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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. 1) What class has been nerfed to the ground?2) Has someone in this thread complained about the lack of OS cheese / stealth OS? Or was it just you making 'pepega' assumptions?
  2. Automatically moved into the raids -section of the forum. Keep it clean and simple.
  3. Pretty much this. All it takes for someone to fight against a top tier player this patch is to throw on the tankiest build you can run and afk on node as several people struggle to kill you. Bunker meta killed the game the last time because of how boring it was. But what did Anet expect by nerfing the hell out of damage and making cc skills do 10 damage? Lol... hope it gets fixed sooner rather than later This is how I feel. The skill ceiling dropped, and now the most casual of players can just pick a core necro or FB and tank any 1v1 against a player who's 150% as good as they are, and playing one of the "mid-tier" or lower specs/classes. Heck, they can probably tank a 1v2 with similar conditions for waaaaaay too long. I honestly don't think the last meta was that bad. Nerf the one-shot builds, smooth out some skills, nerf firebrand and weaver's sustain - and we'd be Gucci.
  4. They did the same to traits of all classes. See thief's "Pain Response".
  5. Core's been the better of the two for a while now, for a number of reasons. in PvE, the loss of flexibility doesn't affect end-game / fractal content that much - if at all -, but you'll be gimped solo.
  6. Deadeye feels like it has the strongest dps rotations in PvP, although with weaver and FB being so strong that has little merit. From my experience, thief is almost universally back to being a "solid +1'er, seldom duelist". Which is, honestly, a bit disappointing.
  7. A profound reaction can be observed among the necromancer main ranks whenever one of these threads pops up. "What do MEAAAAN? Necromancer sucks kitten, has always sucked kitten, and will continue to suck kitten!!" It's rather funny how much difficulty they have admitting that necro isn't always the underdog.
  8. Like any post of his kind it ignores the bigger picture. First: That combo deals a ton of damage relative to everything else after the patch and so needs counterplay. Second: stability (and some stunbreaks as well) was nerfed. So hard cc like pull and knockback has way less counters than before. Yeah, F1 and LB 3, which had a ton of cast time before, should deal NO DAMAGE ! Because that's how healthy game design works! That'll show those filthy DH players! Where tf had F1 a long casttime tho Have you, like, ever actually played with/against a DH? 3/4 of a second. Plenty to avoid. P3/Leg DH. Just use it smart. Combo it with a teleport or stun or just count dodges, it's not hard to land.Nothing's hard to land in this game if we go by your logic. In theory, you could win any debate by announcing "just be smart" to your opposition. But is that how we roll in this world and time?
  9. Like any post of his kind it ignores the bigger picture. First: That combo deals a ton of damage relative to everything else after the patch and so needs counterplay. Second: stability (and some stunbreaks as well) was nerfed. So hard cc like pull and knockback has way less counters than before. Yeah, F1 and LB 3, which had a ton of cast time before, should deal NO DAMAGE ! Because that's how healthy game design works! That'll show those filthy DH players! Where tf had F1 a long casttime thoHave you, like, ever actually played with/against a DH? 3/4 of a second. Plenty to avoid.
  10. Like any post of his kind it ignores the bigger picture. First: That combo deals a ton of damage relative to everything else after the patch and so needs counterplay. Second: stability (and some stunbreaks as well) was nerfed. So hard cc like pull and knockback has way less counters than before. Yeah, F1 and LB 3, which had a ton of cast time before, should deal NO DAMAGE ! Because that's how healthy game design works! That'll show those filthy DH players!
  11. As someone who's regularly used DH just for the fun of the kit alone since YEARS ago, this is a tragic patch. The old DS was fine . 1) You take a risk using it from afar, so you have to be good at predicting. 2) The opponent takes a risk dashing next to you with DS up, but can predict where you'll use it, and have a window of reward for it. If anything, it was a perfectly designed, fun and flexible skill that was one of the main reasons longbow was a thing.
  12. Let's get some facts straight. Maul is the most telegraphed skill in the game, it's extremely hard to hit w/o quickness. This is the main damage tool of the kit. It needs to hit hard when it does. Hilt Bash isn't exactly fast either, and it only dazes if not hit from the flank. Swoop only evades at the end of the animation, when you've reached your target. So in melee combat, yes, the evade is nearly instant - but it's not warrior GS 3. Ranger GS auto chain lost its evade on Power Stab some months ago. It only grants some endurance back - if it hits. The weapon is 100% fine - jack of all trades, master of none; something ranger has desperately needed for a while now.
  13. Nah, you bag too much of the damage packet on a select few skills, and all you get is a wet noodle fight. Not saying CC skills should stay as they were pre-patch, but dropping from hero to zero just kills diversity due to cancelling, chaining, all that good stuff. It kills creativity.
  14. Pre-patch PvP: https://imgur.com/MzNjw9g Post-patch PvP: https://i.imgur.com/5D9oXuB.gifv
  15. It was on rotation a month or two ago.
  16. Sorry to disappoint, but might take a while.
  17. Make it a profession only playable by the skilled players.
  18. This has gotta be a troll post. Thief has one of the strongest DPS rotations in PvE. Thief is one of the best, if not the easiest, class (d/p) in PvP right now. Shortbow damage is good, if you think otherwise you're not using it properly.
  19. Welcome to the forums! I'm sure many, like myself, love Kadric's voice; so this is a boon to us all.
  20. Transferring damage between Heartseeker and Backstab would pretty much solve anything, since they can still deal equal amounts of damage from 1.2k range away via Black Powder. You'd only increase the amount of thieves spamming 2 after a backstab via Assassin's Signet. If either of these proc Haste, to boot, you aren't dodging/blocking them all.
  21. I second this. I'd like any skill cap-related nerfs remain as minimal as possible.
  22. Why'd you run scourge and/or healbrand nowadays? Both are legit bad compared to meta builds, which should have no issue stomping on either. If you're duo just run double symb--- pepegabrand for the free winz.
  23. Thats the whole point in this argument. Gw2 is a single player mmo outside of fractals, raids and wvsw. As soon as any grouping is required or you even have to talk to other players to work together to synergize builds this happens. Fancy. Has pretty much never happened to me.
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