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Everything posted by mrauls.6519

  1. Currently we have to trait for it to stunbreak... But the same way they FINALLY made F2 innately remove condis, I think F3 should be a stunbreak. Or maybe I'm crazy
  2. A lot of hits are too high right now. Have you seen lich auto? Def needs to be shaved down
  3. Yeah there are some weird pull bugs that have actually cost me kills or resulted in me dying
  4. All conditions need to be re-examined. Looking at you, torment!
  5. When you can't cleanse 11 burning... You feel it
  6. Dragonhunter once anet buffs it
  7. If you think you need to use zerk amulet to do damage on ranger, you're playing ranger wrong. Pets don't scale with your stats either btw You'd think it was a meme, but there are even rangers killing people using knights amulet. Crazy times
  8. Must have not seen a good rev in action this season
  9. Yeah, some classes need to be toned down (not referring exclusively to Ranger -- don't maul me). I hope anet address this at the latest by the end of the season. They did good with their first round of nerfs, so let's hope they stay on top of it!
  10. If bunkers are able to hold 1vX, then everybody would play bunker and sit on nodes since enemy team can't bring 7-8 people to deal with them. Bunkers should be able to bunker. I dunno how many times you're gonna need me to repeat that. Sustained 2/3v1 skillfully played should absolutely be able to take them down. But as I said, lower the DPS output from the bunker so attackers have better survivability and can keep fighting them. MAKE them move. Or outplay them. But I don't think that balance-wise, anyone should be able to solo faceroll a bunker except for the occasional, easily counterable meme build or cc spam. In silver right now, my bunker regularly leads my PUG team in damage, which even with aoe boon corruption, is a bit ridiculous to me. Bunkers shouldn't be facerolling anyone in 1v1, either. Unless they try to facetank the tank. Then they should get spanked.I agree. Bunkers should be able to put up a fight (defensively) in a 1v2 situation; 1v3 shouldn't be realistic. They should not be able to put out high sustained damage.
  11. Good discussion thus far. I hope we see a balance patch drop immediately after this PvP season ends... Or maybe... During it!
  12. Forum warrior reporting in for duty. Was assaulted by some birds earlier today. Very unfriendly and dangerous
  13. I get triggered so hard when people type "gg" after they die or we lose a point
  14. I wouldn't mind updating shroud 1-5 skills. The Necro kit is good atm. It has great CC (fear ring), condi cleanse, heal options, reliable port stunbreaks, solid elite for bursting... Shroud just doesn't make sense in its current state, after all the damage reductions
  15. Necro shroud needs an update. Either lower the maximum amount of shroud a Necro can have or lower shroud regeneration. I don't want them to be unviable. I don't care about their damage, CC cleanse, etc... Just shroud. It's over the top, making people look like GW2 gods My suggestion for today :)
  16. DH just needs a couple more buffs then I'll be happy
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