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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. You remove thieves' evades and the class becomes useless. Revenant's already a better version of thief sans the stealth. Also, it's only an easy spam kill if you make it one, lol.
  2. Yes PW thief wasnt buffed hmmexept swipeand stolen skills interruptand then ALOT of other builds got nerfed, see the point ? Tbh the change that allowed for taking condi cleanse and pulmonary impact is the only real reason this is emerging now. Also the way weakness works now helps it. The fact steal was changed to swipe also gives an argument to play a sword build on daredevil since infiltrators strike. The build isn’t really much better compared to any pistol whip in the past it’s just re emerging version that is unfun to play against and it has an abusable bug on jump which staff bunker used Tbh if pistol whip is unfun to play against, I wonder if the person saying that has ever been +1'd by a good rev. Thief is stationary while unloading their burst on both DE and DD. Lol comparing to rev seems pretty far off the acro build is a close to perma dodge build with almost no damage. As far as DE, it’s like 3/4 rifle which is all from a range. W.e your talking about is pretty far off from a rev and yes is unfun to play against. It’s not even good just unfunEdit: also I pointed out the exploitable bug on pistol whip which makes it non stationaryI struggle to understand how a build that isn't even good is unfun to play against. I mean, if we really want to go down that route; every build is 'not fun' to play against. Learning curve ---> things change. If something is truly unfun, it's the pure, 0-tell OS builds.
  3. Yes PW thief wasnt buffed hmmexept swipeand stolen skills interruptand then ALOT of other builds got nerfed, see the point ? Tbh the change that allowed for taking condi cleanse and pulmonary impact is the only real reason this is emerging now. Also the way weakness works now helps it. The fact steal was changed to swipe also gives an argument to play a sword build on daredevil since infiltrators strike. The build isn’t really much better compared to any pistol whip in the past it’s just re emerging version that is unfun to play against and it has an abusable bug on jump which staff bunker usedTbh if pistol whip is unfun to play against, I wonder if the person saying that has ever been +1'd by a good rev. Thief is stationary while unloading their burst on both DE and DD.
  4. The issue is not a single boon or multiple stun breaks / CC; it's having access to all of it at the same time. Evade? Fine on its own. Added with damage? Kinda here and there. With stability? No no no no...
  5. I still don't get how all the revenant and FB threads were suddenly replaced by PW.
  6. One of the main problems is that a lot of the builds that have a lot of evade/block/invulnerability uptime reaching beyond 30 seconds of evade frames and above within the first minute of combat also tend to also be absolutely loaded with stun breaks or ways to get out of danger while stunned. Daredevil: 2x Stunbreaks with Shadow Step, Roll For Initiative, Can steal to a distant target, Instant Reflexes if Traited. Mesmer: Blink, Decoy, Desperate Decoy of Traited, Distortion,Mirage: Illusionary Ambush, Jaunt, Dodge While Stun plus core mesmer tools,Spellbreaker: Shake It Off X2, FrenzyFire Weaver: Twist of Fate x2, Obsidian Flesh,Power Herald: Legend Swap, Riposting Shadows, Gaze of Darkness, (Glint Shiro Herald can pop 6x stunbreaks across 25 seconds of combat) And for all of the above builds except Mesmer and Mirage they are breaking 30 seconds of evade/block/invuln fames through out the first minute of combat, which mirage at least getting fairly close and core mesmer lagging pretty far behind but making it up with very high stealth uptime. Fire Weaver and Pistol Whip Daredevil are getting close to 40 seconds of evade frames per minute of combat. I don't think evade is an issue if there's clear tradeoffs. Take PW, for example: it's a completely stationary skill with a cast time and an aftercast. Long evade frames and invulnerability with little to no tradeoffs should not be accessible, though. Which is why I have an issue with elementalist - they already have access to stability (unlike thief), why are they allowed 1+ seconds of evade frames on top of that?
  7. Support thief, I'd sacrifice (obviously) DPS for the capability to stealth teammates more often, and function as a shinobi medic.
  8. I, too, don't want to waste effort in timing my interrupts. They should die while I please so.
  9. Better idea: no contribution while attacking, casting or moving.
  10. As others have said, it can very difficult to notice those pesky elementalist and guardian terrain creations. There's also some frames at the end of Dagger Storm and Pistol Whip where you can be interrupted/hit. IIRC, roughly the last 0.25 - 0.5 seconds of Dagger Storm no longer grant you evade frames - so if you're in a rush, prepare another dodge right away. Pistol Whip has the immense cast time (obviously), and the evade frames stop immediately after the last swing (aftercast) - which is where both well-timed Point-Blank Shots and Knockdowns can be aimed at, perhaps the most easily so.
  11. Dodge the Mark and you're pretty much set. Hard to do when the thief is stealthed. Then dodge the follow up. Mark is one of the biggest 'oh boy an attack is coming' in the game. Or draw on your knowledge of how thief builds and initiative works to exploit whatever they had to give up to get that stealth. I believe in you. The smart ones typically do a three round burst first. I assume you mean Spotter's Shot?There are a few ways to approach the situation, and starting off with TRB isn't one of them, lol. Thief has a build that allows them to boss around people with lower skill floor? How awful! Meanwhile elementalist has multiple, non-stationary evades that aren't self-rooting; and lack a lengthy cast time. Take your complaints to their sub-forum.
  12. Honestly, the biggest difficulty about Bonesrskinner was people doing proper DPS rotations and assigned roles actually doing their jobs. Sometimes it feels like the community's been neutered on that front.
  13. If Steal gets nerfed, I can foresee the flock of players transferring over to revenant. Steal has to be the 'exception' to the rule, it's too core to the thief mechanical identity.
  14. For a period of time, thief once more has a build that can 1v1 and 1v2 pepegas (compared to s/d or d/p where, despite the difference in skill, it will take you a lengthy period of time to kill them) reliably. Elementalist has just as much evade frames and superior sustain in comparison (assuming people don't brainlessly cleanse/heal into your frames), yet I see few if any complaint threads. It punishes telegraphed gameplay and caster-camping, but does by no means achieve 'problematic' levels of damage.
  15. I see, no answer for that. I won't insist then T4 has been a success over 99% of the times for me and my groups. But we are nottalking about me, even if you insist on it. What you seem to not understand is that nothing about this thread is about my personal taste or my personal problems to run this fractal. You probably think that I cannot deal with it, or maybe that I am such a bad player, that none of the pugs I land in are able to succeed. That's not the case. During the last years doing fractals, there have been less than 10 times in which I couldn't make a successful, complete T4 run. All of the cases, except for one, were because of Siren's with bad insts (S.A. being the worst in all cases). And in most cases I wasn't even able to start the fractal, because most players refused to do it.That's entirely the players' fault for refusing to observe, learn and adapt - or, in the most common case, ask for tips . Don't blame the devs for the player base's innate cannibalism.
  16. The problem doesn't come from effectiveness, but from how easy it is to spamm it. I rather have 1 super effective skill that can be used each 30-35 secs that a mediocre one which can be spamm while dazing and giving evades frames. Its us such a easy skill to counter,its dps is no where near op and due to thief mechanics ALL its skill would have to be useless and ineffective or actually have more than one or two useful skills per weapon(as it is now) so spamming the few useful skills aren't required. Thief spams a skill or 2 at most each weapon set because they've all been nerfed from the whine's of this games ridiculously bias and sad community lolHonestly between the community and the devs lol this game sure is in great hands lol rogue's always get the most salt in mmo's but this community is something else, it's literally anything that somewhat works on thief must get nerfed in the communities eyes and the dev's are something else and actually listen lol https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1113501#Comment_1113501 Necro to this day remains one of the most unfun classes to go against..especially core necro, being constantly loaded with disabiliting conditions on top of dmg ones...it's not fun and equally dumb. PvP has been trash mode since Dec 2014 with the Dhuum patch, ofc I don't expect a necro main to recognize that, no class is fun to fight in GW2...they all have highly unskilled mechanics...at least I can see past my own bias This^Gw2 is all unskilled cheese builds these days and pvp is literally about out cheesing ur opponent. All the classes need massive reworks which wont happen anytime soon so enjoy lol. One mistake the devs made which the shoulda known better was to create counters than create counters to counters and so on lolSuch a mess. Better try to lvl up your character in Blade and Soul , rather than wasting your time here :P Oh I am lol got to lv 40 last night :) GzNow because Blade and Soul its a 1v1 game , with its arenas , you should give your opinions there :PAnd not waste time here :P Bdo not blade and soul lol plus I've been playing gw2 for half a decade and just started playing bdo so not really comfortable adding suggestions in their forums :)Plus still play a couple games each night or so for kicks. You will do fine , in their forumsJust do the same as here , with bypolar answers :P You should focus , on bdo much more to improve your skills Well if ur having issues with pistol whip u as well definitely need to improve ur skills-in gw2 and a start would be practicing ur skills in gw2 instead of spending time whining or adding to the whining of every little skill that's annoying for u to face :) Or Thief attracts casual players like you , that just spamms 1-2 skills , and think they are pro .Then Whine about Rifles Warrior hitting too hard , or Enginers stealth too much , or Mesmers should burst 25% of your HP from stealth , or blame the Devs for this mess powercreepTakes your main account with you too , and play some bdo :P This! LolU forum whiners wanna talk about balance. Hit a scrapper 50 times and get him to 1/4 health, drops a turret and full heals and stuns u with hammer and downs thief in two hits while thief is stunned- balance! Let's whine about thief lmao Its your problem , if you cannot simply dodge''V''Or use evade -mobility skills 2 of the attacks does the damage om the hammer > 1 has huge leap/followup animations > then they have to wait for long cd afterwards...unlikly thiefs What ?Are you going to say that they does aoe + offer evades frames + daze?Guess what Pistowhip does too ?:PIn matter of fact, guess from which class we got the HoT evasive Ele + PoF evasive Mesmer spec from :PAnd many ..many will come :P Pfff ... Lol oh no u called me a casual. I played this game and thief for minimum of an hr or so each night for like 4 yrs strait so at this point I could care less what garbage u sling at me cuz now I'm a casual who doesn't play that much anymore lol. I dont play anymore cuz players like u who cant even deal with mediocre builds whine about every build that's a challenge or annoys u and runs to the forum to cry. PW has been around how long? Lmao now it's a problem cuz sind started playing it and some other thieves picked it up? So if sind played d/d next and other thieves started playing we'd see oh pls anet nerf d/d thief whaaaaaaaaa a few killed me so its OP whaaaaaaaaa the audacity of a thief who beats me in a fight whaaaaaaa op,op so OP.I swear u lemming are deserving of this garbage pile of a game lol doesnt even matter if a builds op on thief,along as thieves play it and a few people say it's good u guys flock to the forums to say how OP it is lmao.Hopefully sind makes another mediocre meme build and as thieves start playing it we will again see u whiners flock like lemmings duhhhh the builds op whaaaaaaa :) Which is most casual ?When ones whinning about a spec that pressing 1-2 buttons , has Evasive + does aoe damage + Condition Removal while evadingOr some1 else who is whinning about Rifles F1 Warriors or too much Stealth Enginner ? IN A CONQUESTT !!!!!!The answer is the secondYou ! This is why after christmass , we must analyze your point of view :)Calling PW aoe is a gross compliment, lmao. And the condition removal is (lol) conditional . No serious player is complaining about rifle warriors. Engineer's stealth gets complaints (and rightfully so) due to its low cooldown and duration combined with their stealth denial and DPS-sustain that allows them to pick and reset their fights too easily.
  17. Not just thieves and revs - any build with reflects (weaver, FA, FB) or faster burst.
  18. Rev with stealth = ??? Mesmer from 1.2k range = ?? PvP is plagued by DE since when again? Last I checked the only semi-viable thief builds were S/D (which sucks now, btw) and S/P (which isn't even that good).
  19. The cleanse and evade frames are the sole reasons pw is even played / somewhat viable. The damage is pitiful, it has nothing on eles, sustained firebrands, etc. You're most likely a very casual pvp'er if you find the build problematic.
  20. How is DE toxic gameplay compared to Mesmer or FA ele? 'Condi deadeye in WvW GW2.'Fighting against some other people with cancer builds, like condi rev, condi mirage and condi trap rangers.' WvW in the PvP -section of forums. Why?
  21. How is DE toxic gameplay compared to Mesmer or FA ele?
  22. Wish at least the Boneskinner had better rewards. Since they upped the difficulty (via bug fix?) I need to give it a go finally.
  23. Agree with 1) and 2) ; partially with 5) (there needs to be a bigger tell, although same goes for Point-Blank Shot at times). Everything else is just pointless whining. You increase the cast time on every DPS and healing skill, and we'll have bunker wars 2 where the first guy to eff up loses the game.
  24. The difference being, guardian's heals are active for the most part, whereas warrior heals doing what it does best.
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