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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. Could be a bot, y'know. I know I couldn't tell the difference at first glance-
  2. Not nearly as broken as firebrand, 1 firebrand can hold off and sustain through a group of 5 which includes a weaver and thief. I know, because I did it and I absolutely suck at PvP. Anet's attention needs to be soley directed at firebrand and taken away from every other class for the next long while until it's been chopped down to an appropriate level. To be fair, your opponents were none the better, for sure.
  3. Symbolbrand, obviously. But I'd be glad if they did in a fashion that didn't hurt support FB - at least much.
  4. Feels like most ranger builds are kept afloat by GS 4's block duration. Without that, at least core ranger would be mice food.
  5. Can't seem to score a win on Temple. Sometimes I think people don't know Tranquillity exists.
  6. Are you unable to compete in ATs? A team comp deserves a more competitive environment. Look harder and I'm sure you'll find it eventually. Even if team queue was added back in, it's a rather dumb idea to remove solo queue.What is "pug" in a PvP game? Do you even know what it stands for? You sound like a lost zergling from the dead mists (aka WvW). Do you have any sense of the current population and how we got here? A team queue only requirement will leave the total playerbase of this game at an unplayable level. Good luck with over 1hr queues. But I'm sure you'll be flying off like other fairweather players who supported duo queue earlier. They're nowhere to be seen now. They said "we want to play with our friends". They and their friends are mostly gone for good now. Duo queue is not holding anyone back yet duo queue are capable of maintaining a 10:1 win loss ratio through a season? Duo queue is spoiling games both ways. Duos are either great or horrible. Rarely I've seen a close game with only one duo in it. Matchmaking is not capable of handling the imbalance. Ranked is now nothing more than a rewarding unranked mode. Honestly, that's perfectly OK. ANET got us here as they chose to keep duo queue to let friends enjoy together. The casual attitude of many solo queuers is expected and should be acceptable. Also, this.
  7. You didn't happen to consider that maybe full 100% of the population doesn't actively play PvP?
  8. I'd totally play this. Why isn't this a thing? Add the battle tanks from Grothmar Valley while at it!
  9. How to enjoy PvP in any game: grow a thicker skin, and some balls to go along with it.
  10. Because she's from a village hidden in leaves. Seriously, though, because thief intermixes with assassin in GW2. Caithe is most certainly the latter, and even described as such in the books (iirc).
  11. Come back from vacation and this thread's exploded. Wadafaq.
  12. Thief having everything, ha ha ha har har har. Gosh, casters tend to be so biased in here. Thief utilities tend to be hot garbage, so it's not really surprising that there's a few staples across builds. "Daredevil alone is 3 evades" - and a 600 range steal, the tradeoff is apt. "Should be enough" - speaking about a class whose entire lifeline is dependant on dodging, not sustaining.
  13. Yes, it has. Just like Dagger Storm and Flanking Strike.
  14. One problem with that is that the evading flurry actually gives the Thief some ranged defense. If I see a Ranger start Rapid Fire from a distance, I can sit on point and Pistol Whip the air to avoid most of the damage. It also allows me to defend against Stealthed Thieves and Mesmers... granted, it's a random defense (not knowing when they will strike), but it is much better than wasting dodges... and I may get lucky and interrupt their attack. Besides, getting rid of the rooted flurry on miss could actually make less experienced Sword/Pistol Thieves(like me) more effective... because we won't get locked into a couple of seconds of whiffing at air (forgetting to stow) letting the target run further away unharmed. Alas, the Thief is not made for rooted skills. I can actually see more complaints about Panic Strike poisoning because of that. Pistol Whip's Immobilize would be able to stack with Infiltrator's Strike, making it longer. And it would also make Pistol Whip much less effective against other Daredevil/Acrobatics Thieves, as they would just dash right out of it or perform a Pistol Whip/evading skill themselves. Why can't anything be simple? I don't even buy that Pistol Whip is a problem as it is now. Compared to other professions' offensive/defensive abilities, it's not overpowered, and it actually allows a Thief to fight and survive on point to a degree. That's not a bad thing. Pulmonary Impact isn't so strong, and definitely isn't as unfair mechanically as something like Retaliation. Others in this thread are blowing Pistol Whip way out of proportion. Yes, it allows a Thief to do damage while avoiding damage. A Thief is naturally squishy... if you take away the evades, you would need to compensate for that in some other manner... such as granting 5 seconds of Aegis and Protection on each dodge-roll. Thieves avoid dying by avoiding getting hit altogether because they are squishy... other professions can mitigate damage and survive hits through other mechanics. It's six of one, half a dozen of the other. It all balances out in the end. Infiltrator's Strike immob is mostly over by the time pistol whip lands - I doubt adding another .75 immob would do anything. Even if it does end up with...what, an extra .25 sec of immob, that's small change and can be written off as compensation for the switch. And, this is my personal opinion but I wouldn't mind that vs thieves, either. They'll neuter their endurance regen constantly and then just die (speaking as a DE swordpistol/rifle). The extra poison will make a negligible difference on a power build, and if a condi build wants sword-pistol, well they're welcome to it. Condi thieves are already severely lacking. That aside, don't get me wrong - I think the complaints are bogus. Pistol Whip getting zero changes and suddenly it's a problem after a well known streamer starts to use it? Yeah, right. Especially when most complains boil down to 'the thief doesn't die fast enough for my taste' or 'I can't be bothered to pay attention'.I think it's quite telling when pistol whip's the most complained mechanic right now. People really, really don't have the timing aspect down in this game. Too much spam getting to them, so they're having issues when a build that relies on timing intercepts their factory line of play.
  15. It's hardly as annoying as the OG cripple/torment spam by scourge. Adapt your build, bait the fear.
  16. You can bypass this by fainting the PW after the port. Granted, vs average players this usually isn't needed (or even encouraged) as their reflexes and situational awareness/reading isn't up there. The ending portion of it is still an excellent instant to go for a CC or Steal.
  17. Where do you see people make the most throws, bad rotations/decisions, etc?
  18. Uh, no. Decent players are going to tear you a new one on DH. It's almost completely unable to duel anyone. It surely is not the strongest solo. But your info is a bit outdated. Most meta builds got significantly hammered since the beginning of this year. As balance currently stands, it has edge over most melee power bruiser builds. It also holds well against fire weaver, dps FB and condi mirage. It loses solo mostly against builds with strong range options. Ranger, Holo with rifle and DE. The reason why it does not perform well cuz it is lacking in team fights. Contrary to the believe, you the traps do not work well in team fights (and if you run any traps beside heal and ToF you are a free kill). It does not have the mobility to jump on side nodes, even though it does well in small scale battles (2v2 or +1). You do not fit in any role well. Also, if the spear and LB3 do not consistently hit, you will have serious issues. And they do not hit reliably, no matter how skilled you are. I had games were I was walking on water and other were I cannot hit kitten. Anyway, if next patch does target boon application, duration and RiP, this will hit Holo, FB, ranger and ele the hardest. DH is not likely to be a hit at all. Some slight buffs and it will get there.Eh, contrary to what you're saying, I'd say DH works rather well in teamfights (and +1's) due to their utility. The proc'd slow from traps and the ability to 'bounce' people via shield 5 and LB 3 and 5 are what makes DH stay at least somewhat relevant to this day. But since eles and FB spam stability and evades or blocks, this is largely a non-factor nowadays. In a selfish unranked game, though, you're able to 'get a freebie pass'.
  19. Uh, no. Decent players are going to tear you a new one on DH. It's almost completely unable to duel anyone.
  20. With a proper setup and a tell that a skilled player can pick up, Yes.
  21. Warrior deals the same damage with one dodge roll. Also, mages and mesmers spam evades and invuln frames without any cast times. Complainers need to git gut, honestly.
  22. You people are kitten at reading.I said thief doesnt have bad sustain, I said they have strong healing skill.And they have good passive that keep them healthy.Then guys like you appear WELL OTHER CLASSES HAVE GOOD HEALS TOOOO.NO kitten sherlock, thats my point. Thiefs sustain is not bad. Numbers aren't in a vacuum. You compare them against other classes to get a benchmark of good and bad. Thief has very mediocre sustain WHEN COMPARED TO OTHER CLASSES. because what the kitten else are you going to compare it against. Yes, they have those abilities. No, they are not very relevant as their numbers aren't high enough to make significant differences in pvp. Daredevil has reasonable sustain due to evade frames, not heals. Core thief and Deadeye have very little sustain. What are you talking about, you can make thief builds with perma regeneration.15s CD withdraw450 heal every time you evade somethingkitten ton of evades.Sustain is not just raw healing. Sustain is EVERYTHING that lets you stay in the fight.Its mobility, Its CC, Its stealth.The only thing thief is really lacking is1 Aegis2 Protection3 Big toughtness numbers ( forced into HP amulet )And makes up for it with extra evades, alot of the builds dont heal like weaver.Warrior vs Thief, who heals more in that duel?Thief vs Cmirage, who heals more?Thief vs DG/Core guard, Who heals more?People come here and say thief sustain is BAD, im not saying its amazing or overpowered, im just saying its not bad. Thief sustain is a whole heck lot better than necro is, and when i played chrono seemed limited amount of sustain. Anet every time they change something it seems like they nerf our sustain or mobility somehow and make us more of a free kill. It's almost as if ANET is saying: We would rather you don't play SPVP, now go play open world PvE and WVW. Or maybe the consensus is: We would rather you not play necro at all Thief sustain is not better then necro but different. Core necro for example can eat literally 10x if not more hits than thief could dream of eating but if thief is good with enough knowledge of its opponents class and its skills the can actively and reactively evade that damage. Imagine a necro or reaper having thiefs mobility or close to while being able to eat the hits it currently can all with the dps it can do lol especially reaper, it would be unstoppable hence why necro had less mobility and why classes with high mobility naturally counter it. Those aspects of the game are actually somewhat balanced surprisingly. Your blows and blows of warrior and even PU mesmer and soulbeast and even deadeye eat through necros like butter because of pure might gen and also the build bonuses to damage. Between all those even if you got a ton of toughness, you still die in a few hits because everyone hits way too hard and is power creeped to kitten and back. Also mobility you got plus stealth which is practically limitless counts as sustain as well as the evades and heals from dodges you got. If a necro is caught by mobile class he might as well put the control down and give up, because he isn't going to live through it. A class like deadeye with malice build up and stealth will destroy him before he can escape as well as condi thief. You put too little on the reset buttons you have as a teef. For us, only reset we got is wurm and once its used, we are done for. If we get caught right after teleporting or if some enemy sees the wurm and kills it, we got no escape. Stability is severely limited, to the point that the amount of cc spam and conditions will kill us before we could ever get away. All you gotta do is press a direction button twice to dodge to get rid of cripples and immobs to get away then stealth. Also reaper can be bursted down fairly easy, which is why we were given the death magic because we are literally food for every class because of how easy necros are to kill.Anyone and his mother can kill a necro fairly easy since mobility teleports and cc are so power creeped, that necro with reaper is still living in 2015 cannot keep up, and even then, they messed up so bad, that it only really works in big fights where we have enough poison ramped up to build up carapace.Gotta love these exaggerations coming from people who never play thief. They should know it's always a trade-off for a thief to perform a certain action.
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