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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 1 hour ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    There's no way to easily eliminate skill clicking entirely, you have to bind every action in the game to the WASD area or have a specialised mouse, although I've seen people do both, but under normal circumstances reaching anything beyond about 1-5 and F1-F4 is a struggle when you have small hands.

    Thats actually a miss conception. It is actually very easy and fast to get used to binds.

    You bind everything and never ever click again anything. Ever. You intend to click? NO! Find that button.

    The first hour you might feel dumb because youll be just standing there looking silly while you try to figure out what to click. But the progress is fast.  Time to adapt will probably depend on how adept you are in the first place but it becomes natural very fast.

    Gw2 has decent amount of button but not that many.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    I don't know what you're talking about, I've played gw2 for 10 years and I click to this very day. While I do use the keyboard for movement and skills, I'm not doing it for the camera. Especially since the camera options lend themselves quite nicely to using a mouse.

    Usually a "clicker" is someone that clicks skills with the mouse cursor on the skill bar instead of pressing the shortcut either on keyboard or mouse. Its not only that the camera lends nicely to the mouse its actually locked to mouse wheel (at least zoom) in this game which is actually a shame because I usually utilise those for other shortcuts. On the other hand most other games dont mess with your camera as gw2 does.

    And its definitely objectively slower to click. It just takes more actions and you also need to move mouse cursor while you will want to use it for precise targeting/ground targeting. Also this game has these nice fast release option for ground targeting which really fastens the ground targeted skill use.

    • Confused 1
  3. I cringe a bit when I see a streamer or someone on youtube click skills potentially judging/reviewing the game. You kinda expect reviewer to know how to play.

    On the other hands there are players that can get very good even with clicking so dont want to label them as bad right away since well they might just be better than me.

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  4. 5 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

    Hello , if you are about compressing time doing 2 things in one , i can advice you to take the leg collection for gen. 1 weapons  and the first 4 weapons of gen. 2 (it cost almost nothing for the 1st collection step ) , in almost all those collection there are part where you need to kill a world boss , do this fractal or this specific event , so while you play you will achieve some of those , even you not intended to do so . 



    This is a very good advice. At least start all the collections you can and youll be completing some steps unintended. Doing Orr shrines multiple times for different collections is a pain. 

    Get your mounts early. 

    Get your mentor tag through masteries. Maybe commander also once you buy the neccesary stuff (mounts). 

    Dont hoard gold, hoard materials. Gold is just a useless number and there are taxes on transactions. Materials is what you will need.  With this I mean dont sell materials unless you really need gold or you are sure you are selling at a good price. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Here's why its going to be annoying as kitten to do it large scale that way - those players cant be counted into the average. The "full" cap wouldnt be like today, it would be extremely strict since all teams would technically almost be "full" at reschuffle, with some allowance for new players. Like it would fill up in seconds if people decided to stack the "popular" team and then it'd be a whackamole game since they all have to close and open to maintain that rough average. And if you want that settled BEFORE the season actually start... what are we going to do, wait 2 months with locked WvW every other 2 months just for every random pug to finish choosing team?

    I dont think you need to have it settled before start. Maybe you can settle it at the point when a player without alliance enters the WvW for the first time after the rematch. Player enters the WvW, gets a choice of open teams (maybe there is only one, maybe there are a bunch) and if he doesn't choose any team, the algorithm determines his team.

    This will need to be done anyway during the match for the new players so teams will never be fully locked and will grow continuously. 

    The confidence might be even better if its not all settled before the rematch and is done at the first login for non alliance players. At least you know that way that a player intends to play WvW during this match.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

    Alliance cap will be 500.  Not 250.  

    You’ve played the game a bunch.  You know what the average, non consistent WvW player says when they pop on the map and there are no commanders.  

    Without the guilds staying healthy, and training new commanders, it’ll be far worse.  

    Mixed up the numbers I guess. Definitely better, doesn't fully invalidate my point though.

    The mode is a symbiosis of everyone. There arent just 2 poles, plenty of grey in between with all sorts of players. 

    The thing is no one made a point against the team choice anyway. Its mostly just "forget about dirty casuals, they dont matter". Ok there are the band wagon griefers. But I dont believe you if you tell me you wont miss your every day server flamer.    

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

    Alliance cap won’t be less than guild cap.

    250 was the number thrown around a few times. Open to changes. Even if its more this will limit spots in good alliances and thus guilds.

    Unless the number will be really high. But that would be problematic for balance since than you could have some serious power stacking.   

    We plan to align 3 guild in alliance (if this ever happens and most dont just quit). At 250 alliance cap that's ~80 spots per guild. There will be some cut off.

    And I am not afraid for my boss exposure 🙂 Alliances are good for active guilds. But the mode is not just guilds. We are probably less important for the mode's survival than the random players.  

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  8. Just now, Strider Pj.2193 said:

    Again, if you aren’t willing to do what they ask, then find another guild.


    You don’t get a free pass for the benefits of a commander if you aren’t willing to put something in other than a warm body.

    And sure, commanders do it.  But many would prefer people who WILL get on discord and use a comped class.  

    If fact, the ones I run with will kick those  not on discord or on a comped class for someone who IS on discord and a comped class.


    Reality:  there are options for players that want their cake.  They just come with a price to have it and eat it too.

    We will not be accepting players in guild that aren't dedicated. If alliance cap is 250 that's for sure.

    Our boss has a big following. He does lot's public runs and we all like it. Every evening doesnt need to be a discord raid. We do learning evening for anyone to join, kinda the point. I get whispered in game to say hello to my guild boss. Whats the harm if those guys that are not in the guild but like to play with us when we go open tag can get a choice to maybe join us for a match. 

    • Sad 1
  9. Just now, Strider Pj.2193 said:

    Or, I mean, they could just ask to join that commanders guild…..  Problem solved.


    Guarantee if the player is wanting to learn and help, most of the commanders will have slots for them.  

    Thats the best solution for sure. But there are guilds that have strict requirements to join but the commanders might also run morning ppt public runs or public casual Thursdays or evening drunk raids or whatever.

    Actually many popular commanders do just that on the evenings when not guild raiding and they attract massive population that might not even join the discord or squad. And that is fine and intended by all parties involved.

  10. They should just let solo players without wvw guild and thus without alliance pick a team at the start of rematch. They should be able to check which alliances/guilds are on that team and they could pick a team with their for example favourite public commander.

    And once the team's solo players quota is filled it just turns full. First come first serve. Maybe the team quota could reopen if enough players join the other teams so some players might get angry about it but it would still give them some choice beyond being randomly thrown somewhere every rematch.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Kalthea.4326 said:

    I was more getting at the implications of a game saying you can play your way (especially one that lacks defining roles other than "gives x boon"), and someone commenting that they should just change their build to have instant casts, when that just doesn't always work out. What if they don't want to play any other class? What if the class they're playing doesn't have utilities that perform the way they want them do? Don't get me wrong, I understand this game plenty well, and play every class and build, and yeah, it's good to have that knowledge and try to change things up for the better. However, that doesn't mean that I'm suddenly going to ignore a complaint about how a game feels, or support this concept that everyone needs to change to the game's whims when the forums are all about pointing out issues and having discussions.


    Besides, one of the biggest complaints about Warriors is how slow their Autos are, how often they are rooted in place during attacks, and their end lag.

    You still want some class identity. Its how it works in any game and how I think should be also in gw2. Having the ability to change build and/or weapon to change the play style is still available in gw2 and it gives way more freedom as most other games. 

    Fast paced rogue like melee class with fast combos. Big hit long range nuker with long animations. Risky to cast but big reward if it hits... You remove that, well whats the point of classes.

    But yeah if the author plays a great sword Warrior I can see why the game might feel clunky to him.  

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  12. You would need to change healing, cleansing and boons. Possibly also some stun breaks. 

    I dont have anything against the idea, I wouldnt mind increased range on boons, it would probably benefit the game. 

    I do hate targeted healing in games. From the bottom of my hearth. Constantly changing targets all the time as a group healer and being a heal bot. I prefer the GW2 way  where you dont need to focus on specific targets all the time and can actually look at the game and you know support in other ways and even do some dps. But hey if others like that kind of game play style thats also fine for me, Ill  manage without playing a healer.

    Stacking can be countered by encounter design. There are plenty of good encounters that require spreading out or splitting. But yeah wider boon range sounds good to me.

  13. Skills need to have cast/animation times to open up counter play in pvp. It would be unplayable otherwise.

    I wouldnt say WoW combat is better or worse (its different, slower) but WoW has longer cast times, most skills are on 1-1.5 sec global CD and often root you. They added many RNG procs (its been a long time since I quit wow so maybe this was reverted) which might feel fun in pve but just bring another rng layer to pvp which I dont like.

    Also the animations are better in gw2, wow has mostly generic animation that dont tell you much. So you have to rely on cast bars which with borderline cheating addons  turn the game into watching bars and frames instead of the animations.

    Maybe its not the cast times that actually bothers you.

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  14. I ditched festival grinds years a go and I am not vanilla player. First of all the gold gain is decreasing steadily each year because everyone seem to go harder on the grind each year and the market is over flooded with festival stuff which less and less people need. And second do I really want to grind the same map for weeks for a little higher gold gain if I could just play the modes I like and still earn gold without even noticing it. 

    As for the lab rules. In my opinion if a commander advertises a certain set of rules they should be respected. There are plenty of different maps and commander and you should find one you like. Personally I liked no trinkets and no mounts including bosses. The first two are actually win, win. You get to tag the most mobs = more gold and you dont need to keep up the frantic pace and race everyone for the tags. The bosses I like just because they break the pace a bit so I dont die of boredom after 1 lap.

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  15. 1000% agree.

    I would say herald and tempest definitely need redesign. For herald they could add a trait that exchanges protection and super speed from elite facet to quickness and with decent concentration and smart use of F2 you could keep up full quickness just with that. The energy cost of the passive part would also be reduced so you could use other facets for other boon uptime. Or do that to some other facet.

    FB is not as bad as mantras are instant so they dont really interrupt rotations and you still have enough leeway with the up time and insane amount of utility packed in tomes. Spammy? Yes. Does it completely negate all other utility due to quickness? Not really.

    Banner warrior. Well we're used to being a banner slave. Banner of tactics is wasted though because you have so much cool utility packed with it but you will use it off CD just for quickness. I've seen good suggestions to add a flip skill on banners which would let you control when to activate the on placement effects.

    Harbinger quickness is actually almost completely passive. 

    For the other I am not so familiar with. Qrapper I am not sure how much you need to spam gyros to get the full up time and how much utility is lost on that.

    edit: I think ideally the full up time should be achieved with sacrificing some stats either through concentration or rune selection, grand master trait, 1 utility slot. Maybe 2 but the second one shouldn't be situational and also have a dps component or some passive boon component  (might, fury, regeneration, vigor). 

    • Thanks 1
  16. 19 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    You don't need to min-max for this, true. What you're missing is that boons are not just a case of min-maxing. They increase your damage to such a massive degree that there's just no option to go without them.

    When i say "to a massive degree" i don't mean just +20% or even +50%. I mean as much as tripling your damage. So, someone doing a respectable 21k on boss, without boons might end up doing somewhere around 7k. What is worse, lack of boons doesn't just nerf damage from one player, but from the whole (sub)squad.

    That is why raid group composition is dictated by boons. And why, as long as boons will keep being such a massive force multiplier, they will always remain primary concern.

    I agree, boons have just too much role in overall performance. The first post is a bit incoherent but as far as I understood the author doesnt like to be pigeonholed into specific profession. While some professions are still better than the others, Anet has greatly expanded boon accessibility. Might and fury are pretty much a given now. And we have a lot of quick and alac sources right now and many dps builds have some personal uptime also, especially on quickness.

    Unless we are talking the latest Strike CMs, most fights have very large room for error. So even if your uptime is not the best you should be fine.

    I think Anet missed a good chance with Eod. They could nerf quickness and alacrity efficacy before Eod and balance new bosses with that in mind. Old fights would be just fine. And still expand boon accessibility. I would go even farther and make alac and quick 10 man by default in pve and make them a domain of healing supports. This would make group building much easier. But its to late now, they went with this direction, its better then it was.

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  17. On 10/5/2022 at 5:06 PM, wasss.1208 said:

    Because the Balance team doesn't want Scrapper to have: Heal, cleanse, superspeed, stab, projectilehate, stealth, and quickness. This is pretty much a full package, and as long, as Scrapper has access to all of this, other supports will never be considered. Hence the "smiters booning" of Sneak Gyro, and the quickness on superspeed. Now it has heal, cleanse, superspeed, stab, projectilehate, and technicly you can still give stealth via Toss Elixir S, and Bomb kit -> smoke blasting, it is just clunkier.

    As long as Scrapper will be the best choice for super speed and cleansing and perhaps healing it wont change anything. Healing might not even be that important its probably just super speed and cleansing.

    Stealth is a fun and skilled mechanic for group fights. Maybe the full duration of the gyro with full blasts was too long but they should leave the smoke field. And the visual indicator is just stupid. It doesnt change anything but its still stupid. A skilled and aware commander/group always knew when an enemy group went to stealth. And going to stealth first was a risk. You could hear the blasts (now you cant anymore) and you can mark enemy and look at mini map when the mark dissapears if the group was our of sight. So visual and sound indication. Now they removed sound indicator and gave a second stupid visual indicator.

    And if group stealth would be such an OP mechanic overall everyone would always want 1 or 2 mesmers in the group. And while 1 or 2 mesmers were always really great, they were not there because of stealth. It was just added fun bonus just like sneak gyro is.

    Want to nerf Scrapper in WvW? Align the superspeed and cleansing/condi conversion capabilities with tempest. Both on uptime and on demand availability.

    Agree on quickness.

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  18. Having raid group composition dictated by buff/boon coverage is bad. Blizzard found that out somewhere after Woltk if I remember correctly, when the great stat and buff homogenisation took place (I might have missed an expansion).

    On the other hand its mostly just in player's minds that all these compositions are required at all in this game. We dont have some hard raiding here. I did a W1 training run not long a go. When tank asked about toughness at the start, a few of the dps had quite decent toughness and our ele dps had so much toughness, the tank had a problem getting all that toughness together 🙂 We 1 shot VG, Gorseval we failed once so people got a grasp on the immobilising spirit mechanics and Sabetha took a few tries so all players grasped the cannon mechanic. You dont need to min max for this.

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  19. 16 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    why would stop me from afking 20 games in a row, getting lucky wins 4v5 here and there, and then smashing noobs with my mmr being low? nothing. you get rid of afkers by punishing them not by whatever you want to do, it will either do nothing or people will double down.

    I agree with punishing as best counter measure. 

    But in your example at least you need to play half of the matches to get your pips. Now you dont need to play any. 

    Anyway I know this wont change. This pity rewards are now in all games. I dont like it but its how it is now. Less rage I guess. 

  20. Maybe you could share what build you are playing? Necro is a very broad spectrum. 

    Also what I notice is usually the largest difference between teams at lower ratings and why players feel that they blow up in seconds. One team focus targets, other dont. Its not that you get killed in 2 sec by another player, you get blown up by their whole team, expecting to survive a full team frontal assault in the open (or players just straight up walking into a bunch of DH traps). Call target button is your friend and following up with your team is the way to go. Randomly doing dmg to some random player is generally useless.

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