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Hogwarts Zebra.8597

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Everything posted by Hogwarts Zebra.8597

  1. I sometimes meme around with hambow DH in pvp drop hammer5, freecast for 5 seconds. cast LB5, freecast for another 5 seconds 😆
  2. old retal actually provided decent dmg in pvp, you'd usually end fights with 3k+ dmg coming from retal. resolution is a side grade--against power builds ur nerfed, against condi builds ur buffed
  3. gamemode? in endgame pve cele will never be useful. for solo/open world u can just run the old Cele FB build that's been around for awhile. in wvw zergs cele is not useful, u still wanna take minstrel. for roaming cele is decent, but the problem is that if u build to make use of cele stats, u lose all mobility so u just get run over by any party of 5+ that comes your way
  4. without extra toughness from toughness amulets, light armor takes ~15% more dmg than heavy armor. so you'd be getting 9.2k crit, not 11k. taking 8k dmg when u only have 11k health is much more significant than taking 9.2k dmg when u have anywhere from 16-30k health armor also is irrelevant against condi, a very relevant weakness in this meta
  5. if u wanna main guard, i'd suggest shield (flameseeker prophecies). it's used on nearly every guard build except for dps roles in pve (the skin is also much prettier imo than mace/axe). shield is also used by basically every class that can equip it in pvp/wvw
  6. He's just messing around. The skill always does the same amount of damage to people who cross the border, and teleporting through the border counts as crossing it (think of teleporting as just moving extremely quickly). You do not take 10 times the damage unless u manage to cross the border 10 times during the 6 seconds it's up xD
  7. yep 0% boon duration is already enough to upkeep perma fury+retal for 100% crit, 15% just makes it easier. u do lose a little dmg from runes, but fireworks still gives +175 power and some decent might so the difference isnt very significant
  8. fireworks runes already gives 15% boon duration, u dont need any more from gear. The extra health is MASSIVE. You simply cannot roam in wvw with 11k health, heavy armor or otherwise. u will get 1shot by way too many things (nade barrage, true shot, spinal shivers, etc). Full glass ranger still has 16k health, and full glass warr has 19k health--very different from being full glass and having only 11k health. You will also find that guardian has some of the worst escape potential in the game. You can stick to targets quite easily, but disengaging is literally impossible unless u can find a neutral mob to use JI+sw2 on, but even then if the enemy has a 600+ range port, u will not be getting out of combat. Also you do not lose any damage at all with this setup compared to yours. It's literally just full zerk damage, since any crit chance above 45% is wasted cuz u get +20% from fury and +25% from retal and +10% against burning targets (+55% total) As for litany, what if u miss your glacial blow? it has a pretty obvious animation and good players will be able to consistently dodge it. u end up with garbage healing while also taking 3k+ more dmg than u would've if you'd had access to the block from shelter
  9. the whole point of radiance is that it gives u 100% crit when u have retal and fury up. with this build u get perma fury+retal so intel is just a waste unless enemy team has insane boonrips (2+ scg stacks or smth) Gear here is no good. Mix zerk/valk for 45% crit chance exactly, and use fireworks runes Shelter is far better against competent opponents who dont just facetank your damage. a well timed shelter can easily mitigate 5k+ dmg in addition to the 6k healing (4.5k base + 1.5k from lesser smite). only thing to beware of is unblockable CC
  10. not after may 11th patch. u will be able to facetank a full SoJ cast and only get one 4s burn and one 2s burn kekw. u could literally facetank all 3 SoJ casts without cleansing, and still be at half health
  11. wtf ru talking about lol few builds had access to resistance, condi herald is the only one that gets screwed over torment changes make condi necro and condi mes much weaker (and condi herald ofc), and retal/resolution will be very useful against condi.
  12. along with every other 300s ICD trait.... it's ridiculous that holo gets literally a full traitline of 30s ICD passives while every other class with passive trait procs now have 300s ICD
  13. Lmao no. Thief would be one of the 2 or 3 classes you would never see played at the top. Without being able to run away, thief cant do anything but lose. uhhh nosimply look at thieves in wvw. that is what 1v1 arena without objectives/dmg field timer would look like. u also might wanna read the 2nd half of my post Yeah? Thieves in WvW tend to gank people (or +1 if you want), and avoid almost all 1v1s because they lose. The damage field isnt even neccessary, if its just a small arena, thief still cant run and dies. you are clearly either a thief main trying to make your class sound weak to avoid nerfs/get buffs, or you have not played enough to encounter a good thief.thief, especially DE, is a very potent 1v1er in wvw. the only reason the whole idea of "thief cant 1v1" exists is because in pvp you need to hold nodes, and thief sucks at that. Remove said nodes, and thief is an excellent duelist I am neither. I am simply someone who has played against a lot of thieves, and has noticed a certain trend. Thief, especially DE, is one of the worst 1v1ers in WvW. Thief is very good at ganking. But for 1v1s, their standard solution is to ... run away. The reason the idea of "thief cant 1v1" exists is because thief cant 1v1. But lets take your explanation. Think about it for a second. If thief is an excellent duelist, why cant they hold nodes? After all, they could just win the 1v1 and hold the node. Its because thief is heavily reliant on being able to run away whenever they would lose the 1v1 (which is almost always). But if you run away from a node, you cant hold it. Now what happens if you remove the node? Well, the thief can run away. But here is the thing, running away is the same as losing the 1v1. And if you, say, put thief into a small arena, where they cant run away? They die again. Here is the funny thing. People have had 1v1 tournaments already. Thief was usually rarely picked, and the few thieves that were played all ate kitten. Thief would be atrocious in a 1v1 gamemode, unless that 1v1 gamemode had no time limit and no area limit. And even then they wouldnt be good, they would just cause stalemates.this is a false explanation. First off, you confuse kiting with "running away". thief needs space to kite to win most 1v1s--it does not need to run away completely (aka get out of combat). You ask: "If thief is an excellent duelist, why cant they hold nodes?"Because winning the NODE is vastly different from winning an actual open field DUEL. There are countless meta 1v1ers who cannot kill anything. Decap druid and decap scrapper for instance. This is because a duel in pvp is won by taking the node. Actually securing the kill is irrelevant. That's why conquest meta is dominated by classes that shit out AOEs/knockbacks that force the opponent off node. This changes completely in an actual 1v1 deathmatch. Thief's lack of AOE becomes irrelevant. in fact, it becomes an advantage, since most AOE skills are basically wasted slots in an open field duel. it's mobility becomes much more significant--you do not need to worry about losing the node if you kite away. It's stealth loses it's only disadvantage: losing cap/decap contribution on node. In essence, every single one of thief's disadvantages in standard conquest becomes either irrelevant or an actual advantage once nodes are gone.
  14. Lmao no. Thief would be one of the 2 or 3 classes you would never see played at the top. Without being able to run away, thief cant do anything but lose. uhhh nosimply look at thieves in wvw. that is what 1v1 arena without objectives/dmg field timer would look like. u also might wanna read the 2nd half of my post Yeah? Thieves in WvW tend to gank people (or +1 if you want), and avoid almost all 1v1s because they lose. The damage field isnt even neccessary, if its just a small arena, thief still cant run and dies. you are clearly either a thief main trying to make your class sound weak to avoid nerfs/get buffs, or you have not played enough to encounter a good thief.thief, especially DE, is a very potent 1v1er in wvw. the only reason the whole idea of "thief cant 1v1" exists is because in pvp you need to hold nodes, and thief sucks at that. Remove said nodes, and thief is an excellent duelist
  15. it's not normal for -20 with less then 3 min Q time tho also ill post SS again since the last SS post got deleted for making fun of mr. Leonardrex for being such a funny and intelligent individual. -20 with less then 3 min Q time, -17 with less then 2 min Q time, should be reasonable with 5 mins+ Q time tho, as i would know not many players of the same rating are playing at the moment, but not with sub 3 min Q time.-20 is understandable if i see long Q time that i know nobody is playing, but such short Q time, how. based on my experience/observations, you lose more rating if enemy team has a lower AVERAGE rating than yours (and yours only--your team's average rating doesn't matter).So if ur p1 but get a full team of g2s, and enemy is full team of g3s, u lose a kitten ton of rating for a loss while your teammates lose a trivial amount. This was evident when I duo-qed with someone ~200 rating lower than me. for loss i get -18, he gets -8 The experience was that, with less then 2 min Q time means, there's more people of your rating playing at the time, if there's less people the Q time gets longer and the threshold gets wider, that's when you get bigger rating lose, clearly this isnt the case here.yeah well ideally i'd like MM to work like this too, but we just have scuffed matchmaking/population so there's nothing we can do about it
  16. it's not normal for -20 with less then 3 min Q time tho also ill post SS again since the last SS post got deleted for making fun of mr. Leonardrex for being such a funny and intelligent individual. -20 with less then 3 min Q time, -17 with less then 2 min Q time, should be reasonable with 5 mins+ Q time tho, as i would know not many players of the same rating are playing at the moment, but not with sub 3 min Q time.-20 is understandable if i see long Q time that i know nobody is playing, but such short Q time, how. based on my experience/observations, you lose more rating if enemy team has a lower average rating than yours (and yours only--your team's average rating doesn't matter).So if ur p1 but get a full team of g2s, and enemy is full team of g3s, u lose a crap ton of rating for a loss while your teammates lose a trivial amount. This was evident when I duo-qed with someone ~200 rating lower than me. for loss i get -18, he gets -8
  17. Lmao no. Thief would be one of the 2 or 3 classes you would never see played at the top. Without being able to run away, thief cant do anything but lose. uhhh nosimply look at thieves in wvw. that is what 1v1 arena without objectives/dmg field timer would look like. u also might wanna read the 2nd half of my post
  18. if they made 1v1 gamemode, literally all you'd see at top tier play is thief v thief. in open field 1v1, thief literally can never lose if they dont want to. if they add a damage field on a timer like in 2v2/3v3, you'd see the same AOE spam meta as in our current gamemodes
  19. imo removing the self-root would be enough for it to see some play it was used a bit in previous mini seasons, but in 5v5 the self-root just destroys you
  20. Since signets of suffering is a % scale, increasing signet CD doesn't do shit only possible way to nerf it is to nerf %recharge/sec of the trait
  21. While I support the notion of making condi builds less spammy, scourge is certainly not "even more oppressive" than it was before. It is far easier to kill now with the smaller barriers.
  22. You cannot really react to a DH laying a trap under you, so that doesn't deal damage. But walking/being knocked over the visible edges of the ring is something you have to avoid. What's your problem with this? Mainly why did it get buffed in the patch that was supposed to nerf damage when it was already very strong.If you did some basic calculations, you'd see that the damage was nerfed, not buffed. Let's look at the change: Increased power coefficient of pass-through attack from 2.52 to 2.8. Reduced power coefficient of initial attack from 1.4 to 0.1 So ToF lost a 1.3 coefficient on initial activation for a 0.28 gain for each proc. If we divide 1.3 by 0.28 we get 4.64285714, which is the amount of times you'll have to cross the border in order for post-patch dmg to catch up to pre-patch dmg. This means you need to cross the border at least 5 times to take more dmg than you did pre-patch). Obviously this will never happen. Any competent player will not get hit by the border 5+ times, and any pepega that does would be dead already. Conclusion: the patch was an overall damage nerf to ToF
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