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Everything posted by Dayra.7405

  1. I think they behave like any normal company :)
  2. In general 90% of all missiles seem to be blocked, destroyed, absorbed, reflected, avoided, not doable due to invisibility ...You only hit if you surprise your enemy, if he is a noob, or if he tries to run away (and is visible). So I don't think ranger damage needs a nerv, there are already much to many counters.
  3. That's our thinking/speaking about them, not necessarily their reality.We are a just bit limited in our language and thinking with respect to animated natural forces (dragons) or Gods.In the end all this is only a metaphor or analogy, that has it's clear limits.
  4. Hm, Kraikatorik and Glint and Aurene are (magically animated) Crystals, did you ever discussed the sex of a diamond?Mordremorth was a plant, plants are usually bothZhaitan was undead, undead usually don't reproduce, but come into existence when something alive die.Jormag seems to be a collection of a snow-Crystals, something like a blizzard, do blizzards really have sex? I think as such he can split out sub-blizzards and maybe even rejoin them.
  5. None Dragons are Mono-sexual. Glint produced (at least) 2 eggs, but there was never a word about fertilization.
  6. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201862998-Troubleshooting-Connectivity-Issues I've no clue where you are and which internet provider you have, how many clients does it have, if it is well know to "oversell" it's lines such that you have problems when your providers lines are over-used..My Ping is most of the time around 40ms, and I am playing gw2, so it's not the game ;) And the ping depends on 2 things: how long is the route. (what's the phyical time to transmit through the cables)how long do your packets sit in network-computer queues when switching cables. (this depends on how much capacity your provider has vs how much he sold)And the route you get depend on: where are youwhere is the game-serverand unfortunately also: network-politics, due to cost/provider-alliance reasons, you are rarely allowed to use the shortest connection, but you get the cheapest connection, and sometimes the cheapest take much longer. :(
  7. Ping is 99% responsibility of your internet provider. You have to ask him.
  8. Useful: Join a guild (to play Guild Missions, get Help)Hero points as you will get 2 new elite specs with the expansions GoldMaterial in your bankAscended equipment (Jewelery for Laurels, guild missions, Armor+Weapons craft or drop)Tyria Mastery Points via achievements (such that you can unlock auto-loot with just Exp after you got the expansions)WvW ranks (hard without mount), but you can even buy difficult Hero points from the content of Rankup chestsPlay Fractals & Fractal Agony resistance (useful for ascended drops)Tyria Map Completion is always useful (esp. if you decide to build Legendaries at some time)Buy LS2 (you can play without Expansion) for Gems (gold traded to gems), 2nd LS2 map (Silverwastes) is still good for gold/Material farming. Doesn't matter Exp there will always pleantyKarma only if you are short (less than 1mio)
  9. You really ask if one prefers 1 of these 10 over the 11th? Lol. I want LS & wvw-updates & combat modifier (food, ...) reductions.
  10. I am more dis-satisfied about my stupidity of looking it, then about it.Just the usual contentless marketing blabla as usual for any company today. That HoT owners (e.g. my 2nd account) not even get a rabat on PoF, while PoF owners get HoT for free is ofc. quite a slap in the face of veterans.
  11. In WvW it is more open and suspenseful what happens. In PvE everything is fix, determined before it happen. To give you an example: If you did it once you know exactly how the Tequatl event happen.But if you attack a keep, you cannot be sure what happen, will the enemy appear? will he appear in force, who get reinforcements in time.You cannot predict that in a match (timezone) that is rather balanced and not empty.
  12. I don't think the base damages are the problem, all these cumulative modifiers are.
  13. I start to ask myself: Did some international player discovered the advantage of Baruch?It can be overstacked unlimited without getting full, has plenty space in early prime and supports good placement with a build-in night crew!
  14. If LS 5 is as other LS, if will be 6 episodes, with an episode every 3 month, Prolog will start 17.9., episode 1 sometimes later, LS5 will keep us busy till at least mid 2021!A bit early to speculate what happens afterwards.
  15. You end on a dead map, if you show up at random time. You should appear (and use LFG) shortly before the meta-event starts.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers
  16. Two big Issue in WVW are missing: Massive transfers directly after relinking destroy any balance relinking (or alliances) may establish.There seem to be to many tiers for the remaining player, both in EU and NA.
  17. That's not really an issue, as soon as progress is saved, the enter dialog could be contain a restart-button and a resume-button. A well-done checkpoint system could be even used to recover from buggy-states. A disconnect close to the end of a long instance hit hard, but.an buggy state that doesn’t let you finish makes me really upset.
  18. That exist since the beginning ;) You can skip through all possible targets, if you assign a key to Next-Friendly-Target in the keyboard-config-options
  19. Learn a bit about probability Theorie and compute how much money you need to spend to get this item with 95% certainty. Also make sure you really understood that this amount is always the amount you still have to spend and anything you spend in the past does not help you at all. That either cures you or it shows you that you can afford this gambling.
  20. That is not an absolute number, but depends on the opponents you have, e.g. Elona dominates T5, but lost T4.Using play-hours in fact makes sense, as play-hour differences ARE the main reason to dominate or get dominated. Linking based on population in fact works quite well, but as long as the transfer system is not fixed, it only works for one week, then people stack together on the selected winner to get easier wins. Equal player-hours does not mean equal competition. Please explain BG's now 43-0-0 skirmish record this match as being "competitive"I would explain it with: BG has many more player-hours per week, maybe 10000 hours instead of 6000. What is your assumption of equal hours is based on? BG was open a days 2 weeks ago, and in the forum there was a call for transfers to BG. and it looks like enough people followed the call to destroy any kind of balance in player (and player-hours) that it had after relinking.
  21. As said, grinding starts where your mindset is: I want to reach that ASAP.
  22. You can rename them to adult Pets ;)
  23. That is not an absolute number, but depends on the opponents you have, e.g. Elona dominates T5, but lost T4.Using play-hours in fact makes sense, as play-hour differences ARE the main reason to dominate or get dominated. Linking based on population in fact works quite well, but as long as the transfer system is not fixed, it only works for less than one week, then people stack together on the selected winner to get easier wins.
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