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Everything posted by Zebulous.2934

  1. For that matter the mobs could have horrible versions of current skills. Short duration, long cooldowns, ect. Just being able to use some of the effects that we can use could increase the difficulty just enough. Like giving an amature carpenter a set of stone tools to work with. The bad skills would have to be balanced so that they weren't irrelevant.
  2. No, I have no interest in answering that question in this thread. Feel free to start your own thread about how Anet should incentivize pve combat. I have read plenty of complaints on that topic and those threads didn't even discuss power creep
  3. It kinda sounds like "combat flow" fosters power creep. Things live longer if they don't stand in fire and can deflect or dodge attacks. The solution to power creep, while maintaining combat flow, is to turn enemies into durable statues? Sure, it is awkward for critters to run around and do things, but it makes player skills and timing more relevant. Aren't the people who are complaining about power creep saying that combat is too simple? Just maintain buffs, auto attack, and try not to get hit?
  4. I would think that Mob abilities could have cooldowns. Since the mobs are not actually intelligent a player could bait out an enemy ability and then take advantage of the cooldown timer.
  5. veteran an champion critters could also benefit from being able to dodge or walk out of aoe. Killing a single mob before it becomes a problem is preferred, though they usually spawn in groups. Preferably the player would have to prioritize certain mobs in a group. A condition build and a power build may prioritize different critters depending upon what support skills those critters use.
  6. I am told that long ago pve mobs could dodge attacks, cleanse conditions, break out of stun or rooted, and interrupt attacks. That sounds impressive for Queensdale bandits. Further it seems that these pve mobs were too difficult to fight. With so many complaints about power creep, are enemies with utility skills and ability still too difficult for most players? Perhaps expansion critters could regain this lost fighting ability? I suppose not all pve enemies should learn how to fight. Pocket raptors that can dodge or gain flanking bonuses sound truly difficult. I guess the core map mobs would have to remain lobotomized for the sake of new players, poor Queensdale bandits. If you would improve pve mob fighting ability how would you do so? What regions and expansions should have more intelligent mobs?
  7. Well instead of turning everything into a hp sponge. Bosses and lesser enemies could be given utility skills. Condition cleanses, boon rips, interrupts, ect. Whether the enemies have algorithms that can effectively use those abilities is another matter.
  8. On the cosmetic relics idea: I read that the relics that activate on elite skill use had fancy visuals, I decided that those relics were just another version of a finisher. On another note: I wouldn't mind if some relics acted like visual infusions.
  9. You assume two fully functional hands. To be fair Op never mentioned physical impairment of any kind.
  10. I thought this was standard practice across most mmos that have socketed equipment. Only a few of them sell items to extract a socketed upgrade. The other mmos I have played tell you that the socketed upgrade is permanently stuck to the equip, you can destroy the upgrade to replace it, but never recover that upgrade.
  11. I would prefer several cosmetic infusion slots. Some of the infusions are difficult to see unless you stack two or more of the same infusion. Some effects require two or more different infusions. If they do add cosmetic infusion slots I would like to be able to set the order they load when we change maps. Some effects only work if infused equipment is equipped in a specific order. Currently changing maps can scramble the load order of our visual infusions. Sometimes it loads in the desired order, other times one effect cancels another.
  12. Hmm. I had been told that the most noticeable effect of magic find was that larger percentages of MF replaced grey and white equipment drops with something else in the loot table. That would technically improve drop chances for better loot. I vaguely recall that a MF score of 300% would always replace a potential grey or white bordered equipment drop with something else. I did wonder what Magic Find was supposed to do if a critter's drop table didn't have trash tier equipment to begin with. This was a memory from years ago, it may have changed, or it may have been a rumor to begin with.
  13. Looking at the expansion exclusive relics we have now, I don't imagine people will want to unlock every new relic. So many relics have trivial effects or inconvenient activation conditions. If the new relics are similar to the recent batch then I would expect to only desire to unlock one relic per expansion, or none if they continue to be poorly implemented. I don't believe significant fomo will be generated by expansion exclusive relics.
  14. Hmm. I have encountered corporations that fail to mention requirements. Sometimes the R&D fails to mention an important detail to the customer service reps. Then customers become upset, customer service is upset, and the Devs don't understand why the bit they forgot to mention wasn't obvious to everyone else. OP has a relevant question. In an ideal world we wouldn't need the expansion when the only requirement stated is that we need to have crafted a Legendary rune, but It may be a requirement none the less. Someone should probably check on that, just in case. After all, even NASA managed to bungle a Mars rover because of poor communication. (They made the landing calculations in feet, but programmed the landing computer in meters. Assumptions all around, no one bothering to check the units of measurement. One very destroyed Rover.)
  15. yeah, when the popup bribes you to change maps with +5% exp, just refuse. Hopefully your current map will have enough participents to finish the meta within the hour left. Granted, it is frustraiting when you are in a group that is running pre-meta events and the map decides that it will close in an hour. When you have already compleated a few major triggers to start the meta, but now there won't be enough time to finish the meta when it does start.
  16. It would be nice if old Lion's Arch could get its Halloween decorations back once a year. I guess king Thorn doesn't have to be present. Just a bit more nostalgia. I don't remember old LA decorating for any other festival. Hopefully the old LA Halloween map is floating around in storage somewhere.
  17. There must be something difficult about making skins for temporary summons. Eso made one, just one, and decided never again. Some kind of a warden, it had a brown bear pet, the skin was a grey bear. Could anyone list a few mmos that do have alternate skins for summons and or spell effects? Oh and are those mmos third person or some other perspective?
  18. I imagine that voice actors can impersonate one another. Perhaps it is a Chuck Hhuber inspired voice. Just wait, I am sure AI is being trained on the voice recordings of several actors.
  19. Hmm, I didn't know that the warclaws were just wingless griffens, that is interesting. That probably means that sharing skins between jackal and warclaw is out though. Making similar skins from scratch would be possible of course. I would expect duplicate skins on different mounts to still have their own gem cost. Perhaps a slight discount if there were a bundle. Feline mount bundle?
  20. hmm, do the various tiger skins have identical animations? I would guess that if all tiger shaped skins animate the same then this "merging" could be done. If someone has a white tiger jackel skin, an armored tiger warclaw skin, and a Canthan Tigris Griffon skin then they could tell us.
  21. hmm folks are getting confrontational about minutiae.
  22. I am not sure about the higher demand theory. Instead of trying each relic out, I would simply wait and research what other people do. Then I would buy a single relic. So many people like to make youtube video guides, the wiki is also helpful. If relics were account bound I would buy more relics to test edge case uses. If my test found the effect to be too poor, I could at least transfer the relic to a more fitting character. Since relics are soul bound there is too much of a risk that an edge case application will be patched out later. Then I won't be able to transfer the relic to a character who can use the relic for its intended effects. I don't think that soulbinding encourages multiple purchases, I think it encourages an informed single purchase.
  23. Hmm. You have to sit in a chair for 4 minutes if you want the equivalent 4 hour buff from Arborstone. That is fine for idle chatting in towns. It is actually very mmo in its design. The free method takes some time. It is a fairly generous rate, 10 seconds of sitting for 1 minute of buff.
  24. Hmm would you like circular and branching paths? Multiple ways to find the group that you are looking for. For example, looking for an octovine meta group: Metas, auric basin, done. Or Heart of Magumma, auric basin, large squads, done. Probably not nessassary, but not everyone has the same search habits, or search methods.
  25. Dissapointed that the moth skin doesn't have a mouth? Do you all happen to watch a vtuber named Juniper? Juniper Actias? Just slight curiosity on my part. Occasionally she designs nightmare type mandibles for her model. Of course anime likes to put scary mouths on moths as well. Even the kaiju Mothra has chompers.
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