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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. The classic "it was not what I - ME - wanted, hence it is bad". The major qualm most have had is their length. And, for some part, the difficulty (or lack of, thereof). I think we can all agree, however, that the visual, art and music teams kick it out of the park each and every time.
  2. A few reasons, from personal experience: People want to skip mechanicsPeople want to be time-efficient.People play ONE build, and are good at it.Now, if certain mechanics weren't 'skippable' via healers; then it'd get interesting.
  3. What's your cue? I'll start: a thief that neglects the potential of his shortbow in a fight.
  4. I remember when I first did it on my norn. I fell on the last jump, dropped down outside the volcano, and lost all check point progress.
  5. Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to reduce the damage accordingly to the reduction of the channel time? So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return. So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias? So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then? Because it would feel better to use. It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better. So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that does have skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it. wow, some one who agrees that faster the skill casts, lesser skill involved.rare to see in an era where people just spam insta casts and say it's skillful I think u both are confusing skills being designed to promote skillful play with being being poorly designed and clunky to use with in a game meant to have a fast playstyle.Is it poorly designed, though? Consider warrior's whole kit and traits alongside it, for a second. The whole contains a number of ways to 1) CC your opponent, 2) Take advantage of that by turning it into A) lockdown, or B) burst. Hundred Blades fits into that design slot like bread 'n butter. Not to mention, well, quickness via sigils (I can't recall the traits warrior has, if any).
  6. Except the community is clearly not fine on having a stealth-based class being good at 1v1.I mean.... this thread. Thief is already the most complained class of the game when they have close to nil duelist capability and overall damage.Plus... think about Mirages. What happened the last time we had a fast class that was also good at 1x1? Hint: Mirages had portal nerfed first. By design, we can't have a class that can roam and 1x1 at the same time. The problem that meanwhile classes like Mirage and Herald had their movement nerfed first to keep their damage, the thief always has their damage nerfed and keep their movement. This is a design decision at this point. Herald had their movement nerfed? I can't see it behind all these revs that are sticking to me like a pre-school chewing gum under a table.
  7. Hey now. Let's not give the collective thieves guild a bad name, aye?
  8. Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to reduce the damage accordingly to the reduction of the channel time? So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return. So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias? So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then? Because it would feel better to use. It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better. So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that does have skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it. It's not a nerf to the skill cap, it's a skill that is clunky to get full value out of when very few skills in the game punish with lack of movement like that one does. It's melee. It gives nothing more than damage. And with the way the game has transformed over the years, it hasn't translated into the gameplay well with it's current channel time.It can be cancelled into literally almost anything. How's that clunky? If anything, it's a very well-designed skill. "It gives nothing more than damage." - That's a very shallow PoV. I don't see you complaining about Meteor Shower, btw. EDIT: It is strictly your vision of what you want it to be. But overall speaking (and maybe some old-school ethic of mine along it), it's an ideal skill, for a purely damage-oriented one.
  9. Strikes (most of them) have good rewards. How is that not encouraging people to try them out? On top of making gathering a group easier than, say, for raids. Just because something's not your style of a cake doesn't mean everyone hates it.
  10. Not if you're playing against a competent Warrior. As soon as you try to run after a hit, they will pop Stability and knock your kitten down and it's gg. You have to blind them, poison them, weaken them, and burst them all at the same time -- zero mistakes, else, you're dead. It's utter BS. Pretty much. A good (read: competent) warrior will look to your animation windups to target you, so unless you animation cancel and predict that retaliation, you'll be wasting at least one stun break. Zero mistakes really is all you can afford. You have to burst them precisely when their biggest stuff is used - and that's a fairly short window, I might add. If possible, landing a daze or stun on them at the end of their own animation windup will catch most people off-guard (i.e. timing Pistol Whip just before they hit you). Oftentimes you'll have to fight through Rampage, too, to boot. That's a luxury you can rarely afford. But at least warrior doesn't have elementalist levels of evasion and stability.
  11. Steal also works (particularly if you're out of stun breaks and need to interrupt, say, Hundred Blades. it also strips them of the might, which lessens the overall damage you take while CC'd.
  12. Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to reduce the damage accordingly to the reduction of the channel time? So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return. So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias? So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then? Because it would feel better to use. It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that does have skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.
  13. Even the local wild life is peculiar! They growing Jokos at 'em, they growing Palawa saplings!
  14. The more I think of it, the more post-patch makes me feel like the game's gonna turn it rock-paper-scissors (not implying it wasn't already, to an extent).
  15. Warrior overturned but only time they beat u is if u make a mistake lol u realize how backward that sounds? Just saying. Well, it can be taken as 'no setup required, just press buttons and see what sticks'. I see this a lot: warriors ram buttons and hope something hits their enemy. And when it does, BAM - crit for 1/2 to 2/3 your HP. Timing isn't of the essence when you have numerous hard-hitting skills ready to be chained in rapid succession. Personally, I prefer the classes that focus more on timing.
  16. Warrior indeed feels like they're the best 1v1 class by a mile.
  17. To be fair, imo the current nigh' permastealth d/p build is very noob-proof. You could know kitten about thief as a class and still do good with it. Which is probably why you see so many ppl playing it.
  18. Against a warrior, throw out blinds if you can, dodge/evade where possible, stealth -> backstab when you can, shadowstep away when each of these options is on CD. If you run Daggerstorm then pop it in their face once their blocks/invulns are blown. Be mindful of Rush, Bull's Charge, Volley, and Kill Shot as if they begin casting before you go into stealth these skills will track you and still connect. I love the summary! I like that you included rifle, because that was actually on my mind with regard to the upcoming patch. Do you see the rifle changes making that a better match-up for the warrior? Being able to use Volley multiple times, and especially with potential 3 charges back-to-back if they get the recharge on Rifle Butt... that is a terrifying amount of ranged pressure to have to deal with, that tracks through stealth, follows shadowsteps, and needs to be avoided at all cost. I'm actually excited for the new changes. The new Volley should be 4s between charges while traited. Rifle Butt is actually easy to avoid, just walk into it... It has a small cone in front of the warrior that connects, any where that would be considered flanking will miss you. But Bull's Charge -> Rifle Butt will be a nice combo. Warrior has needed a source of ranged pressure for a while to be honest, and I think these changes will help. Depending on our build enough blinds can turn over quickly into to stealth attacks to not leave too much down time between mitigating their sweeps, bursting them down with a good rate, and control to keep them from recovering quickly enough. I feel like that fight has to be tight because I have to keep it lopsided in my favor or they can hurt me more than I can recover and then explode me down. So your take is that we need to be oppressive in that situation. Go in with smoke screen or something, and just dominate? Nothing complicated, I guess in short I'm trying to say, I don't want to mess up once and I need to keep them from doing most of their stuff. Maybe it's been our servers matchups lately but a lot of core warriors at least seem like they have their timing down and can manage 1v? knowing when to ease away or when to rush 1 or 2 of people. I'm a casual player but I'm not about to make it easy for them and let them line me up in one of their lanes or cones at least though. To be fair, Bull's Rush has this weird hit window, where the animation and the actual hitbox aren't well matched. And that's not the sole warrior skill; a lot of their stuff seems to hit you within evade frames, from time to time. That is more of a server side issue. I swore I was outside of the range of Chilled to the Bone! yesterday and got hit by it regardless. Happens with lots of skills on lots of classes. Sometimes Rush and Bulls Charge go the complete opposite direction of your target :wink: Depending on our build enough blinds can turn over quickly into to stealth attacks to not leave too much down time between mitigating their sweeps, bursting them down with a good rate, and control to keep them from recovering quickly enough. I feel like that fight has to be tight because I have to keep it lopsided in my favor or they can hurt me more than I can recover and then explode me down. So your take is that we need to be oppressive in that situation. Go in with smoke screen or something, and just dominate? Against warriors blinds are your best friend. Any skill with evades built into it or blinds built into it will work wonders. Weakness as well. Just don't expect them to stand in the smoke field for you. So long as you use your various teleports to get breathing room and stealth skills to initiate a backstab once or twice you should win. Post patch there should not be any Defy Pain or Last Stand to worry about either, so if said warrior isn't sitting with a twitchy finger on their Endure Pain hotkey you'll be able to setup a spike and most likely down them like everyone else with a well placed stab. Heartseeker post stab if needed (honestly just follow up with it anyway). The best thieves I've encountered, regardless of spec, play hit and run with their ports/steps and minimize the time out of stealth that puts them in range of me.What do you meaaaan? The servers are AMAZONG.
  19. Depending on our build enough blinds can turn over quickly into to stealth attacks to not leave too much down time between mitigating their sweeps, bursting them down with a good rate, and control to keep them from recovering quickly enough. I feel like that fight has to be tight because I have to keep it lopsided in my favor or they can hurt me more than I can recover and then explode me down. So your take is that we need to be oppressive in that situation. Go in with smoke screen or something, and just dominate? Nothing complicated, I guess in short I'm trying to say, I don't want to mess up once and I need to keep them from doing most of their stuff. Maybe it's been our servers matchups lately but a lot of core warriors at least seem like they have their timing down and can manage 1v? knowing when to ease away or when to rush 1 or 2 of people. I'm a casual player but I'm not about to make it easy for them and let them line me up in one of their lanes or cones at least though. To be fair, Bull's Rush has this weird hit window, where the animation and the actual hitbox aren't well matched. And that's not the sole warrior skill; a lot of their stuff seems to hit you within evade frames, from time to time.
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