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Everything posted by Zebulous.2934

  1. what about those rune sets that only boost a single condition's duration? Runes of torment for that +50%. Then I just run Viper's gear, maybe a giver's equip and I have 100% torment duration and nothing else. I miss out on power, and other useful stats. My blind, cripple, vulnerability, and confusion are all only at +50% from my Viper's equipment. There are tradeoffs for focusing on a single condition. Of course, if your opponents have several condition cleanses then Condition duration is kinda pointless.
  2. Throw warrior into the closet, along with the underwater combat system! They want you to forget... Warriors and water are just too difficult to balance properly. Forget, forget and play the classes that the devs are comfortable with... and don't fight in the water!
  3. Considering that underwater weapons and underwater weapon skills are never updated or balanced, I assume that subaquatic combat is an abandoned feature. Adding new aquabreathers just reminds players about these things. From what I have read Anet doesn't like to crush hopes. They preserve hope by saying nothing at all. There are all sorts of ways to interpret silence. "We never said that."
  4. I thought that the objection to loincloths were that the cloth covered up the speedos.
  5. With so many legendary weapons and armors I would have expected them to add another trinket and ring by now. I guess legendary relics have got the devs distracted. Oh well.
  6. So the added material sinks are working? The supplies on the trading post are actually not keeping up with demand? That seems odd considering all the complaints about afk farming and/or bots.
  7. Hmm would ridged plastic Halloween spiders trigger arachniphobia? Those don't have eyes and the legs can't move. I am not sure that the gobbler transformation would be a problem. Now if there were a setting, or even an ingame item, that replaced the regular enemy spider model with the cheap toy spider model, that would be fun. We already have the chatoyant lense and the VirtualBox helmet that change game visuals when you equip them.
  8. Is Op's friend aware of Lucas the spider on youtube? He is fairly cute. It may not help, but they may have an interesting experience watching a 2 minute episode.
  9. If they don't want anyone except completionists to have Legendary relics, then I guess they could require people to craft a legendary rune as part of the collection. Though that would mean that the guy who crafted one L rune would have the same amount of compensation as someone who crafted seven L runes. That would ensure that even newly crafted L runes would provide the same compensation as runes crafted pre-expansion. If Anet wants bad publicity that would do it. If such a collection requires three or seven Legendary runes, then I would think that only the hardcore compleationists would ever try to obtain Legendary relic post SotU expansion. "Because you got mad, we made this thing for you. Only for you. We made sure no one else would want to get one."
  10. I wonder if Gw3 would be like overwatch 2? From what I read blizzard cloned overwatch onto a new engine and shut down the original so that people would play the new one. So many players were like: "I have basically paid to reset my account to zero. It is the same game" The amount and length of negative reviews on steam is impressive and entertaining!
  11. That is a good question, without the extra effects why would folks need to switch between a bunch of rune sets? If you are going to need to change armor anyway you might as well have legendary armor. Regular runes pop out of legendary armor just fine. I suppose legendary runes would save you an inventory slot?
  12. Oh? They didn't reduce the material costs of legendary runes ? They took away the sixth rune "wild card" effect. Oh right! They adjusted the stats on runes so that they would be "equivalent" to that missing "wild card" effect. They don't look equivalent to me, but that is what Anet believes. Since Anet is saying that the current adjusted runes are just as powerful as the old version, there will be no materials cost adjustment. If you start making legendary runes now, then you can see what the current runes have as stats. Remember Anet thinks current runes are just as good as the old runes, so there is no need to compensate someone who makes legendary runes after SoTo expansion launched.
  13. Wait. Core elementalist water attunement. None of the other core attunements heal. Been that way from day one. Even mesmers have always been able to heal others. The whole point of Gw2 not having the holy trinity baked into the game is that any class can tank, dps, heal, or support. The spread of boons and skills is a bit wonky across classes. Raid leaders and commanders don't often want to try healers with odd classes. I assume that is why I don't see elementalist healers, or mesmer healers. Why does op act like this is a new thing?
  14. well if they do remove specializations or generalize traits then things will certainly become bland and meaningless. For that matter they need to make alternative traits that are tempting to use. If each specialization only has one trait on each level that is worth using, then there still won't be any build diversity.
  15. I suppose it depends on if the new weapons are strong enough that they don't need specializations. Or if the new weapons have synergy with specific traits in several different specializations. I mostly play staff on core mesmer. Naturally I am using the chaos specialization. Looking at the traits only two are staff specific. Chaotic transference and Chaotic potency. Both are mutually exclusive. One buffs a single staff skill while the other reduces cooldowns for all staff skills. It isn't earth shattering.
  16. "Thoughts on Charr faces? Are you sure?" -Mad King Thorn
  17. It would have been nice to have elaborated about the relic changes. 'Not all of the rune effects will be made into relics,' is very different from actually saying that none of the summoning effects, or stat conversion effects will transition to relics. It wasn't a few odd individual effects that didn't make the cut, it was all of specific types of effects.
  18. They did the same thing with festival food in holiday containers. We complained as soon as we found out, which was after the change had gone live. I don't recall any Dev mentioning the removal of holiday food. The players discussing it on the forums had a theory that it was because of research notes, but the devs never commented. Anet doesn't seem to like to deliver bad news.
  19. So the expansion is aptly named. Good to know. I guess I will go watch a guide when I get around to playing SoTo. I wonder if it is a rookie writer mistake. The devs know the story and forget that the plot progression isn't obvious to regular people. ah well, good luck.
  20. A lot of honesty would have been nice. It is like hiding a clause in the fine print. "If they don't notice right away, everything will be ok." Why do all corporations seem to use this tactic? All that it does is teach the customer to distrust the business. Don't try to sell me something and omit details or use vague language. If a company thinks that a change may upset me, then they are probably correct. They should address the issue directly, not hope that I won't notice. "I didn't want to tell you because I thought that you would get mad." oh? and how well did that work? Did you avoid making me mad?
  21. In the past, whenever I used an upgrade extractor or a BL salvaging kit on an account bound equip, the upgrade that popped out was also account bound. Unless the devs missed a stitch this time. You may want to check up on that.
  22. How odd. Account bound would be enough to keep them out of the tp. That is a strange choice. What if my current build gets nerfed? If my current relic no longer provides benefit to my current character, I would like the option to attach that relic to a different character that could actually use it. It sounds like equipping relics is a risk, and crafting them a hassle. With continuous balance changes, using relics doesn't seem worth it.
  23. Wait are they soulbound because they are exotic? Or because they are coming out of a freebie container? Crafted exotics aren't soulbound. I assume because we weren't originally supposed to train a single character in every crafting profession. That free armor set from a character hitting 80 has a ton of restrictions. Has anyone crafted a basic rune to see? Do we craft a specific rune or do we craft another multiple choice box?
  24. Blah, I confused myself. Somehow I mixed up unlocking seven legendary runes with simple stat switching. I still think that having access to all infusion visuals without obtaining the originals would be going too far. Why farm for the original infusions when you could just farm the legendary? Then there would be the monumental task of farming enough legendary infusions to fill every infusion slot on each piece of equipment. It boggles the mind.
  25. I suppose, though legendary equipment is dependent on what the player has already unlocked. A legendary infusion won't help bring back the missing relic effects. Unless they have decided to turn some of the missing relic effects into a more common visual infusion. I don't think folks would be happy for the effects to become super rare infusions.
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