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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. How can you get the emote without doing strikes? IIRC (might be off by 1 achi), if you do every other achievement in the episode category, you will have 37/37 w/o touching the strikes.
  2. DH will be useless, though. DH can only hit hard if it lands the whole trap-bounce combo, and that requires you to crit. And your crits will hit much less w/o Rune of DH compared to Lynx (which is a must for the mobility). Traps are a bait. Going full-on trap mode is attractive in the eyes of new DH players, but this isn't fractal mode. You want consistent damage output that can't be dodged with a simple break and roll. This on top of increased cast time. The hitbox is already so narrow that hitting a moving, aware target is anything but easy outside instant melee range.
  3. MMO encouraging socializing and playing content in a group? How dare they! On a more serious note, though, you can get the emote without doing the strikes, so. Where's the issue? They're seeing what works and what is disliked. If enough people actually voice their discomfort with the choice, they'll change it in the future. Everyone wins, right?
  4. Anyone else just kinda love how multi-use skills like Lesser Clarion Call and Quickening Zephyr are? I'm glad they didn't completely rid ranger of access to quickness in the 25th patch.
  5. Wow so now instead of having 30 seconds of perma vigor they will have 15s of perma vigor...which is still perma vigor. Vigor should just be nerfed in pvp to be 50% less efficient. Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging. It's common knowledge that the community here wants thief gutted and shot in the gutter , but at least hold back some of the blatantly obvious bias. Imagine thinking everything revolves around your class. Vigor has needed a nerf for years now and it is something which is necessary for the good of the game. Its endurance regen should be halved in pvp. 1) "My class" - I've been playing more ranger than thief recently, and overall I mainly play four classes. Pointless assumption based on profile picture. 2) This is exactly why devs shouldn't always listen to the 'all-knowing' forum-goers. Slowing the game down even more will do nothing more than create another bunker bunker meta, which pretty much exhausted the PvP-scene in the later days of HoT. Or, in layman's words,- be careful what you wish for.
  6. Wow so now instead of having 30 seconds of perma vigor they will have 15s of perma vigor...which is still perma vigor. Vigor should just be nerfed in pvp to be 50% less efficient. Yes, let's the nerf the only way thief has access to avoid damage - dodging. It's common knowledge that the community here wants thief gutted and shot in the gutter , but at least hold back some of the blatantly obvious bias.
  7. NA server, ladies and gents. EU actually, for all its worth it was before both rampage nerfs, so every 70-80s i was pressing autowin buttonMakes sense.
  8. When you put it like it that it makes it look like the game is dying :( Or that Anet is realizing their raid implementation is alienating a significant enough portion of the playerbase to have a negative impact on revenues. Can think of lots of reasons ... but some make more sense than others. Anet's giving them tools, and the player base itself is doing a damned good job at it. None of these pepegasuses who complain is free of guilt. I honestly have no clue what your point is. See, you at least said/asked "I have no idea-". if only some of these people could do the same, and ask before ragequitting "hard" content, etc. There's a certain self-fulfilling prophecy at work here.
  9. When you put it like it that it makes it look like the game is dying :( Or that Anet is realizing their raid implementation is alienating a significant enough portion of the playerbase to have a negative impact on revenues. Can think of lots of reasons ... but some make more sense than others. Anet's giving them tools, and the player base itself is doing a damned good job at it. None of these pepegasuses who complain is free of guilt.
  10. I think the contrast was interesting: instead of being a fairly passive main actor in the story, this dragon instantly chose to go on high offensive as it awoke. It served as a wake-up call for the main cast: you beat Zhaitan, great. But you seriously think the other 5 will just wave their toes while you celebrate and return to your daily routine?
  11. Only works with open world trash mobs. Against champion bosses and some dungeon ones, you'd like to be mechanically adept with the class, along with high dps sustain. What OP wants is ranger or engineer.
  12. Excellent argument! Don't hit your ego on the door frame on your way out. only thing i will hit is ur momLoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.@NorthernRedStar.3054 You were trolled by one of the top players left, too obvious Bowing down before names is the first step towards defeat.I bow to none. He is a friend and a good player.You were defeated when couldn't recognize troll-post :)Because the troll post was so bad it could've, in fact, been legit. If you do trolling and/or trash talk, at least do it with style. Btw, the whole NA server is defeated by EU in every game, so there's that.
  13. Excellent argument! Don't hit your ego on the door frame on your way out. only thing i will hit is ur momLoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.@NorthernRedStar.3054 You were trolled by one of the top players left, too obviousBowing down before names is the first step towards defeat.
  14. Nah, you can pimp around a bad S/P thief any day of the week. Well, if you can't - then I guess they aren't the only bad of the bunch. A terribad d/p thief will insta die after spiking, a terribad s/p theif has their 50% passive on top of having 3(4) stunbreaks.Are you assuming a scenario where the d/p will Heartseeker into a 1v5? If this is a +1 scenario, you know it's never happening.
  15. Nah, you can pimp around a bad S/P thief any day of the week. Well, if you can't - then I guess they aren't the only bad of the bunch.
  16. Human royal: elementalist, mesmer.Human commoner: warrior, guardianHuman street rat: thief, mesmer. Norn (common): ranger, warrior, guardian.Norn (havroun, priest/priestess of spirits): necromancer. Asura: necromancer, engineer. Sylvari: anything, really. Charr (blood): warrior, elementalist, necromancer.Charr (ash): necromancer, thief, Mesmer.Charr (iron): engineer, warrior.
  17. we would lose almost half of pvp population if thief was removed lol Sind would lose his job, partnership, and twitch account.
  18. Think the issue stems from the fact that most people are 'unaware' / blind when doing beast, which itself stems from poor map awareness and situation reading.
  19. Excellent argument! Don't hit your ego on the door frame on your way out.
  20. Idk what you mean, there's at least 3 competitive viable thief builds right now. You're by no means restricted to just "stealth cheese".
  21. I do think we need more light-hearted banter in our groups, raid and otherwise. It is a social game, after all.
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