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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. I'm closing on 40 and it definitely shows. I've tried Starcraft 2 after a long time a few weeks a go and felt like throwing my keyboard through the window. When you know what you need to do but just can't because the fingers can't keep up.

    I would be probably competing for high ranks in spvp 10 years a go but now I'm just happy when I float around gold, mostly just playing builds I find fun and staying away from high intensity ones. 

    Need to install a good competitive fps one day. I found out that I'm still quite good at those probably because I was playing Quake and UT religiously for like 15 years. The only problem I have is that every fps I see nowadays is bloated with useless crap; live services, progression systems, classes, skins... 

    • Like 5
  2. Its quite normal for a new player to die from time to time. Veterans tend to forget that.  Its a lot about mechanics. 

    When you come back after you develop some muscle memory youll just plow through these enemies. 

    Neither elementalist or warrior are easy mode compared to some classes. Both can have great solo builds though. 

    Btw how are you dodging? Double tap? If yes,  stop now and bind a separate key. 

    • Like 4
  3. I dont see why the weekly missions are limited. I dont think it would hurt anyone if they were permanent (still one time deal) for players that missed it and for future players. In the end they are a material sink and would do better if they were available for everyone. 

    Also thank you to remove some of the FOMO from the game. This is always good.

    • Like 6
  4. On 3/5/2023 at 7:08 AM, Hashire Kazemeijin.6719 said:

    One possibility I don't see ever really mentioned anywhere; what all do people think of Specter right now? My main and signature character is Thief, but given my own playstyles, Specter never really interested me. But is it support-y enough to get a consideration?

    Specter is actually superb choice because it has targeted healing and supporting and is great hybrid. Great for duo play. 

    The problem is that the path to specter is comletely of a selfish dps. 

  5. DE is great, best meta currently in game imo and Seitung has a few interesting enemies. 

    Hot metas have great mechanics, multiple lanes coordination. The design is great but the powercreep caught up and now you spend most of the time waiting and staring at the wall because the bosses just melt in a minute. Its strange if bosses dont die in the first burn phase. 

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  6. 26 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    Stand Your Ground: Resolution and Stability.

    Advance: Aegis and Swiftness.

    Then you need to take Sanc in the free slot to have enough Defiance Break.

    This leaves you with one slot to use for Healing to trigger Quickness.

    These limits encounter design, especially when it comes to DPS requirements since the best uptime you can hope for is less than 100%, which means that the DPS requirement for the encounter has to be smaller, and when the group can somehow finagle their Quickness uptime to 100% it becomes too easy since the DPS done hypothetically exceeds the requirement.

    How would it be bad for the game if Liberator's Wow was changed from AoE Quickness on healing to AoE Quickness on using Pages and activating Virtues? Then change Swift Scholar to give Resolution instead since having basic access to Quickness/Alcrity without any costs goes against the design philosophy that ANet has stated itself.

    Again I agree with your general notion. And I am all for having quick and alac being as passive as possible or at least not require spamming all your utilities like some classes. Many current applications are annoying and spammy. 

    But FB is a bad example. Do this analysis for other supports and see where you get. 

    Also you have the option of Mantra of Liberation and F3 page 5.

    Everyone can CC. FB already has decent CC on weapons. If FB cant take sanc, you have 9 other players to fill in. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

    And what will you do if ANet makes a strike where you need to have Stability, group Aegis, and a high ability to inflict a Defiance Break?

    ANet is unable to make those encounters since Firebrands can never fulfill all of those and still be able to have a 100% uptime on Quickness. 

    You just described one of the standard FB setups. Not only can fb do it, he can do all of that in limited capacity without filling any of the flexible utility slots. You can still take more aegis and stability/stunbreak if you need excessive amount of those. And you still have one free slot. 

    • Like 1
  8. I generally agree with the notion. But Firebrand, especially healing? Yeah ok you need to take 2 utility skills, but rest are open with lots of strong options. But not only that, the base kit is already loaded with everything else but ress skill. 

    Also what makes Firebrand great is that it rarely gets locked in animations or worse in the wrong attunment, legend, without celestial avatar... Many instant casts. Its really easy to react on FB. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. My top 3 great sword classes exclusively by how the weapon feels, not how meta it is. 

    1. Ranger. Yeah it's not a heavy armour class. But kitten that GS feels great. It has heavy hitting skills with AA chain and GS2. GS2 is just awesome and combo with gs5 that resets g2 just deletes. It has mobility, great CC and parry. And while not always meta on power setup in pve, its always viable.

    2. Guardian. Yeah power guardians are not currently so good in pve meta. But that can change. Great sword feels great though. Its just a touch better than warrior imo because it doesnt root you on your big dmg skill. It has a bit of a caster feeling though with the animations. Symbol and some blue particle effects. That might turn you off if you look for a warrior type.

    3. Warrior. The GS is very good, the vibe is what you want from it. It can be a bit clunky with slower animations but they fixed that a bit lately. Big hitter gs2 roots you which is a bummer. There is also Arc Divider (F1 skill) on berserker which feels great. That one puts it over the guardian imo. Yeah GS hasn't been the best weapon of choice for power warriors in pve (it has been in pvp). But its not far behind and you can make it work.

    Vindicator, reaper. Well first of all you are limited to elite specialisations for GS. But even beyond that, while not bad weapons at all, the animations have that caster feeling though more than big brute warrior feeling.

  10. No reward for losing, more reward for winning. Problem solved. 

    Or the time spent at spawn counts as "out of arena time". You reach 20 sec out of arena you dont get any rewards. But this one is quite easily exploitable. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 26 minutes ago, Redsnabba.9172 said:

    It's hard to get a real value for gen 2 as they are all account bound but the pure crafting costs are actually really similar. I think there's a point to be made for gen 3 to be slightly cheaper but having facets to unlock than a gen 2 legendary. I think it gives them an interesting spot between the cheaper gen 1 and more expensive gen 2.
    Also when you say around 2.2k gold do you mean crafting costs, buy order or sell order costs?

    Crafting cost.

    Yeah they could increase the crafting cost of additional skins but if you want reliable sink I think it's better if you front load it into base weapon. It's too late now though, many have already crafted it, so maybe they need to increase the crafting cost of skins with adding more base materials.

    Maybe just saying 2.2k crafting cost is a bit too general as it really depends on the market at the time. But I don't know what they were thinking making them so easy to craft in general. And on top you get a free precursor. 

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Redsnabba.9172 said:

     I think in this entire post nobody even was talking about the base cost of the legendaries. There are people like me who want anet to fix the prices to a level where it's not just the legendary itself that has an okay price but also the facets.

    Well I quoted your post where you said gen3 price should be on par with others. I agree, I think gen3 base price should be around 2.2k gold. I think thats a good price for a new legendary. 

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Redsnabba.9172 said:

    It makes sense that gen 3 is cheaper than gen 2 because they added part of the costs on facets. What doesn't make sense is that each facet costs over 400 gold

    What do Facets have to do with gen3? Gen3 work just fine without facets as fat as I know.

    I think they need to update the materials for gen3. Basic mats are way to low. Legendaries are good materials sinks and it shows they went to low with this generation.

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  14. 15 minutes ago, Redsnabba.9172 said:

     There's nothing wrong with asking for gen 3 costing as much as the other gens and everything wrong with you wanting to defend them staying at the current price.

    I agree. I think gen3 should be more expensive just because its the latest legendary. I find it strange that the latest generation is cheaper than years old gen2. Based on the recent drop in material prices I would consider increasing the requirement for base materials for gen3.

    I was crafting gen2s for well over 2k gold. Why are gen3 so cheap?

    • Like 6
  15. 3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Wouldn't it be better if ANet focused only on expansions story-wise and stopped releasing rushed tiny story pieces in between? They could instead focus only on Strikes and Fractals as filler content, maybe?

    I see threads asking whether we needed more story. Well, yeah, it is the heart of every RPG. But it's worthless if it's being delivered in such a frustrating manner like the current chapter was.


    They could even expand the story but on existing maps. New Kaineng, DE have plenty of underused space for that. Maybe open a new cave or a building on existing maps for some new areas. The number of maps is getting out of hands anyway. 

    2 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    I don't do fractals nor strikes. So what's in it for me?

    And other players do? What was in this update for them? 

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

     The reality we live in however is one where it didn't get through to way too many of them. Those are not the same realities.

    I dont know about reality because I dont know the numbers. All I know when I lead random squads and want the bar broken, I will say in chat 3% in advance "Cc at 75%" and bars get broken. Consistently. I dont really see any issues with players and break bars. 

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    12 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    Jade Runestone price Feb 27, 2023 - 32silvers

    Jade Runestone price Mar 2 2023 - 80silvers

    Difference +48 silvers / +250%


    Jade Runestone May 23, 2022 - 18 silvers

    Jade Runestone May 25, 2022 - 58 silvers

    Difference +40 silvers / +320%


    Jade Runestone June 27, 2022 - 27 silvers

    Jade Runestone July 7, 2022 - 71 silvers

    Difference +44 silvers / +262%


    The exact same item has had big shifts before.

    The price is already dropping, its business as usual. 

    Also let me quote myself from a few months a go:

    On 8/23/2022 at 1:16 PM, Cuks.8241 said:

    New expansion are great oppportunity for making gold due to scarcity of new mats and general shake up of prices. While its already a bit late, its still not settled.

    Hint there are some updates in pipeline that will surely be great opportunity. 


    • Like 3
  18. Balanced rpg is against its nature. Because that would mean any character choice that affect combat should be meaningless. 

    On 2/25/2023 at 2:47 PM, Shaigat.8935 said:

    Should games 1-on-1, 100% offensive character vs 100% defensive character (controlled by equally skilled players) have 50/50 win ratio?

    Thats not even a question of balance, I think, its just a design choice. But my answer would be depends on winning conditions of game mode. If game mode is last man standing, offensive character should have the upper hand because otherwise games would never end (see early wow arena seasons). 

  19. 7 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    I believe OW metas should be accessible for all types of players and should succeed without pre-formed groups if at least 50% (or 2/3 or maybe 3/4) of ad-hoc players participating in the fight know and execute the fight mechanics and also do decent damage. 

    If you create a meta that requires 2/3 or 3/4  of players to execute mechanics and also do decent dmg... hey I wouldn't even say decent I would say any dmg above what dedicated healers can do. That would be the hardest meta ever by a long shot, would be harder then most, maybe all normal strikes. Those can probably all be 2 manned or less unless there is some mechanic I am currently missing (thinking about HT pushing phases with adds but even there maybe).

    Your requirements are very optimistic. I would say metas are easily below 10% required participation range with maybe a few sticking out. 

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  20. If you play only 1 month look for exotic, orange gear. Trading Post should do.

    The build is for open world, it's not super important to have all the same as the build you copied.

    A mix of sinister and carrion is a cheaper variant to viper and ritualist. You will lose on expertise if you can't afford viper but for a start its ok. Celestial is also generally good on Harbinger.

    There are no bonuses for stacking same stats on armor and weapon. Only runes you slot into armor give bonuses for stacking. Find decent runes, those give a lot of stats.


  21. 3 hours ago, Andifulated.3482 said:

    Yeah, because I believe that all legendary weapons should be similar in craft cost and price.  There shouldn't be this disparity between them as they all serve the same base QOL functions.  The choice a player should make to go after a legendary should be for the skin, not because one is super cheap vs the other options and the QOL that comes from having a legendary should just be a side benefit.

    That's all well and probably also the goal. But you would have to remove player driven economy for that. 

    It's fair to say 11 year old items are not as desirable as brand new and thus the price is lower. Over time the same will happen with gen3. Probably even more so because a very larger chunk of the price is tied to unique materials. If they don't introduce more sinks for these materials, the price of gen3s and their variants might even plummet too much overtime.

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