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Everything posted by Dayra.7405

  1. Let me give you two typical examples from GW2: EotM vs WvW:Hardcore played WvW, Casuals preferred EotM.WvW was dieing, EotM was alive, Hardcore's were upset and complained a lot that they run out of easy kills and follower they can shout down to feel betterANet decided to follow the hardcore cries and killed EotM by denying PIPS to it. EotM died immediately, WvW still dies as well. Dungeon were completely unplayable at the beginning, when the hardcores played it. Then the hardcores moved to the new Fractals, and dungeons became fun to play. There hardcore's complained that they didn't found parties, the rewards of dungeons got nerved, Hardcores continued complaining, but dungeons where dead as well. So whenever Anet followed Hardcores crying the game got worser and emptier.Time to get rid of the hardcores, and the best first step: kill the DPS-meter.
  2. Even better: Use a commander (or Mentor) Tag. That gathers groups in Open-World quite fast, commander & LFG together even better. And I don't worry if raids and the rest of the DPS-community dies out :) I would rather see it as gain (less toxic people) than as problem. gain???? GAIN????!!???!!? poor casual soul...Maybe, maybe not, but definitely allergic against the attitude of many hardcore player.Hardcore community dies= game dies.Pfft, GW2 exist long time without raids and DPS Meter ;)
  3. Even better: Use a commander (or Mentor) Tag. That gathers groups in Open-World quite fast, commander & LFG together even better. And I don't worry if raids and the rest of the DPS-community dies out :) I would rather see it as gain (less toxic people) than as problem.
  4. These poor mounts should fly with these heavy Charr and Norn sitting on them? Only possibility would be: Asura can climb indefinitelyHuman and Sylvari cannot climb indefinitely, but fly indefinitelyCharr and Norn have only very limited range.But of course ANet doesn't want racial limitations :)
  5. No, No, No: I don't want to see the ugly WoW style of graphic. Fashion Wars 2 and WoW, what a bad idea.
  6. The most likely loss of reading/writing comes from further advance of computer technology. Why should we learn physical reading/writing (beside some Historians), if computer are able to understand, store, write, repeat, read, transmit, translate spoken language or a bit later even our thoughts. And the world-wide productions chains are a quite shaky thing. Do you know how to produce any of our items of daily use out of nature with tools in your possession? Printed encyclopedia become rare nowadays.
  7. Do you think we keep current (or future) civilization and technological level when we devastated earth? I think it was Einstein who said something like: I am unable to predict which weapons will be used in 3rd WW,But I am quite sure the wars after it will be fought with sticks and stones. Getting such gods (or getting their interesting) in time is definitely more difficult :(
  8. We know where Humans developed: Earth. And that we are on the best way of making Earth uninhabitable is also well known.So Gods brought the remaning humans from Devastated-Earth to Tyria for a 2nd chance.Sounds like the best chance humans have to survive the next centuries to me.
  9. The wisperes blackmailed or assassinated the one or other war-driver? (From both sides ofc)
  10. All three orders and Lion Arch support peace and cooperation between the races, that doesn't need a marshal.
  11. He likely do what he always do in such situation: he run away. And I would not call him leader of the pact, more representative or coordinator of the three orders
  12. So you think lets take for example the pact Marshal has to chose between Kryta and the Pact he will chose the Pact? Hm, Logan is in love with Jenna, quite unrepresentative choice for an example.
  13. Their Nation is Lion Arch, not Black Citadel or Divinity's Reach, and by choosing Lion Arch & the Pact over their racial armies they demonstrated that racism is not their main driver.
  14. With the technology advance of the Pact, both Charr and Humans become meaningless as major powers (only interesting as financial/manpower support)Pact would force them to peace rather immediately.
  15. If you see player with a number above 80, that’s how many mastery points they did, not their Lvl. Feel free to go back to central-Tyria the pact-mastery leading to auto-loot is very convenient as well.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Central_Tyria_mastery_tracks
  16. 1) Lvl 80 is max lvl (If you are max lvl and have all available masteries in the current region finished, your exp go to spirit-shard acquisition)2) Exp now goes into Masteries.3) Masteries are different per Region Tyria mastery (Pact-Mastery, e.g. auto-loot, ...): core maps of the base game + LS2HoT masteries (gliding, ...): HoT Maps and LS3 mapsPoF masteries (all the mounts, ...) PoF Maps and LS 4 mapsTo improve your Raptor mastery you have to play on PoF/LS4 mapsTo improve your Pact-Mastery, e.g. to get auto-loot you have to play in core-Tyria or Silver-Wastes or Dry TopTo improve your Gliding, ... you have to play in HoT or LS3 maps In Hero Display-bottom tab you select the masteries your exp will fill if you play in the corresponding region. When a mastery-bar is filled you need to spend Mastery-Points to complete it. You get Mastery-Points either on map or via story or via special achievements (2nd last tab, in your Hero Display). More details: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery
  17. I think at the beginning of gw2 story Charr and human are still at war (since ascalon-searing in gw1) as we negotiate the Peace as Lvl 30 (or 40?) quests. No one joined any side. Don’t see any Reason why this should be different in another war.
  18. thousands???? Why ... why would you keep that many? What else to do with them? Maybe they once become useful, so I kept 4 stacks in the bank, I’ve over 9k spirit chards, what else can be done with them? Some people use 10 per week to make a 'key runner' - a temporary level 10 character who does the first chapter of the personal story to get a black lion key and then is deleted to start over the next week.Yeah, so far, I used the lvl 20 birthday scrolls for that, but still haven't done it often enough to use them all up :) Should I run short of bank-space I likely consume them for spirits-shards in the wallet, but I've a max-bank that will not happen tomorrow :)
  19. thousands???? Why ... why would you keep that many? What else to do with them? Maybe they once become useful, so I kept 4 stacks in the bank, I’ve over 9k spirit chards, what else can be done with them?
  20. Yeah, I always said: leveling to 80 is the tutorial to learn playing your class. You better only skip it, if you know that class or are able to self-study.
  21. Nonsense, invest time in a game, pfft, gaming is per definition "wasting time"Gw2 has a lot of content, and should it really be dying, play the content now, before it's dead ;)
  22. I used the expansion given ones on lvl 80 chars to free the shared inv slot.With birthday scrolls and tomes in my bank (got 6k+ spirit shards, when they were introduced, now have 9k+), I could bring more than 40 new chars to lvl 80. Leveling in Gw2 is rather to fast than to slow. :)
  23. Changing something in WvW seem to have 2 main problems: at least 50% of the players don't want this change, whatever change it is.important changes seem to take over 2 years development time, such that they are already outdated when they finally go live.
  24. Review alone doesn’t help much transfer system need to be fixedhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82410/should-the-transfer-system-be-fixed
  25. Problem with npc‘s is they don't have real AI, but just scripts. Due to that they are boring repetitive very fast. And people are in wvw to escape that repetition in pve.
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