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Everything posted by MrGarlic.1834

  1. I hate WvW. I find it tedious and repetitive, and yet I still managed to get 2 confluxes, both within the last 12 months It's a you problem. If you want something badly enough, it's up to you to go and get it and not whine about it on the forums.
  2. People come and go. In this case, they mostly go.
  3. Good idea. Apparently dragons like fish so that may be enough to distract SooWon for a few seconds.
  4. It appears not, but 15 AP is nothing to sniff at. Still, it does mean there is no reason to do this JP right now, it might be better to wait a few weeks until the rush is over if you are worried about being ganked and still want the achievement. As I said earlier, when I did the JP, I was alone. I didn't see anyone else in there. The OP might have just been a bit unlucky. (Or I was a bit lucky.) I do play off-peak US time, so I do have that advantage. There's not many people around at 3-5AM USA time.
  5. If you live in a time-zone where there are fewer people online, then it is considerably harder to find a group doing the meta, if there are any groups at all. I'm not saying there aren't any groups, but it is much harder to get into one if there is. Mostly the only people I see doing the meta are the ones who just turned up on the map and are just 'giving it a go' because there is no organised group. It pretty much always fails, it has for me.
  6. I'm not going to criticise the meta. It is what it is. But for me, after 13 attempts and 13 failures, I gave up wasting time on it. There is so much else to do in the game that is actually enjoyable or achievable, so I do those instead. (I could do with the mastery point though.)
  7. Last time I heard this discussed in my OCE guilds, they have pretty much stopped selling them here in NZ. There were a few cards here and there still available, but once they were gone, that's it. EB staff were next to useless with info. I've never seen them in my only local EB store. Frankly, there's not much PC stuff in there anyway, mostly consoles and plastic bubble head junk. Good luck if you find any. EDIT: for spelling
  8. Trolls will be trolls, everywhere they go. Whether it is in a PvP or PvE environment, they are still trolls. It's a personality trait. However, I did the OS JP on the morning before weekly reset and I was alone in there so all the falling off I did was my own fault. Thankfully I was totally alone in there; just me and some NPC's. I was surprised to be honest. Annoying of ANET to make this a LS1 achievement. It was just asking for trolling. Enabling of the behaviour. Poor form.
  9. Some of the hero points in Orr are a pain, especially the one patrolled by a champion. The stealthy charr heart is not too hard. There are 2 flags behind the tents and if you sneak passed one guard when he disappears, you can alternate between the 2 flags without risk. But you will need to wait for them to respawn, which thankfully isn't too bad. But it is the easiest way.
  10. It's a similar problem to Living World 4 maps. I do often resort to doing the story to get a POI in the Domain of Istan. But, keep checking LFG for 24hour Silverwastes RIBA groups and join one of those.
  11. I was surprised how easy the skyscale was compared to the Griffin. No change needs to happen to skyscale acquisition no matter what happens with WoW. GW2 and Wow are quite different games with different target audiences.
  12. I played MUDs on a BBS when modems were 300 baud. 🙂 Newer stuff is much better. No need for graph-paper to manually draw your dungeon map.
  13. Turn off 'Show All Player Names' in the options screen. Your game will run faster for this event.
  14. I enjoy map completion so this would not be something I would utilise. ymmv
  15. If you have all the waypoints in Gendarran fields unlocked and be on the map before it spawns, you can still have time to walk to the LLA before it becomes vulnerable. That said, a full raid rotation isn't required but some people just can't help themselves. 🙂
  16. I collect things, items, mats, achievements and shinies. Then I make stuff with them and sell them. Then I collect more stuff, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum. I don't feel the need to be challenged by a game's hard content. I've had a lifetime of challenges. Now I just want to be left alone to my casualness and play the game my way and do what I want to do. (I do a bit of WvW though because there are things I collect there. ) Each to their own.
  17. It happens even if none of the opposition dies. It seems to be RNG. I have no idea why it seems so random. I've been destroyed many times and not done any damage to any opponent due to stuns etc, but sometimes get the full 10 mins participation. It makes no sense.
  18. I'd prefer Anet didn't get involved with 3rd party malware or meta-data collectors. Viva-la-independence.
  19. Legendaries are only visual fluff anyway and don't really add anything above ascended items, except a little bit of convenience. If Anet made Gen 1 and 3 weapons available for Gems, I would not care less. If it adds funds into the coffers of Anet to help keep the game alive, then I would welcome it. It is highly unlikely I would ever buy one for gems. I'm too poor. I would prefer to make them anyway. The journey making the weapon is more entertaining than the weapon itself, for me.
  20. Remember, a journey of a thousand miles is taken step by step. It may take time but as long as you are making progress, then your journey's end will arrive. Also, ignore Dante's negative post above. The skyscale is awesome. Use all of your mounts when the right one is needed.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if Anet was considering a new Legendary armour set for strikes.
  22. I bought a brand new account so I could go from personal story through living world 1 when it is released and onwards through to the end in correct order. I'm kind of looking forward to doing Heart Of Thorns without a mount. That's something I missed as I've been playing since mounts were introduced.
  23. It also takes stacks of junk supposedly hidden in invisible bags. I lost a large amount of broken spoons I was collecting which were in a 20-slot safe box. I do have quite a lot of jade slivers now, but I wanted the spoons.
  24. I 'insta-died' on landing, the first time I landed this morning. Was quite a surprise. I certainly hope this gets fixed asap, It's absolutely stupid.
  25. I wholeheartedly agree with you. It's such old content now that surely this shouldn't be an issue.
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