animation, evade in 3, 2 , 1 ,... ") , even atm. But What I can understand is that it mix the different way you have to evade : When you evade actively = burning an evade to ambush, it's fine, it's active and have counterpart etc. Whereas when you evade defensively =you evade a key skill, then poping the ambush by default.The the last way is burning an evade to save the clones from an aoe but is pretty rare in practise it's a side effect of a defensive evade. Now using ambush offensively on condi build isn't worth it that's why we see this passive gameplay so people use it only defensively because it's more efficient to let the clone dps than to shatter them or to make them ambush. Then I totally agree that it will be way better with a mesmer having a "hudge ambush" while clone having minor so that doing an ambush offensively worth it and evading a key skill didn't trigger average ambush. Because let's face it, most ambush are trash without IH.Now this is the sheep effect of forums, one sheep say "nerf IH", all sheep who get killed by a mesmer go on by never playing it with no clue about what it implie. @Cal Cohen.3527, you alluded to more fundamental changes (redesign?) of Condi Mirage in the future. I think the principles in the quoted posts are good and worth considering. They've been stated by others throughout other discussions for a while as well. In short, Infinite Horizon is not the problem. Clone damage is. An elegant solution to encouraging more active, less passive condi mirage play is to transfer clone damage (both autos and ambushes) to the player's own attacks and shatters. That's it. This addresses the issues of the player hanging back defensively while letting clones do much of the damage, of allowing opponents to focus on the player and less on the clones, and reducing clone up-time generally by making shatters worthwhile--all without nerfing traits and skills that unduly impact underperforming core Mesmer and Chrono. I hope these points have registered and are considered in the eventual update. Regardless, the current communication and attention to major balance issues are really appreciated.
  23. Still missing some adjustments to Holo (re)sustain, but yeah, not a full or final list.
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