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Everything posted by Bazsi.2734

  1. I don't need to "expose" this thread (or all match) like someone did on reddit and now after seven years I am being "harassed" in game because of this.I'll just cut the video to the part that matter (combat chat). What are you trying to prove with these clips though? You ran at a full glass cannon build without pre-charging your mantras, dodgeing nothing, wasting stunbreak on nothing... yeah if you do EVERYTHING wrong, glass cannon builds utterly destroy you. What's your point?All I could conclude from your previous(and this last)clips is that you aren't skilled enough to be taken seriously on balance&gameplay related topics. So if that was your goal, good job. If not, I have no idea what you're trying to do.
  2. Lol what the hell... Nerf ele posts are a thing again?
  3. A thread about people debunking jokes. Are you lot acting like you don't get it, or you seriously don't get it? I DON'T GET IT! :#
  4. Must be thief main..you can contribute to the discussion ( or end it) by telling us the counterplay to the build in question and it's not simply deadeye...it's shadow art deadeye, go on then explain us Im memeing SA deadeye in ranked, wanted to get a top 25 title with it (havent played ranked in more then a year so I only have the old one), but it seems impossible, will likely have to settle for top 100. Why? Because literally whole teamcompositions only made of my counters: holos with the dual reveal trait (lock on), rangers/soulbeasts with sic'em, shiroglint revenants, spellbreakers with tether, dragonhunters, FB-s with reflects/projectile absorbions for days. And the best thing about these teamcomps is that they don't just see me and relog to these builds, they are already running them by default.I find myself playing decap-bot more often then not, for being unable to contribute to many fights.. Ironically shadow arts deadeye is incredibly weak in this meta. By playing it im severely handicapping myself.... if you cannot deal with it you are either running a build that gets hardcountered(like scourge, which i dont see in top 100 matches at all), or its a pure L2P issue. 90% of metabuilds have instant gapclosers and/or reveals, even core necro on shroud... USE THEM.
  5. uSiNG a TeLEpOrT iS aBuSE. Oh my... remember when abuse meant something bad?
  6. Would love to know which builds are ~90% resistant to condition damage though. I barely have a few ideas, and they only work in theory(Like Mallyx revenant, in a world where boonrips don't exist).
  7. The entitlement is incredible here. You can already block people, or straight up turn off chat as a whole. If you don't want to do either, there is the kiddie filter to protect you from big mean words. You have pretty much total control over how you socialise with others, and what the system lets you experience from them. But of course thats not enough, everyone and everything around you should twist to your sensibilites. Players who act in a way I dislike: PERMANENTLY MUTE THEM. People misusing a tool to direct attention: REMOVE THE OPTION FOR EVERYONE TO USE IT AT ALL. Did you even think about what possible consequences these changes could have? Someone flips out in PvP once or twice (seriously who hasn't), and they have to buy a new account if they ever want to use teamchat again. Targeting your own is used to highlight things all the time. X is downed, stack on Y becase he's about to blast stealth, Z is doing a possibly suicidal bad rotation so we target him to make him rethink that... But no, lets erase all that because some random dumbo abused the targeting system while throwing the match.
  8. Tfw you write 1000000 sentences to explain why it is not IH that is op and dumb but only the design of some condi ambsuhes and then you still read this... me meet the wall again... bloody head i welcome you Were you high writing this? If there is point in there somewhere, it's covered by many many layers of... something.
  9. At first this post seemed normal. But then suddenly: 20 seconds ICD for a trait. My fights against mirages don't last 20 seconds my dude... someone has to disengage/dies by then.Given how IH is the sole thing that keeps mirage from being renegade tier trash, only suggesting the smitersbooning of IH and nothing else would remove this spec from PvP(giving extra confusion to F2 will hardly compensate a 66% damage-potential nerf). So... no. IH is overpowered and dumb, but this is not the way.
  10. There is only one thing I dislike, that's the condition application nerf on mesmer staff. The only problem on condi mirage is IH, it's the sole trait that carries any mirage condi build atm! If you take IH away, condi mirage is already useless. Further reducing the effectiveness of the condi mirage toolkit (and even core mesmer staff skills) is just going in the wrong direction. I would suggest that IH shouldn't give evasion to clones, only the ambush attack. And maybe condis inflicted by clone ambush attacks(or clones in general if that's easier to code) could use a different(reduced) condition damage stat. Also undo some of the nerfs to condi mirage, to compensate for not being able to keep their clones alive through dodges. Apart from that everything seems fine, which is weird because I haven't agreed with anything you guys changed since the deadeye rework. Looking forward to this patch!
  11. Good idea. Now all we're missing is the option to track their other cooldowns aswell! I mean, not being able to have an addon to keep track of everything and present me with the best decision to make at the moment keeps me from reaching my full potential!Trying to estimate things, keeping track of recent happenings, counting cooldowns... nothing to do with skill! I'm already pressing buttons, I'm not playing to think, jeez. But on a serious note, terrible idea. Currently you can only know enemy cooldowns(yes dodges are basicly cooldowns in this combat system) if you observe the fight. For most builds this means being in said fight. Knowing what defensive cooldowns the enemy has is a serious advantage, and you want to make half of that public information. So being a seasoned veteran(or just a gaming prodigy if you're new) with ability to keep vigor, sigils, and trait procs in mind while fighting would mean nothing, after all there is a number right there on the UI, why bother guessing at this point?More looking at the UI, dumbed down gameplay... no thank you.
  12. If you check out that forum post made by Cal Cohen (it's the most active non-stickied thread at the time you posted this, so shouldn't be hard to find), he states that the goal of the reorganised teams now is to bring power level way down in formats involving pvp. So if your goal is to make them notice this problem, you're banging on an open door. By the way, just a comment about enjoying oneshotting: it is still fun, given that I'm not playing against newbies (Just not on DE, other classes are way better for oneshotting, a glass DE has next to no defense and gets oneshotted by pretty much everything else aswell).Deleting beginners from the game is indeed boring, and I agree that the game could use a bit of slowing down to make it more newbie friendly. Good players will still have an edge over bad players, even if killing them takes 2 instead of 0.2 seconds.
  13. What? That was DE-s first iteration. You built up malice over time, then proceeded to 2*DJ their face when Malicious Seven procced. Then they reworked DE, and completely destroyed that playstyle. And since then they really made it harder to stack stealth and some damage modifiers aswell, which doubled down on the fact that A-net wants DE to be frontloaded damage and nothing else. Given how literally every class can be built to do insane frontloaded damage(with the exception of necromancer), taking away DE-s ability to do the same seems just... I mean given it's theme, sniper should have the most dangerous opener, but sure. Also taking away stealth from dodge on top of it... I'm pretty sure people will figure out how to position themselfs in a way that no 1200 range jumps from revenants/core guardians and no 1500+ range bursts from rangers reaches them. I mean, how hard can that be, just don't leave spawn and you're gucci. Nope you can't. LESS than a second are you serious? Not even shortbow and Shadowstep gets you there that fast. DE lost the ability to passively gain malice in stealth, oneshotting ANYTHING once Malicious Seven procs. I would say that is a positive change. Also about strenghts and weaknesses: Good ranged burst damage which projectile based damage but absolutely no way to get around blocks and reflects. Higher damage than any other thief spec at the cost of mobility.Dependent on stealth for both offense and defense, with many classes having really punishing reveals (10-20 vulnerability stacks hello).If these aren't proper strenghts and weaknesses I don't know what is. I'd go further and say DE is one of the simplest and most clean-cut designs, with crystal clear lines between things it can and cannot do.Also you have every right to hate the spec for what it is, just don't say it's not a well defined playstyle with clear counters... becasue that's objectively not true.
  14. It's a really basic tradeoff:Healthpool, sustain, team support, mobility, damage.When making a build on any class, choose 3 to be above average, or 2 to be really good at.If the game doesnt forces you to choose, thats is a huge balancing issue (cough holo for the last 2 years cough) So yeah, guardians have better sustain and lower health. As they should.
  15. I missed these threads. People crying about any power thief builds usually means the game is nearing a balanced state.
  16. Yeah, totally agree. Thief only has mobility to show for itself, LeTS rEmOVe iT!
  17. Guys you don't understand, he misplayed and ended up losing against a DH. You are thinking about overall balance, skill ceilings and counters. None of that will work here... HE LOST TO A DRAGONHUNTER.
  18. Holy hell how do people think that actual skill based combat would be boring? How is having no reactable elements to damage a positive portion of this game in any remote sense? It also completely invalidates the weakest boon you can provide in this game, aegis. I had a really interesting fight vs a holo the other day where he went into prime light, i popped aegis, but his kitten particle accelerator instant cast super high velocity ability broke the aegis before the prime light beam. Garbage gameplay removing counterplay ability. If anything, instant cast damage abilities lead to piano playing spam combat where using them on CD is braindead obvious (see scourge). That they give instant-cast abilities to stealth classes is also a kitten crime. Dropping 60+% of your hp and being CC'd because a quick combination of instant cast abilites is not good gameplay. The best you can do is randomly dodge and hope to god you get the timing right on the 6+s of stealth. Unfortunately Prime Light is unblockable so aegis wouldn't have saved you (1 min cooldown too). but then again, holos are just overperforming in general. Disagree: see For Honor, Overwatch, LoL, most popular PvP games in general really.... Most of these games have long gone away from instant cast and broken stealth (see Evelynn during the first year or so of LoL) and the few times they exist, they are usually weak or a utility ability (see the amount of times they have had to rework Ryze (like 6 times by now?) due to having instant cast root, which they have finally taken away with the lastest patch and replaced it with having to first land a setup skill that has travel and animation time, which gives a very short lived debuff that ONLY THEN can you land the "instant" root on the enemy). I can go on plenty more of changes, like how stealth works in WoW and the inability of any class to 100 --> 0 you within the duration of a CC skill, or how For Honor prides itself in having a reactive game play full of mindgames and opportunities to counterattack, etc etc... Different games, sure, but notice how there seems to be a coorelation between popularity of a PvP and the ability of the game to display the player's skills, rather than their choice of class/build they play. I mean, imagine being able to kill a person with 2.4k toughness and 18k hp from 1500 range and stealthed (and having the tools to remove the only thing that threaten them; revealed) all within the duration of a daze: (might not be "instant cast" but when it comes from stealth and that far away while having a extremely small window for reaction, it might as well be instant)I love when people mention other games as examples, because I can just ignore that part. I mean Transport Tycoon doesn't have a stealth system so why does Guild Wars 2 has to have one? So about instant casts in general: I would have a problem if you could 100-0 someone by just relying on them. No help/buffs from allies, just you alone stacking modifiers and maybe approaching in stealth. That really has no counterplay apart from passive procs. For example on WvW you can oneshot someone from stealth with Malicious Backstab instantly, without warning. That's not okay, nothing about WvW balance is okay. (Maybe remove PvE gear from the gamemode?)However, the death-breakdown you linked... I wouldn't even call it burst, it indicates a setswap and there are kneeling/standing skills in it, possibly done by 2 thieves. Also being out in the open when there is an enemy DE around is just asking to get bursted down. So that is a totally fair outcome, you being deleted in seconds. And yes the window to react is really small sometimes. This is a fast paced game, people with average (and even more so below average) reflexes can't get really good at it. I doubt I could climb back into the top 50 anymore, I'm getting older and slower aswell. Oh and just one more thing: Holy hell how do people think that actual skill based combat would be boring? How is having no reactable elements to damage a positive portion of this game in any remote sense? Holy hell how do people think that actually slowing down a game would make it skill based?
  19. People asking to remove an entire profession gives me such nostalgic feelings.... Is it 2012 november again? If I ignore where you said 8 years, this would fit so perfectly!
  20. The game was made with instant offensive skills in mind. Some damage just lands right away if you identify a split second of vulnerability. On the other hand, you can also anticipate a spike made out of mostly instant casts, and evade everything with just 1 dodge. Just giving everything a cast time would create a more clear rock-paper-scissors system, and also slow the game down (therefore would make it boring) not to mention a huge amout of work. No game studio would ever put huge amount of work hours into some project that yields nothing. If your problem is 1 or 2 skills in particular, you can argue about those skills, maybe they are overperforming. But as far as the concept of instant offensive skills goes... it absolutely has a place in this game.
  21. Lost almost all of my placements(there was nothing I could do, all decided by matchmaking), I've won almost all matches since(most of it also decided by matchmaking, incredibly onesided roflstomps). Got placed 1200-ish, climbed to plat 1 since. But I keep facing the same 1200-ish people, because I'm already getting +8 for a win and -17-ish for a loss.... where are the other platinum ranked players? I've played in the first 13-14 seasons, then I skipped a year, and only started playing again this season... but if this is how it will go I might aswell just stop. Matchmaking/match-quality is horrible, and I say this by comparing it to how it used to be a year ago, not some idealistic perfectionist delusion. PvP really needs a shakeup just to continue it's existence, conquest is on it's deathbed.
  22. Blatantly false. Thats why only wars and like mesmers or holos can get away with using zerkers amulet. Reaper can't. Not ever and nobody tries. Yeah, noone ever is using berserkers amulet on reaper. It's impossible. It can not be done. THE VIDEO I LINKED DOESN'T EXIST!
  23. Turns out not all people stick around to play the same game for nearly a decade. In other news, water is wet!
  24. That's exactly how you gain rank though. You take the wins and losses that the game hands to you(with this population this is just unavoidable), but sometimes when your performance really matters, you gotta tryhard. Win that 2v1 while pushing far, dont let your team collapse at the midfight, keep the dumber enemies chasing you... whatever you need to win on your current rating.I remember winning matches just by going DE(back when it was actually capable of killing things), engaging midfight and then kiting the 2-3 enemies jumping me the second I left stealth. Ended the match with like 2 kills, we've still won. It was a dangerous and risky dance, but when I managed without f***ups, it was what really decided the outcome of the match. Of course to do this, you need to play something that can really shine and overperform in some situations, for example your vanilla scourge won't ever carry a match like a decent support or sidenoder could. If you can't make peace with this, wait for 2v2 to be released. Your personal performance will REALLY matter there.
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