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Everything posted by NICENIKESHOE.7128

  1. Though to be fair I think there's a bit of mixup in terms of skill ceiling and skill floor. Ideally balance should happen so that each profession has viable skill floor, where new/majority of players can enjoy their class. And then it should also balance skill ceiling, where player skill differences plays much larger aspect than class builds. A classic example is dragonhunter where it used to abuse low end players but struggled (even now) significantly in higher end.
  2. Chaos interrupt will fall in the unused builds like it always be once people start playing with condiclear and more defense again.BTW about the note : What did they mean by the illusion counter ? it may be my bad english but I don't get it.Speed of Sand = no superspeed reset when using master of manipulation.Chrono shatter : it's a shatter mecanics like without IP and we lose F4 invul. Need to see the numbers.Dune cloak : can be pretty good with boon removal.Auspicious anguish : hudge survival nerf for all chaos builds. (Hopefully I switched to no chaos builds.) Will see how did it perform with other changes. BTW WHERE IS THE GLAMOUR TRAIT : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72428/when-will-the-glamour-trait-come-backCome on please... the three purple/pink dots next to shatters now reflect on non-shattered clones only rather than included ones running towards enemy for shatter.
  3. Very curious about the "The mirage gains a copy of any boon removed" bit in dune cloak. I personally don't think it'll work on shattered concentration but if it does it'll make mesmer too strong (even if shattered concentration is often negligible with so many boons pooped out). Either way this trait sacrifices the damage opportunity for IH for a decent teamfight potential, making mirage quite boon heavy in this meta without chaos traitline.
  4. Don't be so quick to judge, you are part of the forum in other's eyes.
  5. Would be funny if GW2 pulled a Sylvanas and had the charrs restarted their war on human with the Crystal dragon gone from their back. Also made some interesting dynamic between Rytlock and Logan :P
  6. Anet usually takes 1 year or more to revert changes, if it does happen at all, with a good disguise as "pvp/pve split". It's been happening since before HoT, where they usually double nerf something or not hitting the right target at all. Leaving players confused as to why with every balance patch. We all know this won't happen. Mostly to save faces, and not admitting overnerf. Or to save faces again :open_mouth:
  7. hmm might worth building one just for lol. But perhaps its condirupt chrono? Like dueling/illusion/chrono with some slow traits for covering condi. Keep in mind chrono has next to zero skills/utility that apply DoT and whatever DoT condi application must comes from core trait/skills.
  8. :o Not even a gen 1? Nope You need a fashion wars coach :P Legendaries rarely scream "fashion". Only a select few do.Aye that's why you need a coach to be flashy and fashionable :P
  9. :o Not even a gen 1? NopeYou need a fashion wars coach :P
  10. This may be a weird place to post legendary weapon thread...but this greatsword screams of mesmer and I want to share with fellow mesmers.For once I'm actually glad I hold off on crafting Twilight.
  11. Now we just need every dps and a healer run necro so we could potentially perma fear it (x
  12. I see this as three separate issues: evade, block (without signet of might) and damage. We can argue damage and berserker principles/viability all day long but the other two issues would be bugs worthy of hotfix if they are true. I'd expect it's easy to test whether it can't be evaded, or can't be blocked without signet of might (yes I'm aware of the utility). I have no GW2 this week but if a pair of helpful people test this out they can literally save so much hassle on this thread. PS what I'm getting at is video would help immensely
  13. You said it yourself, it's "one of the toughest". =)Except you do nothing but bunk points until someone +1 you or them, which other meta side-noders can do the same with more chance of killing opponent.Then again most side noders are build to have very un-engaging gameplay anyway.
  14. I think there's only one logical reason that a person can survive raid but not open world. Bless that healer.
  15. Chronomancer though? He can't even beat a meme bunker or glass power?
  16. I thought their new fractals already included several raid mechanics and it's already the direction they're taking?
  17. My guild always cracked at how much better we are at wielding Sohothin than Rytlock.
  18. I'm expecting raid to go something like 2 firebrand (1 tank, 1 dps)/1 renegade (with some concentration to make orders perma alacrity) and 1 druid. 2 chronos could still work but will lose out on initial burst edge (which weaver rely on a lot) and will need to rely on druid spirits for boon generation, not self support. Like one of my guildies said. Mesmer is finally out of chrono jail...by being executed.
  19. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/744385 Runes of tormenting under radar.
  20. Oh no one is doubting 6th bonus, I trust most players are pretty happy with new and interesting interactions.But as always there should be fine tuning, the healed amount needs to be adjusted appropriate to torment's accessibility on rev/mesmer/necro. So that we don't have silly people who like strawman argument and invoking kneejerk balance like what we just had with Abrasive Grit (which I still believe having AG not proc off Sanctuary is way smarter than slapping lazy ICD)
  21. "Fighting overtuned aspect with overtuned aspect" is merely distracting the discussion.Stop with the ignorance and see what the runes can do, there are already plenty of video on it.
  22. Still no toning down healing per stack.I guess rather than having 6k heal per dodge (with bleed etc) we now have 3k heal per dodgeThey either have no clue or just too proud to admit mistake. That would require hitting someone with 17 stacks of torment. I think if you're hitting someone with that much torment it wouldn't matter, the person has bigger issues than you healing off the torment applied. If it's vs a few other players maybe it has merit but as this is the mesmer area mesmer scales poorly when you get over 3 players fighting it. Usual rules apply, if the guy is running off half the time, don't chase and just bomb them away when they come back.Mate you can pick on the numbers if you want, you know my point.This amount of torment is very much achieveable in WvW/PvE, the amount of healing it brings should be much less in the first place.
  23. Still no toning down healing per stack.I guess rather than having 6k heal per dodge (with bleed etc) we now have 3k heal per dodgeThey either have no clue or just too proud to admit mistake.
  24. Just curious Ben, mechanically wise how likely it is develop a pure CTF map without conquest points in GW2 system? Will have to see how 2v2 turns out, but I think PvP population is hungry for non-conquest modes and Spirit Watch revamp could mean something new.
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